A title was recorded for a parcel of real property vested in the name of Johan Wilson, a single woman. After her marriage to William Roberts, she executed a deed to the property only in the name of Johan Roberts, a married woman. The discrepancy in the grantor’s name is:
Valid if William Roberts agrees to it
A defect on title that may cause title to be vested as tenants in common
Immaterial if the property is properly describe
A defect which may cause a cloud on the title
Which contract would be the most difficult for a buyer to obtain financing?
Land Contract
When a broker runs an advertisement, the broker must disclose:
Last name of the broker
Name of the broker
Name of broker and salesperson
Name of the salesperson
Following in-house sales are true, except:
The listing agent can act as a dual agent
The listing broker can act as a buyer’s agent only
The broker may purchase the property himself
The seller may represent the seller only
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) was created primarily:
To provide insurance for home loans in the secondary market
To insure the borrower
To provide insurance for home loans made by approved lender
To improve the economy for mortgage bankers
Which of the following loans on a home would probably be made without
VA Loan
A person who wishes to purchase a home using the Cal-Vet program would send his application to:
Department of Real Estate
Real Estate Commissioner
Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Administration
The item that would appear on the debit side of a buyer’s closing statement would be:
Purchase Price
Prepaid Rents
Mortgage Interest
Down Payment
When dealing with the public, a broker may not:
Disclose any of his duties to other agents
Remain silent concerning material facts about a property known only by himself
Reject a listing if it is discriminatory or overpriced for minorities
All of the above
Which of the following is the reason that a real estate agent must keep his principal informed of material facts concerning a pending real estate transaction?
When the agent is a fiduciary
When it’s printed on the purchase agreement
When the agent concerned with the commission which seller is paying
When the broker works only for the seller
A buyer relied upon the fraudulent statement of the seller’s agent and was damaged. The seller was unaware of the agent’s false statement, and he tried to enforce the agreement. The buyer:
Could sue the seller for fraud
Could sue the seller’s agent for fraud
Has sufficient grounds for rescission
Could do any of the above
Lenders know that the lower the loan-to-value ratio, the higher the:
Interest Rate
Loan to Value Ratio
An offer to purchase a real estate could be terminated in all of the following ways, except:
Acceptance with a counter offer to the offeror
Failure to communicate notice of revocation before the other party has communicated his acceptance
Death of offeree or offeror
Expiration of time to accept an offer
In which of the following contract will apply if one of the parties agrees not to revoke an offer for a certain period of time:
Exclusive right to sell listing
Exclusive agency listing
Net listing
An option
For Federal Income Tax purpose, the capital expenditures for improvements are:
A percentage depreciated
Subtracted from the cost basis of the property
Added to the cost basis of the property and depreciated
Cannot be depreciated
A property sold for $150,000 in a county which had established a documentary transfer tax rate of $.55 for each $500. Of the purchase price of $150,000, only $125,000 was subjected to tax. Which of the following is nearest to the tax amount that would have to be paid?
Leland uses an 8% capitalization rate for a 40-unit apartment building that generates $174,000 net income. Which of the following is the most appropriate value of this property?
A broker is negotiating a 25-year commercial lease at a straight annual rental of $30,000. The broker is to receive a compensation for negotiating this lease as follows: 7% of the annual rental for the first year, 5% of the annual rental for the next four years, 3% of the annual rental for each of the next fifteen years; and 1% of the annual rental for every year thereafter during the term of the lease. By the end of the 19th year, the broker will have received a total commission of most nearly:
A salesman was to receive a 45% share of a 6% gross commission. He received $8,100. The property was sold for:
Two brokers agreed to split a 4 ½ % commission on a 50-50 basis on the sale of a property for $162,500. The listing salesperson agreed to a 50-50 split with his employing broker. What would be the commission amount for the listing salesperson?
