How stupid are you?

A colorful and whimsical illustration of various quirky characters representing different personality types, with speech bubbles showcasing different opinions, in a vibrant cartoon style.

How Stupid Are You?

Ever wondered where you stand on the scale of intelligence and personality quirks? This quiz will help you reflect on your unique traits and how they relate to others.

  • Discover your personality type!
  • Find out how you compare with friends!
  • Get insights into your social behavior!
12 Questions3 MinutesCreated by WittyFox27
How would you describe yourself?
Loud and proud
Chaotic but harmless
Funny (but only to yourself)
Dumbass with good intentions
Couldn't give less of a shit about anything
Intelligent (in comparison to everyone else)
How loud are you?
I will yell in your face whenever I can. Tell me to shut up and I yell louder.
I am quiet and no one can hear me, and am always being told to speak up.
I am either extremely loud or extremely quiet, there is no in between. ever.
I think I speak at a normal volume
I have no idea how loud I speak, this is stupid.
Opinion on kids?
I don't want any, but I guess they're cute to look at
I have adopted every kid in a 20 mile radius. They love me
I kidnap children and take them as my own. I haven't been caught
I'd love one, but they're too much work
Children suck and I wish they'd all spontaneously combust
Favorite weather?
Cold and wet
Warm, dry and sunny
Warm and rainy
Cold and dry
I don't go outside often enough to answer this
Ideal outfit choice?
Whatever makes me look gay
Soft skirts and long dresses
Shorts and t-shirts
Whatever I grab first
Anything, as long as I match somewhat
Something that makes me look good
Would you kill someone?
Gabe is in this test, and it shows
Yes, but just not kids
If you had a problem, who would you turn to?
A lover
Close relative
Close friend
How good are you with technology?
I know the basics, and that's good enough for me
I take pride in my abilities to use technology
I fall somewhere in between knowing the basics and taking pride
What's a computer again?
What is the first thing you'd do if the world ended?
Build a base and mark out territory. You can go from there
Find a way to get clean water and food for you and whoever you're with first. You can figure everything else out later
Find survivors and work together
Find a place to stay the night, you can figure it out in the morning
What's most important?
How I see myself
How the public sees me
How my family sees me
How my friends see me
How my enemies see me
How much of a leader are you?
I naturally take the lead in most cases, and people respect me for it.
I take the lead when I think I'm most suitable for it, other than that I usually let someone else lead
I only take the lead when I absolutely have to
I will never be the one in charge, there's always a better option
I should not be in charge under any circumstance.
What division would you fit in best?
Red- filled with the underdogs and newer experiments. These individuals have less control over their powers, but they're more powerful than most. They all are skilled with hand-to-hand combat
Blue- more supernatural experiments, these guys have more control over their powers. They're quick-witted and better with weapons than their fists.
Black council- the most rational and the high and mighties, these guys value obedience and intelligence.
{"name":"How stupid are you?", "url":"","txt":"Ever wondered where you stand on the scale of intelligence and personality quirks? This quiz will help you reflect on your unique traits and how they relate to others.Discover your personality type!Find out how you compare with friends!Get insights into your social behavior!","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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