Foreign words and phrases quiz

English uses many words and phrases taken from other languages. Many of these are common in literature and everyday speech, which means that understanding them is necessary for understanding what you read.

In today’s quiz, you need to fill in the blanks with the most appropriate foreign word/phrase.

English uses many words and phrases taken from other languages. Many of these are common in literature and everyday speech, which means that understanding them is necessary for understanding what you read.

In today’s quiz, you need to fill in the blanks with the most appropriate foreign word/phrase.

Name and Employee ID
1. He is not a dishonest salesman; his offer is ________.
Bona fide
Bon vivant
Bon retour
bona fide [Latin]—authentic, genuine, in good faith
bona fide [Latin]—authentic, genuine, in good faith
2. The result of the elections was, ________, simply a public verdict on the government’s complacency during the riots.
Ipso facto
Habeas corpus
De facto
de facto [Latin]—in reality, actually
de facto [Latin]—in reality, actually
3. The board meeting was a ________; the members stormed out 10 minutes into the affair, and three independent directors resigned.
fiasco [Italian]—total failure
fiasco [Italian]—total failure
4. An Air France flight ________ from Rio de Janeiro to Paris disappeared from radar somewhere above the Atlantic.
En route
En avant
On root
en route [French]—on the way
en route [French]—on the way
5. The statement was interesting ________; it did not make much sense in context, however.
A propos
Per se
per se [Latin]—in itself
per se [Latin]—in itself
6. The point of having her elected was for the reigning party to perpetuate the ________.
Sotto voce
Status quo
Caveat emptor
status quo [Latin]—the existing state of things
status quo [Latin]—the existing state of things
His role ________ the recent match was that of a game-changer.
Et al.
vis-à-vis [French]—in relation to
vis-à-vis [French]—in relation to
8. As our firm’s trusted accountant, he has ________ to make monetary decisions for us.
Carte blanche
Sine qua non
carte blanche [French]—complete freedom to act as one wishes
carte blanche [French]—complete freedom to act as one wishes
9. Property investment comes with the inherent risk of ________, therefore it is important to learn as much as possible about the property prior to purchase.
Fait accompli
Caveat emptor
In situ
caveat emptor [Latin]—the buyer is responsible for checking the quality of goods before purchasing them
caveat emptor [Latin]—the buyer is responsible for checking the quality of goods before purchasing them
10. Cathy committed a huge ________ when she wrote an angry e-mail to her manager but hit the “reply all” option.
Déjá vu
Inter alia
Faux pas
faux pas [French]—an embarrassing blunder
faux pas [French]—an embarrassing blunder
11. The judge said, ________, the original contract did not appear to be valid.
Inter alia
A propos
inter alia [Latin]—among other things
inter alia [Latin]—among other things
12. According to the defendant’s lawyers, there’s no reason that an old law is, ________, irrelevant or inapplicable.
Ipso facto
De facto
De jure
ipso facto [Latin]—by that very act or fact
ipso facto [Latin]—by that very act or fact
13. Like the best restructurers, Hanson approaches each unit with a ________ that it has perfected through repetition.
Locus standi
Modus operandi
modus operandi [Latin]—a way of doing something
modus operandi [Latin]—a way of doing something
14. Developing talent is business's most important task—the ________ of competition in a knowledge economy.
Sine qua non
Sine die
Mutatis mutandis
sine qua non [Latin]—absolutely essential
sine qua non [Latin]—absolutely essential
15. Some managers allow dysfunctional, time-wasting behavior to go unchecked at meetings because they imagine it is the ________.
Exempli gratia
Vox populi
vox populi [Latin]—public opinion
vox populi [Latin]—public opinion
{"name":"Foreign words and phrases quiz", "url":"","txt":"English uses many words and phrases taken from other languages. Many of these are common in literature and everyday speech, which means that understanding them is necessary for understanding what you read. In today’s quiz, you need to fill in the blank with the most appropriate foreign word\/phrase., Name and Employee ID, 1. He is not a dishonest salesman; his offer is ________.","img":""}
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