Which type of vision is more effective at getting people involve with the transition movement?
Using fear as an incentive to change behaviors
Using positive imagery of a realistic future
What does PPSD signifies?
Post Pasta Sensory Depression
Past and Present Sustainable Dynamics
Prioritize Proactive Sustainable Development
Post Petroleum Stress Disorder
What does PPSD entails? What "symptoms arise" from it?
Physical Discomfort
Believe that technology will solve all problems we will encounter
"told you so" syndrome or attitue
All of the Above
How to cope with PPSD?
Accept the condition
Use feeling to motivate lifestyle change (inspirational dissatisfaction)
Take time to process your mental state
All of the above
What is the first stage of the change cycle?
What does this definition describes? : risk for the future (dangerous climate change and energy famine) when referring to oil usage
Hazardous use of oil
Harmful use of oil
Dependent use of oil
What type of change is needed in order to improve our relation to oil?
How is self-reliance defined?
Being trustworthy
Being able to sustain shock, to rely on yourself
Being confident
How is self-sufficient defined?
Producing everything that one needs without relying on outside source
Being able to asses when you have reached the ideal amount to be satisfy
Self-reliant is a synonym of self-sufficent
What is the main problem with the actual farm production?
Too much corn for biodiesel production
Predominance of monoculture
The use of chemical
GMO crops
What is most important problem affecting the production of most of the good we use in our society?
De-localization (Most is produced very far from where it is consumed)
Size of production plant
Abuse of individuals involve in the production
{"name":"THE HEART", "url":"","txt":"Which type of vision is more effective at getting people involve with the transition movement?, What does PPSD signifies?, What does PPSD entails? What \"symptoms arise\" from it?","img":""}
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