Buyer Parker paid $4.40 per square foot to purchase a 20,000 square foot lot. If the parcel is in rectangular shape and 200 feet deep, the approximate cost per front foot would be:
A deed:
Does not have to be recorded to transfer title
Has to be recorded to be valid
Has to be acknowledged
Can only be recorded by the lender
Of the following types of deeds, which one would contain no warranties and expressed or implied:
A will deed
Grant deed
Warranty deed
Quitclaim deed
An easement could be created for what length of time:
For years
Any of the above
Land that is subject to an easement is said to be:
Prescriptive easement
Appurtenant to the land
An encroachment
The provision of the Subdivision Map Act is enforced by the:
Real Estate Commissioner
Subdivision Land Act
Planning Commission
Contractor License Board
Walker hired a construction company to install a swimming pool on their residential premises. In the event of the construction company was unpaid and it was necessary for them to file a lien for the payment of construction, the encumbrance created would be:
A specific lien
A general lien
Attachment lien
Contractors lien
If no notice of non completion is recorded on an improvement project, anyone can record a mechanics lien within;
10 days
30 days
60 days
90 days
When comparing condominiums and rented apartments, which of the following is true?
Each will receive a separate tax bill.
The occupier has a fee estate.
The person who occupies each unit would have an estate in real property.
None of the above
In order to operate a competitive, yet profitable business, a real estate broker needs to be concerned with “desk cost.” Which of the following most nearly represents the correct way to calculate the desk cost?
Divide the total operating expenses of the firm, plus commission
Divide the total operating expenses of the firm, including salaries, rent, insurance, etc., by the number of salesperson
Calculate the total monthly gross income and divide by the number of salesperson
Calculate the total monthly gross income and subtract any losses
Local government laws for the regulation and control of land-use include which of the following?
Building codes
Zoning ordinances
Subdivision ordinances
All of the above
Broker Hudson had a house listed for sale for nine months without selling it. He knows that the building needs major structural repairs, and he has listed at 10% above its fair market value. He runs an advertisement in a newspaper that says, “Three bedrooms and Victorian Style. You won’t believe the price! Move right in. Hudson – XXX- XXXX.” This advertisement is bad because:
It’s deceptive and misleading since Hudson knows that the property needs major repairs.
It is illegal to advertise a property that is over priced
An overpriced property is a misleading price
The advertising is misleading and the broker will be liable
A high price, high quality home surrounded by lower price, lower quality properties will suffer loss in value due to:
Which of the following is acceptable response for the agent to seller who has indicated their home is not to be shown to sales of prospects who are members of the ethnic minority group?
I can show it to anyone I want
With this condition, we will get a better price and value won’t drop
I cannot accept the listing for your property because of prohibited discrimination
With unacceptable terms, they won’t be interested
Which of the following statements is most nearly true concerning the activities of mortgage companies?
They prefer to negotiate commercial loans
They are not regulated by the States
They prefer negotiating loans which are salable in the secondary market
They do not insure government loans
The mortgage insurance on a FHA loan:
Protects the lender in the event of the trustor’s death
Protects the borrower from a fire loss
Is paid by the lender
Protects the lender in the event of default
A real estate salesman went into a neighborhood to obtain listings of residential property. He made a presentation that the property value would be reduced by a decline in the quality of schools, and an increase in the crime rate because of the entry of minority groups into the neighborhood. His action was:
Permissible as long as values do not decrease
Not illegal as long as the statement is true
A disciplinary action
Unlawful only when the Real Estate Commissioner finds out about the representation.
The purpose of the Truth-in-Lending Act is to:
Regulate charges for credit
Assure a meaningful disclosure of credit terms
Establish the maximum monthly payments on a trust deed
Establish the maximum annual percentage rate
Half a mile by half a mile represents how many acres?
80 acres
120 acres
140 acres
160 acres
George Carson is selling time-shares in his Wildacre subdivision. He mailed advertisements to 10,000 people offering them the chance to win a prize, but did not reveal that the person must visit Wildacre and listen to a sales presentation in order to be eligible. All of the prize winners became the owners of Wildacre. Is there anything wrong with this situation:
No; prizes may be offered at any presentations related to real estate
Yes; property owners are excluded
Yes; anyone offering prizes or gifts must reveal any requirements such as an attendance of a sales presentation
No; if winners become property owners at Wildacre
The appraisal of an income-producing property is made with an as of “given date” to indicate:
The Market conditions influencing the value of the property at that point in time
The effective age of the property
The date of inspection
The assessed value
Morrison receives a net income of $675 per month at an annual return rate of 7 ½%. Morrison’s Investment amounted to:
Which of the following is least correct about in-house sales?
