Tps quiz

An illustrated scene of characters in a fantasy setting, depicting a mysterious universe with vibrant colors, featuring elements of astrology, adventure, and quirky interactions among the characters.

Tps Universe Challenge

Welcome to the Tps Universe Challenge! Test your knowledge about the fascinating characters and events in this unique storyline.

Can you answer all the questions and prove your expertise? Discover characters like Apollo, Falyn, and Natalia, and dive deep into their adventures. Get ready for:

  • Fun and engaging questions
  • A mix of multiple choice and checkboxes
  • A chance to show off your fandom!
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by CuriousGalaxy42
Is Apollo gonna remain bold, and so Tps will end?
Or, are you actually gonna get a good grade, above 8?
Is Apollo gonna remain bold, and so Tps will end?
Or, are you actually gonna get a good grade, above 8?
1. What's Appolo's name?
Lester Papa- (etc)
He doesn't have any other name.
2. Complete this iconic line Astrolo said: `Am I dangerous to you?`
`It's funny to me, how you would, do this`
`In that matter of thinking, how do you have friends?`
`Is it because you are just paranoid? Or is it maybe because you trust people too much?`
`I'm just a kid`
3. In the recent episode, no checking, Falyn was a master of the ... bending.
She wasn't a master yet
4. When Natalia and Nico remeeted they didn't talk to each other at all.
Idk Sophia
5. When Sophia approced Falyn's brother and said `Hush!`, she meant:
Hush as: hush and shush
His name (Hush)
Both, 'cuz it was an easter egg
Apollo bald XD
6. Apollo's near Hush's age and yet he still...
Finds him annoying
Is shortar than him
Hasn't heard of New Georgy
Is somehow bald
7. Natalia (*you*) feels about Sophia's friends as:
Bff thieves!
Good people
Dangerous and immature
Clearly a ripoff of Soka and Katara
8. Nico and Natalia are cannon:
Somewhere in goo
Near the narrator...
9. Ex and Artemis had a date in that room (This is the dance I do at school many times)
We all know it
Nope, not yet
Idk, didn't heard of it
And, finally 10: Did you do good?
I fickle insecuriteies, idk
I turned the grade into beauty
I caramelize the dark within me, by cheating
I hate what I did before
I fear, I won't live to see the day tomorrow of Tps
Someone tell me if I did great
I lied. One more: U know me right, so, did/will Will die? (Will-will)
Yeah saddly
No, he has plot armour
Ok, now we're done, did you do good?
Hmm, let's see
Ok, now we're done, did you do good?
Hmm, let's see
{"name":"Tps quiz", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Tps Universe Challenge! Test your knowledge about the fascinating characters and events in this unique storyline.Can you answer all the questions and prove your expertise? Discover characters like Apollo, Falyn, and Natalia, and dive deep into their adventures. Get ready for:Fun and engaging questionsA mix of multiple choice and checkboxesA chance to show off your fandom!","img":""}
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