Catechism Bible Quiz

After how many new moons did the Israelites arrive at the wilderness of Sinai?
They never arrived
In what way did the LORD say He will appear to the Israelites at Mount Sinai?
Wings of fire
A violent wind
A dense cloud
Tongues of fire
On what day did the LORD say He would come down upon Mount Sinai?
Seventh day
Third day
Fifth day
First day
In what way did the LORD say that those who touch the mountain or go up the mountain will die?
Beaten alive or stabbed with a sword
Burnt alive or starved to death
Attacked by spears or beaten alive
Stoned alive or shot with arrows
In what way did Moses tell the Israelites to consecrate themselves?
Circumcising themselves
Washing their clothes
Pouring oil on themselves
Not having any sexual relations
Why was Mount Sinai wrapped in smoke on the third morning?
The LORD descended in fire
Israelites shot fired arrows
A furnace exploded
A tent caught fire
How did the LORD answer Moses whenever Moses spoke on the third morning?
In a trumpet blast
In fire
In thunder
In a normal voice
The LORD said what would happen if the Israelites looked to see the LORD?
They would be forgiven
They would die
They would have eternal life
They would be burned
Who did the LORD allow to go up Mount Sinai with Moses?
What was the sixth commandment the LORD gave to the Israelites?
Do not use the name of the LORD in vain
Do not covet your neighbour's goods
Do not commit adultery
Keep the Sabbath day holy
What was the tenth commandment the LORD gave to the Israelites?
You shall have no other gods but Me
Do not covet your neighbour's goods
Do not murder
Do not lie
Out of what material did the LORD say to build an altar for the LORD?
Which two animals did the LORD say to offer as a burnt sacrifice?
Sheep and oxen
Camel and goose
Lamb and quail
Oxen and lamb
Why did the LORD say not to build steps up to the altar?
It will disrespect the LORD
You might slip
He never said that
Your nakedness will be revealed
Which of the 12 disciples said "Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied"?
Judas Iscariot
What did Jesus say He was to the disciples in John 14?
"I am the way, the truth, and the life"
"I am the vine"
"I am the bread of life"
"I am the gate"
With what term did Jesus describe the Holy Spirit?
What happened 40 days after the resurrection of Jesus?
He was crucified once again
He disappeared
His mother died
He ascended into heaven
What did Jesus say His disciples will be baptized with?
Holy Spirit
Upon which mount did Jesus ascend to heaven?
Mount Sinai
Mount Tabor
Mount of Olives
Har Karkom
Who appeared right after the ascension of Jesus?
Two men in white robes
Angel Gabriel and Angel Michael
Holy Spirit
Paul the Apostle
Which two apostles of Jesus were proposed to replace Judas Iscariot as one of Jesus' disciples?
Paul and Saul
Ananias and Sapphira
Judas and Joel
Joseph Barsabbas and Matthias
What appeared on the heads of the disciples on the day of Pentecost?
Tongues of fire
Angel wings
What astonished the Jerusalem Jews when they saw the disciples?
Their ability of speaking in all languages
Their ability of incredible vision
Their ability of prophesying the future
They weren't astonished
What did Peter say to do to the Jews when they asked him "what should we do"?
Live your life in accordance of the Jewish laws
Forsake your beliefs and become atheist
Wait for the second coming of Jesus
Repent and be baptized
How many Jews converted on the day of Pentecost?
{"name":"Catechism Bible Quiz", "url":"","txt":"After how many new moons did the Israelites arrive at the wilderness of Sinai?, In what way did the LORD say He will appear to the Israelites at Mount Sinai?, On what day did the LORD say He would come down upon Mount Sinai?","img":""}
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