Brokers cannot sell their own in-house listings
The broker always works for the seller
May sell it only to a buyer
May be sold only from broker to broker
The hardest and yet the most important part in the market data method of appraising is:
Establishing the value multiplier
Adjusting for the differences between the comparable properties and the subject property
Collecting neighbor data
Finding the unit of comparison
Harrison and David, single people, owned a parcel of real property as joint tenants. Harrison encumbered his interest for $10,000 and borrowing the amount to pay medical bills without the acknowledgement or consent from David. Shortly thereafter, Harrison died with the debt still unpaid. Which of the following would be true?
David becomes the owner but subject to pay the $10,000
Beneficiary and David become joint tenants each paying $5,000
Beneficiary and David as tenants in common each paying $5,000
David would own all of the property free and clear of the encumbrance
When the governmental body takes a private real property necessary for public use, the certain legal processes must be followed. Taking a real property such as above is exercising the right of:
Eminent domain
Police power
Zoning laws
A title company could make a title search by searching the records of the:
County Clerk’s Office
County Recorder’s Office
Federal Land Office
All of the above
When making a loan, amortization tables are used in order to determine the:
Monthly payment
Annual percentage rate
Interest rate
Beneficiary’s right
Broker Smith took a listing on commercial acreage and also received the right to purchase the property within 30 days. On the 28th day of the listing, the broker decided to buy the property. Before buying the property, he must:
Disclose any outstanding offers
Give the owner any material information
Obtain written consent from the owner which acknowledges any profit or anticipated Profit
All of the above
A real estate broker presented an offer to seller which met the terms of the listing. The offer was from a financially qualified black person. Later, his salesperson presented the seller an offer that was at a lower price from white prospect. The seller did not accept either offer, but instead, sold the property to a neighbor through the same salesperson. The neighbor wanted to buy the property to prevent minority person moving into the neighborhood. Which of the following parties has not violated the Civil Rights Act of 1968?
White prospect
Both salesperson and seller
Which of the following State Agencies is empowered to prevent acts of discrimination in housing accommodations in California because of race, color, sex, national origin, or ancestry?
Department of Fair Employment and Housing Act
Discrimination Act
Department of Real Estate
Labor and Construction Department
Broker Gutierrez had a listing to sell a seller Smith’s house. Broker Gutierrez received an offer on the house and presented it to seller Smith who hesitated in accepting the offer. The broker promised Smith to find another suitable residence before close of escrow. On the basis of that, the seller accepted the offer. If broker Gutierrez failed to perform in finding another suitable residence during the time period, which of the following is most nearly correct?
Seller Smith could initiate a civil suit and the broker would be responsible for damages
Cancel the acceptance
Smith has no recourse against the salesperson since it was a verbal agreement
Salesperson is liable and may be sue for criminal action
Broker Knot advertised in the newspaper that anyone who buys a property listed with the broker would receive a free microwave oven valued at $500. Such action is:
Legal, if provided full disclosure is made to all interested parties
No prices are allow in real estate transactions
If a broker is an agent for a seller, he owes to the buyer:
A duty of fair and honest dealing
Same fiduciary obligation to the buyer as the seller
Questions from the buyer related to the sales price
Answer questions about the monthly payment
If two parties want to create an enforceable broker-principal relationship concerning a right, title, or interest in real property, the most essential element to do so would be:
A purchase agreement
A commission agreement
A contract to accept a deposit
A written employment contract
Which of the following rights of ownership in real property do individuals normally not have?
