
1. had I studied very well, I ____ rewarded with the vacation in the US.
A. was
C. Will be
B. Would have been
D. Would be
2. When helping the kitchen, I am always careful not to hurt myse
A. ourselves
C. himself
B. Myself
D. herself
3. Neither the teacher nor the students ____ present the affairs.
A. am
C. was
B. is
d. were
4. My sister and I met an acquaintance of ____ on the shopping mall.
A. ours
C. mine
B. us
D. ourselves
5. We admire ___ when Cynthia speaks English fluently with____
A. Him, them
C. Her, us
B. Him, we
D. Him, me
6. On your trip to tagaytay, if you chance upon arsenio, please give ____ my warm regards.
A. himself
C. Him
B. Myself
D. Me
7. The student's request to reset the test____ reasonable.
A. were
C. are
B. very
D. is
8. " My concept of inner peace came from my mother's daily activities which I now recall with fondness and awe. She was full time housewife, wholly dependent on my father's monthly salary. How she made both ends meet, guided us in our studies and did small acts of charity on the side was beyond me . " The mother's financial resources are____
A. More than enough
C. Miserable
B. abundant
D. Limited
9. " The figures must be TRANSMUTED in order to understand the grade. "
A. Estimated
C. Surpassed
B. Changed
D. Summed
10. Some preachers suggest the ___ that the end of the world is near;
A. Proposal
C. Prophecy
B. Prophetic
D. Prophet
11. The courge of the child who saved his brother from raging fire is worth___
A. Emulating
C. Narrating
B. Mentoring
D. Watching
12. The expession of " baduy" connotes:
A. Uneducated
C. Awkward looking
B. Low profile
D. smart
13. Several factors mus be assessed to arrive t a sound ____.
A. Query
C. change
B. Decision
D. problem
14. " Because of PROFANITY the program was suspended from television. "
A. Obscenity
C. Decency
B. History
D. Falsehood
15. A story put together through an exchange of letter is called ____ literature.
A. Fiction
C. Episodic
B. Epistolary
16. What figure of speech is " The Lord is my sheperd."
C. Irony
B. Hyperbole
D. Metaphor
17. What figure of speech is the following : " He is the black sheep of the family. "
A. Metaphor
C. Alliteration
B. Simile
D. Hyperbole
18. " Sturdy and strong , the filipinos are like the Molave' is _____
A. Simile
C. Metaphor
B. Irony
D. Hyperbole
19. " She is a lovely rose . "
A. Simile
C. Irony
B. Hyperbole
D. metaphor
20. " droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven " is what figure of speech ?
A. Personification
C. Hyperbole
B. simile
D. Metaphor
21. Cognitive skills are not easily observable beacause they are_____.
A. overt
C. hidden
B. psychological
D. mental
22. The celebrated play of william shakespeare about two ill-started who come from waring families.
A. Romeo and Juliet
C anthony and cleopatra
B. Hamlet and Ofelia
D. Ana and the king
23. Who is the father of psychology?
A. watson
C. Thorndike
B. skinner
24. Famous sculptor of landmark structures.
A. Jacinto
C. castrillo
B. manansala
D. cuevas
25.what is the lowest form of learning?
26. Which of the following study of human behavior ?
B. morality
27. The filipinos are deeply religious; however, sometimes this religiousity instills the NEGATIVE attitude of _____.
A. Social responsibility to participate in the development of the society.
C. Total surrender to god in times of helplessness is best.
B. Resignation and ends up into doing nothing to improve one's condition.
D. God who is omnipotent and omniscient will allow what is best.
28.which of the following statements is true about textbook laid on the table?
A. No force is acting on it.
C. The sum of th forces acting upon it is zero.
B. The textbook undergoes acceleration
D. The textbook undergoes deceleration.
29. Analects which are short and witty sayings that treat of moral values and good human relation, are attributed to :
A.Mao tze Tung
D. Lao-Tzu
30.Which of the following is an artistic tradition that seeks to revive past glory in various forms ?
D. classical
31.what is the application of the principles of the theories of human behavior in teaching and learning?
A. Educational theory
C. Educational psychology
B.educational philosophy
D. Educational sociology
32. The public school teacher gives much importance to her pupils _____.
A. cleanliness
C. absence
B. study
D. posture
33.considering the " tayo-tayo" mentality of the filipino, one goal for CHANGE that should be worked on is to develop______.
A. A sense of common good
C. " pakikisama"
B. A sense of national pride
D. The habits of descipline and hard work
34.who is the proponent of the arena theater ?
