POL 106

Searching the rear seat area of your cruiser at the beginning and end of your shift and after any person has been in the rear seat will allow the officer to:
Allow contraband found to be tied to a specific subject
Get promoted for following policy
Feel secure when persons are sitting behind them
The following items should be inspected prior to the start of each shift:
Both A & B
Rifle, Shotgun, PBT
Lighting- emergency and regular, and siren
Michigan Hot Files are located where?
LEIN is and acronym for:
Law Enforcement Information Network
Law Enforcement Information Needs
Law Entitled Information Network
_______ is a message switching network that allows communication between all 50 states/ Canada/ Mexico/ Interpol
Drivers license photos are located in which information network?
Michigan SOS
International Justice and Public Safety Network
Statewide Network of Agency Photos
Michigan Mug Shot photos can be accessed through:
An officer who intentionally accesses, uses, and/or discloses nonpublic info obtained from LEIN/NCIC for personal use or gain is guilty of:
Misdemeanor, if first offense
Civil Infraction, if first offense
Felony, if first offense
In order to receive a return from all systems that Lein interfaces with, you need to submit complete info. Complete info is:
Full name, DOB, Race and Sex
Last name, first initial, DOB and Sex
Full name, estimated age, Race and Sex
A LEIBN response of Officer safety Caution provides you with legal authority to:
Detain for more investigation
Arrest immediately
The detention, apprehension, detection, pretrial release, post-trial release, prosecution, adjudication, correctional supervision, or rehabilitation of accused person or criminal offenders. It also includes criminal identification activities; the collection, storage, and dissemination of criminal history record info; and criminal justice employment. Is the definition of:
Administration of Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Information Systems
Probation Officer
The wrongful access, use, or disclosure of LEIN/NCIC would be
Violation issues
Criminal issues
Non-compliance issues
The failure of an agency to follow the correct procedures for accessing Criminal Justice Information would be a:
Non-compliance issue
Violation issue
Criminal issue
County prosecuting attorneys have:
Full access to LEIN
Restricted access to LEIN
No access to LEIN
The employees of the department of human services may have ____ access to LEIN
Loss prevention has
No access to LEIN
Restricted access to LEIN
Full access to LEIN
ORI is
Originating Agency Identifier
Office Required Identifier
Original requestor Info
The agency that has ORI MI 410013A is a
Non law enforcement agency
Law enforcement agency
None of the above
The two mandatory fields for all queries are
Operator, For
Operator, Name
Operator, Baby Herzhaft
Discretion in law enforcement activities is
_____ was not listed as one of the primary reasons for unethical behavior of Police Officers
Low pay
Verbal warnings, written warnings, suspensions are examples of _______ sanctions
Which of the below is not a classification of property according to 1977 PA 273
Property of moderate value
Property of minor value
Property of major value
$25,000 in cash taken during a drug investigation would be classified as
Collectible currency
Found property is disposed of in the following progression
Owner, finder, retain for use of agency-sell and proceeds go to the general fund, charity
Owner, law enforcement agency, government agency
Finder, owner, charity, government agency
Intensive training, standards of conduct, code of ethics, license and self-policing standards are characteristics of a :
Responses from the CPL database are
Required a specific query
Automatic when you run LEIN
Automatic when LEIN shows OSC
The three segments of a criminal history record are:
Arrest, charge, sentence
Apprehension, booking, judicial
Arrest, charge, judicial
LEIN/NCIC policy mandates that Missing Persons be entered within ______ of the initial report
2 hours
30 minuets
24 hours
{"name":"POL 106", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Searching the rear seat area of your cruiser at the beginning and end of your shift and after any person has been in the rear seat will allow the officer to:, The following items should be inspected prior to the start of each shift:, Michigan Hot Files are located where?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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