Severance damages
Riparian rights
Eminent domain rights
Financing rights
If a real estate licensee misrepresents a property to a buyer while he is acting as an agent, he may subject himself to:
Disciplinary action by the licensing authority
Civil action
Criminal action
All of the above
Broker Hays took a 90-day exclusive agency listing to sell a property that was owned by Wilson. After 30 days, Hays had not sold the property, so Wilson sent him a certified mail letter canceling the listing. One week later, Wilson listed the property with several brokers using open listings. Two weeks later, one of the brokers who had an open listing on the property completed a sale to new owner. In this situation, Wilson most likely:
Not to cancel the listing and he owes commission to Hays only
Liable for payment of commission to Hays as well as to the selling broker
Liable to Broker Hays
Has the right to list his property with another company
A broker obtained a 6% listing commission fee on a selling price of $108,000. The seller incurred additional closing costs of $1,450. Based on the preceding information, the seller’s total cost of sale would amount to:
When depreciation is taken on real property:
The basis is reduced
Value increase
Value is stable
Has no value
Under the Subdivision Map Act, the subdivision reports must be filed with the:
County Assessor’s Office
Real Estate Commissioner
Department of Construction Subdivision
City or County where the land is located
A voidable contract remains binding upon the parties until the contract is:
Which of the following is the legal method that City uses to implement its general plan?
Building codes
Safety zones
If roof slopes on all four sides, it is called a
Hip roof
Gable roof
Grabble roof
Solar roof
An appraiser’s narrative appraisal report of a single-family residence probably would contain no reference to:
Appraiser’s qualifications
Neighborhood data
Market analysis
Type of financing available
Which of the following notices could be important to the filing of a mechanic’s lien?
Notice of non-responsibility
Notice of cessation
Notice of completion
All of the above
If a real estate licensee was trying to persuade people to list or to sell their property by telling them that members of another ethnic group were moving into their neighborhood and it would be their advantages to list or to sell. This would be an example of all of the following, except:
Legitimate conduct
Panic selling
Illegal conduct
Which of the following is the most difficult for the mortgage lender to evaluate?
The degree of risk
Credit of borrower
Interest return
Cost of financing
Interest rates on trust deed loans are primarily determined by which of the following:
International market
Federal reserves
Demand for federal government loans
Demand for supply of money
The word “time is of the essence” can be found in which of the following contract?
Real estate purchase contract and receipt for deposit
Real estate listing agreement
Grant deed
Escrow instructions
When an air conditioning unit has a higher energy efficiency ratio (EER), it means that:
The unit is more efficient
The unit is less efficient
The unit needs more electricity to operate
The unit needs less electricity to operate
Carter bought 10 acres of vacant land for $20,000 per acre; making a cash down payment of $20,000 and executing a straight note and a blanket deed of trust for the balance. As a part of the note, the lender agreed that when Carter makes an additional payment of $20,000 on the principal, the trustee would issue a partial reconveyance for one acre. Carter has paid a total of $40,000 on the note and now owned two acres free and clear. The percentage of his equity in the encumbered property:
Is variable
Has decreased
Remains the same
Has increase
A contractor was building a new home. Before completion, he received several offers to rent the property. Just right before the completion, the city announced that it was taking 10 feet off the front of the property to widen the street to facilitate the traffic. Thereafter, offers to rent were for approximately 10% less. This would be an example of which of the following types of depreciation:
Economic obsolescence
Functional obsolescence
Functional and economic obsolescence
Which of the following is considered real property?
Land and buildings
Artificial items which are immovable by law
Easements that convey rights of-way over adjoining land
All of the above
A mortgage loan may be insured by:
California Finance Act
FHA of private mortgage insurer
The rights granted by an owner of real property to a telephone company for the purpose of erecting poles to support telephone wires over the property creates:
An encumbrance
Specific lien
General lien
Which of the following is not a lien?
An encroachment
Trust deed
Property taxes
A broker receives an offer from a buyer for a specific property. The deposit was in the form of a personal promissory note for $2,000 payable to seller in 60 days plus 10% interest. Which of the following is true?
