US History Quiz Chapter 3 & 4

Who would most likely supported Andrew Jackson?
A wealthy eastern businessman
Henry Clay
A Western farmer
John Q. Adams
What was Andrew Jackson's view concerning suffrage?
He believed everyone living in the US should be allowed to vote
He believed any white man should be allowed to vote
He favored restricting suffrage to land owners
Whose support helped John Quincy Adams win the election in 1842?
William H. Crawford
John C. Calhoun
Henry Clay
Whish state was involved in the Nullification Crisis?
South Carolina
What act ended the Nullificatrion Crisis?
The American System
Tarriff of 1833
The Indian Removal Act
Which Native American tribe left Georgia because of the Indian Removal Act?
Who invented the cotton gin and interchangable parts?
Eli Whitney
Samuel Slater
Robert Fulton
Who invented the steel plow?
Alexander Graham Bell
Samuel Morse
John Deere
What is infrastructure and what was Clay's plan to build it?
Describe sectionalism using your own words.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton is MOST identified with
Jacksonian democracy
Women's suffrage
Education reform
Horace Mann assisted in creating the first
Public school
Board of education
Temperance society
What did the Temperance Society advocate?
Alcohol abstinence
The sale of alcohol
Women's suffrage
States' rights is BEST defined as the belief that
The federal government should tell the states what to do
States should not have rights
States should be able to decide most matters for themselves
What did Northern politicians want to happen to slavery?
To see it continue
To have it abolished
To send slaves back to Africa
Who were the former slave owners that became abolitionists?
William Lloyd Harrison
Harriet Tubman
The Grimke Sisters
Which abloitionist joined with John Brown on his raids?
Harriett Tubman
Frederick Douglass
Nat Turner
Describe the Second Middle Passage.
What was the Missouri Compromise designed to do?
Allow more free states
Allow more slave states
Maintain a balance of power in Washington, D.C.
What id James K. Polk NOT create in the United States?
Smithsonian Institute
U.S. National Park Service
Department of the Treasury
Independent U. S. Tresury
Who led the Texas rebellion against Mexico?
Davy Crockett
David Bowie
Sam Houston
Robert E. Lee
The most famous battle in the war between Mexico and Texas was
The Rio Grande
The Alamo
The Battle of the Bulge
Who owned the Oregon territory before the US aquired it?
Great Britain
Who was the general that led the troops in the war with Mexico?
James Gadsden
Ulysses S. Grant
Sam Houston
Zachary Taylor
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo requred Mexico to give up
Utah and Arizona
California and Arizona
New Mexico and California
New Mexico and Texas
What event happened to increase California'a population
Wildfires in the East
Gold Rush of 1849
The Compromise of 1850
The Gadsden Purchase
What happened when Charles Sumner gave his speech against the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
The Senate cheered his speech
The South Carolina senator beat him with a cane because he was angry
It made the Senate want to increase slavery
Why was Kansas called "Bleeding Kansas" after the Act was passed?
An increase in Native American massacres
The red clay soil of Kansas
Fights between abolitionist and slave owners
The election of 1860 caused
Unity in all the political parties
Abraham Lincoln to leave the presidential race
Deep divisions in the democratic party
The creation of a new political party
{"name":"US History Quiz Chapter 3 & 4", "url":"","txt":"Who would most likely supported Andrew Jackson?, What was Andrew Jackson's view concerning suffrage?, Whose support helped John Quincy Adams win the election in 1842?","img":""}
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