Dental Anesthesai .prof leang(161-200)
Dental Anesthesia Quiz
Test your knowledge with our comprehensive quiz on Dental Anesthesia. This quiz covers essential topics related to anesthetic agents, their effects, and mechanisms of action. Whether you're a student or a practitioner, you'll find this quiz a valuable resource to enhance your understanding.
- 40 unique questions
- Multiple choice format
- Increase your expertise in dental anesthesia
161. Indicate the anesthetic agent of choice in patient with a liver disease:?
σ½ Lidocaine
σ½ Bupivacaine
σ¾ Procaine
σ½ Eticaine
162. Which of the following local anesthetics is preferable in patient with pseudocholinesterase difiency?
σ½ Procaine
σ¾ Ropivacaine
σ½ Tetracaine
σ½ Benzocaine
163. The primary mechanism of action of local anesthetics is:?
σ½ Activation of ligand-gated potassium channels
σ¾ Blockade of voltage-gated sodium channels
σ½ Stimulation of voltage-gated N-type calcium channels
σ½ Blockade the GABA-gated chloride channels
164. Which of the following local anesthetics is more water-soluble?
σ½ Tetracaine
σ½ Etidocaine
σ¾ Procaine
σ½ Bupivacaine
165. Indicate the local anesthetic, which is more lipid-soluble:?
σ¾ Bupivacaine
σ½ Lidocaine
σ½ Mepivacaine
σ½ Procaine
166. The more lipophilic drugs ?
σ½ Are more potent
σ½ Have longer duration of action
σ½ Bind more extensively to protein
σ¾ All of the above
167. Which of the following fibers is the first to be blocked?
σ½ Type A alpha fibers
σ¾ B and C fibers
σ½ Type A beta fibers
σ½ Type A gamma fibers
168. Indicate the function, which the last to be blocked:?
σ½ Paine, temperature
σ½ Muscle spindles
σ¾ Motor function
σ½ Touch, pressure
169. Which of the following fibers participates in high-frequency pain transmission?
σ¾ Type A delta and C fibers
σ½ Type A alpha fibers
σ½ Type B fibers
σ½ Type A beta fibers
170. Which of the following local anesthetics is an useful antiarrhythmic agent?
σ½ Cocaine
σ½ Bupivacaine
σ½ Ropivacaine
σ¾ Lidocaine
171. Which of the following local anesthetcs is a short-acting drug?
σ¾ Procaine
σ½ Tetracaine
σ½ Bupivacaine
σ½ Ropivacaine
172. Indicate the local anesthetic, which is a long-acting agent:?
σ½ Lidocaine
σ¾ Bupivacaine
σ½ Procaine
σ½ Mepivacaine
173. The anesthetic effect of the agent of short and intermediate duration of action cannot be prolong by adding:?
σ½ Epinephrine
σ½ Norepinephrine
σ¾ Dopamine
σ½ Phenylephrine
174. A vasoconstrictor does not :?
σ½ Retard the removal of drug from the injection site
σ½ Hence the chance of toxicity
σ½ Decrease the blood level
σ¾ Reduce a local anesthetic uptake by the nerve
175. Vasoconstrictors are less effective in prolonging anesthetic properties of :?
σ½ Procaine
σ¾ Bupivacaine
σ½ Lidocaine
σ½ Mepivacaine
176. Which of the following local anesthetics is only used for surface or topical anesthesia ?  Cocaine
σ¾ Cocaine
σ½ Tetracaine
σ½ Procaine
σ½ Bupivacaine
177. Indicate the local anesthetic, which is mainly used for regional nerve block anesthesia?
σ½ Dibucaine
σ¾ Bupivacaine
σ½ Tetracaine
σ½ Cocaine
178. Which of the following local anesthetics is used for infiltrative and regional anesthesia related to amide type?
σ½ Procaine
σ¾ Lidocaine
σ½ Cocaine
σ½ Tetracaine
179. Which of the following local anesthetics is called a universal anesthetic?
σ½ Procaine
σ½ Ropivacaine
σ¾ Lidocaine
σ½ Bupivacaine
180. Most serious toxic reaction to local anesthetics is:?
σ½ Seizures
σ½ Cardiovascular collapse
σ½ Respiratory failure
σ¾ All of the above
181. Correct statements concerning cocaine include all of the following EXCEPT:?
σ½ Cocaine is often used for nose and throat procedures
σ½ Limited use because of abuse potential
σ¾ Myocardial depression and peripheral vasodilation
σ½ Causes sympathetically mediated tachycardia and vasoconstriction
182. Which of the following local anesthetics is more cardiotoxic?
σ½ Procaine
σ¾ Bupivacaine
σ½ Lidocaine
σ½ Mepivacaine
183. Most local anesthetics can cause:?
σ½ Depression of abnormal cardiac pacemaker activity, excitability, conduction
σ½ Depression of the strength of cardiac contraction