The broker may accept the promissory note but must notify the seller that the deposit is in the form of a promissory note before seller accepts the offer
All deposits to purchase real estate must be in the form of personal check
Personal promissory note is acceptable if it is $1,000 or less
Personal promissory note are to risky and the broker may return the offer
Jose is an unlicensed employee of a licensed real estate broker. The broker pays him to distribute door hanger fliers to homes in the immediate neighborhood and to make telephone solicitations for potential buyers and sellers. This activity by Jose is:
Unlawful for the broker but not Jose.
Merely unethical for Jose and the broker.
Unlawful for both the broker and Jose.
An acceptable business practice.
A real estate broker sent all of his title business to a Title Company. In appreciation of the business, the title company paid the broker $10 for each transaction. According to the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, “RESPA,” this practice is:
Acceptable if buyer and seller are told about it
Permissible if seller pays for the title services
Who is more likely to earn a sale commission? The broker who:
Attempted to bind the principal to the contract.
Secured an offer with a deposit.
Secured acceptance to an offer.
Communicated acceptance of the offer from the buyer to the seller.
A broker was able to make a sale to an interested buyer based on false information which seller provided to the broker. The broker acted in good faith and in a reasonable manner in relying on the false information. Thereafter, the buyer rescinded the contract because of the fraud. Given these circumstances, the broker is normally entitled to:
A full commission and indemnity for any loss caused by related legal action by the defrauded buyer against the broker
Only expenses related to property advertising
Half commission
No commission
When financing a home with a long-term loan, if equal payments are made, the amount of the principal will:
Decrease while the interest payment decreases
Increase while the interest payment decreases
Remain the same along with the interest
Increase at a constant rate for the life of the loan
An agency relationship may be terminated by:
Lis pendis
Tour de force
When title is transferred, the grantee in the deed may have the title insured by
Title insurance policy
Hazard insurance
Homeowners insurance
Chain of title
What is the best way to create an agency relationship?
By actions
By opinion
By experience
By written agreement
When an owner refuses to pay the broker an earned commission, the broker may properly seek relief by:
Filing a complaint with the Department of Real Estate
Filing a vendor’s lien
Court action
All of the above
The maximum commission a broker may charge for the sale of residential property is:
Set by the Real Estate Code of Ethnics
Six percent of the sales price
Determined by the number of monthly sales
Determined by the broker’s contract with his principal
Brokers, Andrew and Benson, both have an open listing on a property. Broker Andrew showed the property to a prospective buyer and carried on negotiations, but the buyer decided not to buy. Two weeks later, Broker Benson contacted the same buyer and arranged a sale of the property. The seller would be obligated to pay a commission as follows:
Full amount to Benson only
Full amount to Andrew only
Half to Benson and Half to Andrew
Full amount to both Brokers
Under which of the following listings, a commission must be paid by owner even though he sells entirely through his own efforts:
Exclusive right to sell listing
Exclusive agency listing
Open listing
Net listing
A broker’s ads in a local newspaper says that if a buyer or seller will bring this ads to his office and either list or buy a property through him, he will give that person $50. Which of the following is true?
The broker is not allow to give referrals
Illegal under the real estate law
Commission are paid only to license individuals
The broker can give $50 to the buyer or seller
The basis of the market data approach appraisal is found in:
Principle of substitution
Principle of progression
Principle of stability
Principle of conformity
A joint tenant can dispose an interest held in real property by all of the following ways, except:
Each owner in a tenancy in common:
The right in possession of all the properties
Cannot divide the property
Has no right in possession of all the properties
Only one may have possession of the entire property
A trust deed can have a provision that allows future loans on the property to have priority. This would be called:
A subordination clause
Acceleration clause
Or more clause
Prepayment penalty clause
Of the following, which is the best definition of a balloon payment?
Late interest payments of a 30 year loan due at the end
An additional payment to avoid prepayment penalties
Principal payments
The require payment of the entire balance due
Chicano prospective purchaser asks to be shown homes but does not specify that he wants to see homes located in a neighborhood where there are no Chicanos. How should a licensee decide what properties to show him?
