Chapter 9 Vocabulary Quiz

Established in 1781, what was the first constitution that weakly held the states together?
Articles of Confederation
Confederation of Articles
Civic Virtue
Territory located northwest of the Ohio river, east of the Mississippi river, and south of the Great Lakes.
Northwest Ordinance
New Northwest
Louisiana Purchase
Old Northwest
Proceeded to repaying national debt and provided for the sale of the Old Northwest
Old Northwest
Land Ordinance of 1785
Great Compromise
Virginia Plan
Policy for administering the Northwest Territories
Northwest Ordinance
Expansion of slavery
Great Compromise
In 1786, a rebellion of armed uprising of western Massachusetts debtors seeking lower taxes
Massachusetts rebellion
Tax rebellion
Shay's Rebellion
Plain Rebellion
A plan that favored larger states in a proposal for a new constitution
New Jersey Plan
Virginia Plan
Texas Plan
California Plan
Small state plan that proposed equal representation
New York Plan
Massachusetts Plan
New Jersey Plan
Virginia Plan
What gave states proportional representation in the House and equal representation in the Senate?
Articles of Confederation
Great Compromise
Constitutional Convention
Laws that originate from court rulings and customs
Civil Law
Simple Law
Common Law
Body of written law enacted through legislative statutes or constitutional provisions
Civil Law
Simple Law
Common Law
A compromise that made it that a slave would be counted less than one person for the purpose of taxes and representation
Two-fifths compromise
Three-fifths compromise
Three-fourths compromise
Four-fifths compromise
Opponents of the 1787 Constitution
"The Federalist"
Proponents of the 1787 Constitution
"The Federalist"
Collections of essays published during the ratification debate in New York
"The Federalist"
Which society was the organization of former officers in the Continental Army
Society of the Cincinnati
Society of Ohio
Society of the Chicago
Society of Illinois
To separate from a church and its connections to the government
Church leave
A measure that prohibited state support for religious institutions and recognizing freedom of worship
Delaware Statute for Religious Freedom
South Carolina Statute for Religious Freedom
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
Georgia Statute for Religious Freedom
Willingness on the part of citizens to sacrifice personal self-interest for the public good
Civic virtue
Virtue of civic
Good will
Self will
Ideal of family organization and female behavior after the American Revolution that stressed the role of women in guiding family members toward republican virtue.
Republican motherhood
Civic virtue
Federalist motherhood
Antifederalists motherhood
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