A. carpio
C. montano
B. tinio
D. avellana
35. She is known for the love sonnets she wrote.
A. Paz MArquez Benitez
C. Gilda cordero Fernando
B. Edith Trempo
D. Ophelia Dimalanta
36. What is a collection of Indian Sacred Hymns ?
A. Rig Veda
C. Upanishad
B. MAhabharata
D. RAmayana
37.which is NOT characteristics of people with a strong sense of efficacy ?
A. View challenging problems as tasked to be mastered.
C. Avoid challenging tasks.
B. Recover quickly from setbacks and dissappointments
D. Develop deeper interest in the activities in which they participate.
38.who is the mythical geographer who has recognize due to his vivid descriptions of lands and people encountered by his hero ulysses ?
A. Virgil
C. Homer
B. Plato
D. Cicero
39.haiku is traditional Japanese poems consisting of ___.
A. Eight lines ending in rhyming couplet with death as topic.
C. Three lines totalling 17 syllables with nature as topic .
B. Lines of poetry in free verse with ordinary things as topic.
D. Four lines that rhyme with love as topic.
40. The filipino writer in english who used hisoanic filipino culture and traditions in his fiction works.
A. Edilberto tiempo
C. Sionil Jose
B. Nick Joaquin
D. Jose Garcia Villa
41. Who is the famous composer from Angono who is also a national artist ?
A. Buenaventura
C. San Pedro
B. Cenizal
D. CAyabyab
42. Which among the following is the oart of the newspaper where you can see the opinions of people ?
A. Classified section
C. Headline
B. obituary
D. Editorial section
43. Which best describes the division of the legislature into the senate and the house of representatives ?
A. bicameralism
C. unicameralism
B. bipartisanship
D. co-legislative powers
44.who was the last spanish governal-general of the philippines ?
A.ramon blanco
C. Basilio agustin
B. Diego delos reyes
Fermin jaudenes
45.which demonstrate s interconnectedness between social and environmental injustice ?
A. Industrialized countries' toxic disposed to pooerer countries.
C. Desertification of verdnt regions
B. Temperature warming and rise of the sea level.
D. Extinction of rare animal species.
46. Participation in governance , including the right to vote and seek to public office is secured within the citizenry's ______.
A. Political rights
C. socio-civic rights
B. Right of suffrage
D. Right to due process
47. The right to vote and seek public office is secured within the citizenry's ______.
A. Right to due process
C. Political rights
B. socio-civic rights
D. Right of suffrage
48. Tax imposed on all employed and practicing professionals .
A. Income tax
C. Community tax
B.real estate tax
D. In heritance tax
49.the right to invoked in the " writ of habeas data " is ______.
A.the right to information privacy
C.the right to search for information.
B. The right to gather information data
D. Right to transmit data
50.whose philosophy advocate the use of reason in understanding the existence of God?
A. st. benedict
C. st. john
B. st. peter
D. st. Thomas aquinas
51. Which is the fundamental law of the land ?
A. Bill of rights
C. Civil criminal code
B. constitution
D. Ten commandments
52. Gregoria de jesus saw her husband _____ charge for the treason by fellow filipinos who have formed the philippines revolutionary force to fight spain .
A. Marcelo h. Del pilar
C. Andres bonifacio
B. Emilio aguinaldo
D. Jose rizal
53.which band played the marchanacional filipino of the national anthem on june 12, 1898 during the declaration of the philippine independence?
A. Pangkat kawayang pateros
C. Malabon band
B. Kawit cavite band
D. San francisco del monte band tasked to nurture philippine arts ?
55.through the galleon trade ( 1565-1815) the philippines had extended contacts with ___.
A. spain
C. china
B. Spice island
D. mexico
56. How many dats are needed after which an enrolled bill becomes a law /
A. 75 days
C. 60 days
B. 90 days
D. 30 days
57. In a matriarchal family which family member plays the leading role ?
A. Grandmother
Oldest sister
B. mother
58. Who is known is the " father of the local government code ?
A. Joey lina
C. Jovito salonga
B. Joseph estrada
D. Aquillino pimentel
59.who was the first editor of la solidaridad and an orator of the reform movement ?