The licensee may select homes for showing as he would for any other prospect
The licensee could assume that the prospective buyer is not interested in that neighborhood
The licensee may decided not to provide service to the buyer
Show him homes only in a Chicano neighborhood
The decline of mortgage interest rates would occur when:
The Fed increases the reserve requirements
The Fed decreases the reserve requirements
Inflation increases
The mortgage money supply increases
If the owner of a property thinks that his property has been over-assessed by the county assessor, he would contact the:
Assessment Appeals Board
The controller
Tax collector
Department of Appraisals
Lee made an offer to purchase Wilson’s property. As part of the offer, Lee agreed to take title “subject to” an existing VA loan which Wilson obtained when they purchased the property in approximate amount of $39,000. If Wilson sells to Lee under these conditions, which of the following is true concerning liability for a loss suffered by the government after a foreclosure on the VA loan?
A. Lee will be primarily liable
B. Wilson will be primarily liable
C. Both Lee and Wilson are liable
D. Neither is liable
A broker used the following clause in his exclusive listing contract, “In consideration of execution of the foregoing, the undersigned broker agrees to use diligence in procuring a purchaser.” This clause:
Is important to the creation of a bilateral contract
Is necessary for the creation of unilateral contract
Is superfluous to the contract
Requires the broker to advertise the property with the multiple listing services
When a lender makes a loan regulated by the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, the loan applicant must be provided with which of the following:
Bill of sale
Purchase agreement
Interest rate disclosure form
A good faith estimate
Broker Walter entered into an oral listing agreement with the seller of real property without a subsequent written verification. The payment of a commission to Broker Walter under these circumstances would be:
Illegal under the Real Estate Law
No commission
Receive a commission through court
Permissible if the seller elects to
Mr. Smith bought a property for $72,000 with $20,000 cash down payment and $52,000 loan. The loan did not require interest and did not require any payments for one year. One year later, he sold the property for double its purchased price. Each dollar of his original cash investment is now equal to:
If a 32-unit apartment building shows an annual net income of $117,800 and the appropriate capitalization rate is 8%, what is the approximate value of the property:
1Which of the following does not directly affect the level and movement of mortgage interest rates?
Demand for funds
Rate of unemployment
Supply of money
To an appraiser, a definition of value is:
A relationship between desirous persons and things desired
The ability of one commodity to command other commodities in exchange
The present worth of future benefits arising out of ownership of a property
Any of the above
Concerning the second installment of real property taxes in California, the due date and delinquent date are respectively:
November 1st and December 10th
February 1st and April 10th
November 1st and April 10th
December 10th and April 10th
A lessee rents a building from May 1 to July 1. His tenancy is:
Estate for years
Month to month
Periodic tenancy
Monthly lease
Which of the following can be appurtenant to land?
Stock in a mutual water company
Easement in gross
All of the above
A trustee defaults on his loan and refuses to reinstate the deed of trust. The most expedient thing for the beneficiary to do is to institute a:
Judicial foreclosure
Lien sale
Trustee sale
HUD sale
When an appraiser is appraising a property, he usually considers all of the following, except:
The assessed value
Property description
Final value
Neighborhood data
Listing a home at an inflated price requiring minority prospects to pay that price, but accepting a lower price from other prospects:
Could cause the listing salesperson and broker to be liable for money damages in a Fair Housing suit
Violation of the Fair Housing Laws
Is illegal under FHA and VA financing loans only
Is not illegal if the buyer agrees to the price
Mr. Gonzalez took out a loan for improvements to his real property that was fully amortized. If the loan provides that there are equal monthly payments, the amount credited to the principal will:
Decrease while the interest payment decreases
Increase while the interest payment decreases
Will remain the same along with the interest
Increase at a constant rate for the life of the loan
Which of the following phrases will best describe the nature of a broker’s duty to keep his principal informed?
Fiduciary obligation
Ethnical conduct
Good business practice
When a deed shows the racial identity of a client, it can be re-written only by authorization from:
The laws created in 1978
Title companies
Offensive and discrimination department
Court order
When gross income is changed into value in one operation, which of the following describes this occurrence?
