Management of Eso

A colorful and engaging illustration of a pediatric eye examination featuring a doctor examining a child's eyes with a focus on strabismus, incorporating charts and diagrams of eye movement and alignment, in a bright, educational style.

Assess Your Knowledge on Esotropia Management

Test your understanding of esotropia management with this engaging and informative quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students.
Explore important concepts, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options related to infantile esotropia and accommodative esotropia.

  • 15 challenging multiple-choice questions
  • Evaluate your knowledge on strabismus
  • Learn key concepts for clinical practice
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by DiagnosingEye42
Infantile esotropia is
A diagnosis of exclusion
6th nerve pasly where Px can't abduct by more than 5-10 degrees
Large ET that has an onsent before first birthday with normal hypperopia
6the nerve pasly with divergence insufficiency
The most common strabismus is
Infantile constant exotropia
Refractive esotropia
Intermirrent exotropia
Infantile esotropia
If a child has a refraction of RE +5.00 and LE +6.00, which eye will develop the esotropia?
If a child passed the positive Raab +3 test, would you prescribe glasses for the accommodative eso?
You may not find all the hyperopis in a child in the first visit. How many of these children will show more hyperopia on the second visit?
A child with accommodative esotropia and a high AC/A will require
Hyperopic correction in the distance
Hyperopic correction at near
Neither A nor B
Both A and B
Which of the following is CORRECT for the standard dosage of cyclo?
1% if older than 6 months
0.5% if older than 6 months
1% if younger than 6 months
0.25% if younger than 6 months
You must ensure you have found the full plus in an accommodative eso Px. If +0.50 is added over the refraction
Px drops VA by a couple letters
Px drops VA by 2 lines
Px drops VA by 3 lines
Px drops VA by 1 line
If you were to put plus in front of one eye to fix the accommodaitve esotropia, which eye would you put the plus in front of?
Fixating eye
Strabismic eye
What is NOT true about untreated accommodative eso?
The eso will change from intermittent to constant
Amblyopia develops in the first few years
Suppression develops in the first few days/weeks
Tension changes in the medial and lateral rectus in the first 6-12 months
Non-accommodative ET will respond to +ve lenses
Which of the following statements is FALSE
You need to prescribe full plus no matter how high it is
If there is a change in Rx by +0.50 you need to change the glasses
Glasses for accommodative ET need to be worn full time
Rejection of full plus glasses occurs in over 10% of children
An ET before surgery must usually be about:
15pd or more
20pd or more
10pd or more
25pd or more
A px with hyperopia over how many dioptres will still need glasses after sx?
In the long term, what is the success rate of 1 surgery for ET?
{"name":"Management of Eso", "url":"","txt":"Test your understanding of esotropia management with this engaging and informative quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students. Explore important concepts, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options related to infantile esotropia and accommodative esotropia.15 challenging multiple-choice questionsEvaluate your knowledge on strabismusLearn key concepts for clinical practice","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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