What Unhinged Literary Character Who Lives Alone on a Deserted Island Are You?

A surreal landscape featuring a deserted island with mystical creatures and dramatic skies, symbolizing isolation and madness, with elements representing various literary themes.

What Unhinged Literary Character Are You?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live alone on a deserted island and embrace your inner literary character? This quiz will guide you through a series of thought-provoking questions to reveal which uniquely unhinged character resonates with you!

  • Discover your motivations and quirks.
  • Find out how your backstory shapes your vibe.
  • Learn whether you’re ready for companionship or prefer solitude.
16 Questions4 MinutesCreated by MusingSeagull42
What do you most want in life?
To be left alone :/
To explore the world
I just want to go home :(
The sweet embrace of death
Would you leave your island if you could?
No, this is my home!
Yes please get me out of here I hate this place
I really don't care much, this isn't really a home but neither is anyplace else
I would, just to see what's out there, but I would probably come back eventually because it's so peaceful here
No, the outside world is evil
No, the outside world is boring
No, I'M evil and the outside world won't let me vibe :(
Who or what lives there with you?
One family member, no one else
Nothing really. Sometimes I invite guests if they're chill enough
Just goats. So many goats.
A bunch of weird magical creatures of varying threat levels
My servant who I brought with me, and my dogs
An army of horrifying abominations that I made in my Evil Laboratory
No one :(
Where were you born?
What a dumb question! I was born HERE, of course!
England I think?! I can't even remember God it's been like twenty years
What's your relationship with your family like?
Wonderful! It's small but I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way
What family lmao
They wronged me horribly and if confronted with them I'd probably have to do something drastic and vengeful
They're all dead :(
Oh man, I haven't thought about them in forever. Yeah they're probably doing okay I guess?
How unhinged are you, actually?
Some people would probably call me crazy but they're just not on my Level
I have been driven mad from the isolation. Otherwise fine
I'm not unhinged! I'm just vibin' out here please stop
I'm just depressed
I'm a lot more bitter and jaded than I was in the past, but I don't know if "unhinged" is the right word
I don't know, I don't THINK I'm unhinged, but I guess I don't have a very good frame of reference?
I basically INVENTED the word "unhinged" that's how off the wall I am and if you think it's because of the isolation, you'd be WRONG! I've just been dialing it up ever since I got here babey!
What sort of people anger you the most?
All of them
Not really any? Maybe the really mean ones but I think people are mostly good
Stupid people
Oh man, at this point I just want to SEE a person... Any person, I don't care who
People who go against scientific progress
If someone came to your island, what would you do?
Hunt them for sport lol
I'm gonna hex them cause MAN I did not ask for this shit today.
I'd go and meet them, and try to make friends!
Give them a tour of my domain and maybe torture them a little if there's time
Beg them to take me home with them. PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE
Observe them and decide whether to kill them or not
Watch them from a distance and become charmed by their kindness and generosity towards each other, leading me to secretly come to their aid whenever they're in need
What did you study in school?
Never went to school
Mostly history
Military science
So... what Tragic Backstory or unforeseen circumstances led you to your island?
Backstabbed by my own brother and forced to flee the country
None! I just live here and I'm very happy
I got marooned :(
None, I chose to come here out of disillusionment with normal society
Everyone I love died and I just kinda came here to get away from it all
Mostly the government telling me I was gonna get arrested if I kept doing freaky shit :/
What's your view on humanity?
People are fascinating, and yes some are bad but mostly they're so wonderful and exciting...
No thanks
People suck. Don't trust them they WILL fuck you over
They're basically just beasts
They're more entertaining than animals because unlike animals, they're intelligent
Mankind is a complex mess of the greatest kindness and the most wretched cruelty. It's wise to show caution around others, but to live in isolation is a great burden and deprives one of necessities like love and affection
They're okay I guess, I mostly prefer food
Preferred method of murder?
I don't murder! Why would I do that?
Guns? Or a cutlass
Oh, I don't simply murder, I have WAY better plans in mind!
Sic my dogs on the unsuspecting victim, shoot them, or perhaps lure them into a trap
I'm more about Curses than straight up murder but whatever gets the job done. I'm not picky
I don't kill people anymore, violence begets only sorrow and I regret that I ever turned to such cruelty in the past.
Do you have children?
Yes! I love them
God, I hope not
I used to but they died
I'm too young to have kids, but maybe someday!
What's your nightly routine like?
Brush my hair, take a bath, practice witchcraft, and then meditate until I fall asleep
Take a long walk down by the beach and count the stars, maybe read a little or draw a few pictures before bed
Chase all the goats out of my hut and collapse from exhaustion
Tidy up the lab, make some notes, say goodnight to my army of horrifying abominations, and then turn in
Curl up in a chair with a good book and the dogs at my feet. Stay up til 2 in the morning
Stare at the ocean, lost in the memories of my loved ones, wander aimlessly around my room searching for some meaning to it all before going to bed and crying myself to sleep
I don't sleep I vibe
Are you evil?
I'm morally gray
I don't know
I used to be but now I'm trying to make up for the harm I've caused
No, I'm just smart and people see that as a threat
Be honest - have you ever turned anyone into an animal?
Yeah lmao
No, but that actually sounds kind of funny so now I might have to try it
Um, NO?! What the fuck?
No, is this some kind of furry shit? :/
{"name":"What Unhinged Literary Character Who Lives Alone on a Deserted Island Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live alone on a deserted island and embrace your inner literary character? This quiz will guide you through a series of thought-provoking questions to reveal which uniquely unhinged character resonates with you!Discover your motivations and quirks.Find out how your backstory shapes your vibe.Learn whether you’re ready for companionship or prefer solitude.","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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