Comparison cost
Rent multiplier
During the winter time, an appraiser finds that the inside of an exterior wall of a building is about the same temperature as the other interior walls. The appraiser would come to the conclusion that:
The heating system is faulty
The furnace has a good EER rating
The wall insulation is adequate
Heating pipes are leaking
A sublease is considered to be:
A transfer of less than the entire leasehold
A transfer of the entire leasehold
An assignment
Estate for years
Which of the following best describes the actions of an agent under single agency?
A single-agency broker is client-oriented
A single-agency represents the buyer and seller
One transaction is needed and no escrow instructions are needed
Buyer and seller represent themselves
An owner of an apartment complex deducted $6,000 from the gross income for depreciation on his federal income tax return. The basis of the property is therefore:
Increased by $6,000
Reduced by $6,000
Remains the same
Adjusted only when the property is sold
A real estate licensee refers transactions to a specific escrow company, because the escrow company pays him a referral fee for each of such referral. Regarding this arrangement, which of the following is correct?
This arrangement is prohibited under real estate law
If the amount does not exceed $50, it is permissible
If all parties are informed, it is permissible
If the fee doesn’t increase the amount charged in the good faith estimate
A broker receives rental income from several apartment units which he owns. He plans soon to accept an offer accompanied by a deposit to sell one of the units. Under these circumstances, he should:
As owner, place neither the rental income nor the sale deposit in a trust account
Deposit the rent in the brokers trust account
Deposit the rent in the brokers trust account if doesn’t exceed $200
Deposit both the rent and deposit in the trust account
A new real estate salesperson made strong efforts to obtain listings in a non-integrated community. He found success by insinuating to property owners that should minorities move into the area, the value of their homes would decrease. Which of the following terms best describes the activities of salesperson?
Panic peddling
Both “B” and “C”
A listing (authorization to sell) generally:
Authorizes the broker to find a buyer for the property
Is a bilateral executed contract
Allows the broker to collect a commission during the term of the listing
Becomes a legal contract when buyer signs it
When a salesperson takes a listing, the listing is the property of:
The multiple listing services
The salesperson only
The broker who employs the salesperson
Both broker and salesperson
When the Environmental Review Board or the Department of Real Estate issues a “negative declaration,” it means that the subdivision:
Has not been approve by the Department of Environment Protection Plan
Has been approve by the Environment Protection Agencies but subject to inspections
Has warnings about possible environment safety in the public report
Will have an insignificant effect upon the environment and the developer will not have to pay for a full environmental report
When a legal description begins with the phrase, “Beginning at a point on the northerly edge of O Street, 100 feet east of the NE corner of the intersection of O and Seventh Street.” Which of the following methods of land description is being used?
Metes and Bounds
Track map system
U.S. Government survey
When an agent is accused of “puffing,” the agent might have been guilty of which of the following?
Advising the real estate agent to elevate the price on the property to help the buyer with financing costs
Exaggerating the features of the property and/or neighborhood when showing the property to prospective buyers
Charging the seller higher cost in different neighborhoods
Convincing the buyer to make a lower offer
Of the following, which best characterizes the term “single agency”?
The agent represents both the buyer and seller
The broker can only keep his principal informed about any information about the property
The agent represents one client in dealing with a third person
The agent has the right to represent as many principals in a single agency
Mr. Brown hired an agent to purchase a home. The offer has a contingency; the offer was contingent upon the sale of Brown’s home. The offer made a counter offer accepting the Brown’s offer with the right to continue marketing the home for better offers and granting to Brown a right of first refusal to remove his contingency if a better offer comes in. Brown accepted the offer and immediately listed their home for sale. Shortly thereafter, the seller notified Brown that a better offer has been presented without any contingencies. What should the agent advise Brown to do?