σ½ Cardiovascular collapse
σ¾ All of the above
184. Which one of the following local anesthetics causes methemoglobinemia?
σ¾ Prilocaine
σ½ Procaine
σ½ Lidocaine
σ½ Ropivacaine
185. Prilocaine has all of the following properties EXCEPT:?
σ½ It has ester linkage
σ½ Its metabolic product can inhibit the action of sulfonamides
σ¾ It readily penetrates the skin and mucosa
σ½ It is relatively short-acting
186. Correct statements concerning lidocaine include all of the following EXCEPT:?
σ½ It is an universal anesthetic
σ¾ It has esteratic linkage
σ½ It widely used as an antiarrhythmic agent
σ½ It is metabolized in liver
187. Which of the following local anesthetics is more likely to cause allergic reaction?
σ½ Lidocaine
σ½ Bupivacaine
σ¾ Procaine
σ½ Ropivacaine
188. Correct statements concerning bupivacaine include all of the following EXCEPT?
σ¾ It has low cardiotoxicity
σ½ It has amide linkage
σ½ It is a long-acting drug
σ½ An intravenous injection can lead to seizures.
189. The duration of action of local anesthetics agents are divided in short, intermediate and long. Which one of the following is classified as the short one?
Articaine HCL 4%
Prilocaine HCL 4%
Lidocaine HCL 2%
Bupivacaine HCL 0.5%
190. Which one of the following agents is classified as the intermediate one?
Prilocaine HCL 4%
Articaine HCL 4%
Bupivacaine HCL 0.5%
Mepivacaine 3%
191. Which one of the following agents is classified as the long one?
Bupivacaine HCL 0.5%
Lidocaine HCL 2%
Lidocaine HCL 2%
Prilocaine 4%
192. Which one of the following maximum dosage recommendations is selected for the patient weigh 70kg, related to Lidocaine 2% with epinephrine 1:50,000?
490 mg/kg
420 mg/kg
500 mg/kg
350 mg/kg
193. Related to the maximum dose recommended when used Lidocaine 2% with Epinephrine 1:50,000. Which one of the following is selected for ASA?
194. If the two percent of Lidocaine 2% with Epinephrine 1:100,000 are suggested for American Society of Anesthesia. Which one of the following categories of the American Society of Anesthesia was selected?
195. If the Lidocaine 2% with Epinephrine 1:100,00 was used. Which one of the following is selected for the maximum dose recommendation?
7.0 mg/kg
6.6 mg/kg
8.0 mg/kg
2.0 mg/kg
196. If the two percent of Lidocaine 2% with Epinephrine 1:100,000 were used for patient 60kg. Which one of the following was selected for the 60kg patient?
420 mg/kg
350 mg/kg
490 mg/kg
500 mg/kg
197. As with all local anesthetics, the dose varies depending on the area to be anesthetized, the vascularity of tissues, individual tolerance, and the techniques of anesthesia. Which type of the following patient should be decreased the dose for them
Debilitate or elderly patient
Adult patient
Young patient
Children patient
198. If Articaine 4% with epinephrine 1:100,000 or 1:200,000 was used with patient 80kg. Which one of the following option was selected?
490 mg/kg
560 mg/kg
350 mg/kg
650 mg/kg
199. Which one of the following of the maximum dose recommended for normal healthy individual patient per kilogram is.?
7.0 mg/kg
6.6 mg/kg
8.0 mg/kg
6 mg/kg
200. In 1980, when the first edition of Stanley F. Malamed, and the Sixth edition of Hand book of local anesthetic were available in dental cartridge form include: Lidocaine, Articaine, Prilocaine, Mepivacaine, and Bupivacaine. Which one of the following was selected for the maximum dose recommendation related to the Articaine 4% with epinephrine 1:100,000 per kilogram of the patient weight?
σ½ 6.6 mg/kg
8.0 mg/kg
7,0 mg /kg
2.0 mg/kg
{"name":"Dental Anesthesai .prof leang(161-200)", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge with our comprehensive quiz on Dental Anesthesia. This quiz covers essential topics related to anesthetic agents, their effects, and mechanisms of action. Whether you're a student or a practitioner, you'll find this quiz a valuable resource to enhance your understanding.40 unique questionsMultiple choice formatIncrease your expertise in dental anesthesia","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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