A. Juan luna
C. Jose rizal
B. Graciano lopez jaena
D. Marcelo h. Del pilar
60. The philippines is the only _______ country in the world.
A. communist
C. christian
B. buddhist
D. muslim
61. In social trends, how do you call those who are for the revival of the classics ?
A. existentialists
C. humanist
B. rationalists
D. reformists
62. What happens to a good action when it is perform on account of an evil motive ?
A. It becomes good
C. It becomes morally good
B. It becomes evil
D. It becomes an amoral act
63.the tax required to be paid annually by all adult citizens of the philippines is the _______.
A. Community tax
C. Real estate tax
B. Income tax
D. Inheritance tax
64. The fundamental right invoked by filling the " writ of amparo " is ______ .
A. The right to due process
C. The right to be defended by a public attorney
B. The right to self-defense
D. The right to life, liberty and security
65.what is one of the man-made wonders of the philippines?
A. Rice terraces
C. Manila bay
B. Mount makiling
D. Taal volcano
66. As a social science teacher which should teacher nora avoid ?
A. Abreast with all other issues
C. Facilitator of learning
B. Appreciative of change
D. As a sage on the stage.
67. Whos philosophy gives prominence to faith in understanding the existence of God ?
A. st. benedict
C. st. augustine
B. st. peter
D. st. john
68. Which is the largest country in asia ?
C. japan
B. philippines
D. thailand
69. What was the power to set aside certain by the kingdom of spain to the governor- general of the philippines ?
A. Veto power
C. Conditioned power
B. Condign power
D. Compensatory power
70.what best describes the form of government of england with its parliament, a prime minister and a queen ( or king ) ?
A. Constitutional monarchy
C. ethnocracy
B. anarchism
D. demarchy
71. Which rligious missionaries first arrivwed in the philippines ?
A. dominicans
C. jesults
B. franciscan
D. augustians
72. Who were the aboriginal settlers in the islands, prior to succeeding migrants who crossed the seas from the southern philippines ?
A. sumatians
C. borneans
B. malayans
D. negritos
73.the energy source which is abundant in the philippines but still not fully develop is the ?
A. gas
C. sea
B. sun
D. mineral
74.which is an example of a non-pathogenic microorganism ?
A. Palsmodium falciparum
C. Influenza sp.
B. Probiotics such as bifidobacteria
D. Yersinia pestis
75. Monosaccharides, oligosaccarides and polysaccarides are types of ___.
A. proteins
C. nucleotides
B. lipids
D. carbohydrates
76. What is the molecule that allows plants to capture energy from sunlight ?
A. carbohydrates
B. chlorophyll
D. oxygen
77. What are the thin strcture essential to cytokinesis,amoeboid movement and changes in cell shape ?
A. Myosin filaments
C. monofilaments
B. Pseudo filaments
D. microfilaments a flame test, the presence of born in a solution is evident by what color of flame ?
A. Bright green
C. Brick red
B. gold
D. lilac
79. Which of the following is the CORRECT name for the compound MnF3 ?
A. Manganese flouride (III)
C. Manganese(III)Flouride
B. Manganese (I) Flouride ( III)
D. Manganese (III) flouride (III)
80. Which of the following is the heterotroph ?
A. Algae
C. Grasshopper
B. Fern
D. Moss
81. Polysaccarides, triglysaccarides, polypeptides and nucleic acids are classified as _____.
A. carbohydrates
C. phopholipids
B. Acids and bases
D. macromolecular
82. Which of the following is the measue of the pressure, define as one newton per square meter ?
A. pascal
C. milliliter
B. Atomic units
83. A metric carat is a unit of mass for measuring gemstones. It is equivalent to ____.
A. 1000 mg
C. 2kg
B. 200mg
D. 100 mg
84.Kingdom plantae includes which organisms ?
A. Prokaryotes
C. Magnolidae
B. Fungi
D. Protozoa
85.Science provides knowledge through disciplined observation. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of scientific assertation ?
A. Logic and validity
C. Conformity with actual observation
B. Empirical support
D. hearsy
86.Damage to DNA that is not repaired and then replicated can result in genetic disorders ?
C. embryology
B. pathology
D. speciation
87.what organism would most likely be in arctic environment ?
A. crocodile
C. turtle
B. walrus
D. Maya bird are bats able to navigate in the dark without bumping into anything ?
A. They emit sound waves whose returning vibrations can detect the presence of objects.
C. They have supersonic eyesight
B. They are able to flouresce in the dark
D. They can disappear
{"name":"Reviewer", "url":"","txt":"had i studied very well, i ____ rewarded with the vacation in the US., 2. When helping the kitchen, I am always careful not to hurt myse, 3. Neither the teacher nor the students ____ present the affairs.","img":""}
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