Advise Brown of the advantages and disadvantages of removing the contingencies and buying the home before the sale of their existing home
The agent may offer his advice the decision is on the buyer
Advise the buyer to remove the contingency immediately
Advise the buyers to rent the property first so they can purchase the home without selling their existing home first
Under the Business and Professions Code, it is required to keep copy of a deposit receipt for a minimum of three years from:
Acceptance of the offer
Acceptance of the offer
Recording of the deed
The date the deed was notarized
A real estate broker was charging 1/8 percentage interest rate higher to borrowers that English wasn’t their first language. This action by the broker is:
Legal because the broker had to work harder explaining the concept in a different language.
A violation of the Housing Finance Discrimination Act of 1977
A violation of the Department of Real Estate
A violation of the mortgage guidelines
If a tenant enters into a 2 year lease and if the lease contains no clause of assignment of subleasing, the tenant may:
Assign a sublease to another tenant
Sublease to another tenant
Cannot sublease
Assign the lease only but not sublease
A tenant of an apartment complex working on heating ducts. The tenant sees the ducts contain asbestos insulation. Does the tenant have a legal obligation to warn anyone?
Let owner know by certify mail
The tenant has no legal obligation to warn people
Let the repairman know
Report it to the Department of Real Estate
All of the following statements about covenants and conditions are false, except:
The violation of the covenant results in the loss of title
Covenants and conditions must be for the benefit of the general public
A violation of a condition can result in the loss of title
All covenants and conditions are for benefit of the public is general
Which of the following is true regarding the depreciation of land under federal income tax law?
Land is depreciated every year
Owner may deduct depreciation of land over time
Land is depreciated by comparables
Land cannot be depreciated
The term estoppel best describes:
Zoning changes
Construction codes
Tenants rights and landlord responsibilities
Eviction notice
An appraiser is using the replacement cost method and may use the unit cost per square foot or cost per cubic foot in the computations. On a unit cost comparison basis:
A small house would cost less per unit than a large house
A small house would cost more per unit than a large house
The small house and large house would cost the same
A large house would cost more per unit than a small house
Two buildings are leased on a long term basis, one for a post office and the other for a hardware store. Using the capitalization approach to appraise the properties, the post office would demand:
Higher capitalization rate
A lower capitalization rate
Same capitalization rate
None of the above
The Alqust-Priolo Earthquake Special Studies Act is applicable to:
All cities in California
All counties in California
Only on designated earthquake fault lines
All regions in northern California
A loan secured by real property usually consists of:
Mortgage loan statement
FHA or VA insurance
Hazard Insurance
Promissory note and a trust deed
Mortgage loan correspondents may obtain a license by:
Department of Corporations
Department of Real Estate
No license is require
Both A and B
A real estate broker who owned a large real estate firm operating under ABC Realty Co. Listed a property for total of $40,000. The broker and many of his salespersons were all principals in an investment company operating under the name of Realty Investment Company. The investment company decided to purchase the property so the broker presented an all cash offer but did not disclose the buyer’s relationship. Under this circumstances:
The broker’s offer would be valid if he discloses the buyer’s relationship to the Escrow company
The broker’s offer is a legal contract even though was all cash
The broker’s action was improper because he did not reveal the true identity of the purchaser
The broker’s action was proper since he was able to sell the property
When someone has power of attorney may do all of the following, except:
Sign the name of his principal
Deed the property to another person
Charge commission for himself
Deed the property to himself
Purchasing a home with a lower down payment and longer repayment terms will generally:
Increase the total financing cost
Decrease the financing cost
No affect on financing cost
Affects the amortization process
A lender under a trust deed is known as:
When a lender in a trust deed takes a deed in lieu of foreclosure, who is liable for the second financing?
When a residential neighborhood is composed mostly of owner occupied residential properties, it tends to:
Lower property values
Elevate property values
Conformity of values
Stabilize value
In which of the programs will the borrower have to pay commission on?
VA loans
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
{"name":"EXAM 1", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"A title was recorded for a parcel of real property vested in the name of Johan Wilson, a single woman. After her marriage to William Roberts, she executed a deed to the property only in the name of Johan Roberts, a married woman. The discrepancy in the grantor’s name is:, Which contract would be the most difficult for a buyer to obtain financing?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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