Elytrolyte Para (chas)

A 1-day-old normal-appearing infant develops tetany and convulsions. He was born at 34 weeks’ gestation with Apgar scores of 2 and 4 (at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively) to a woman whose pregnancy was complicated by diabetes mellitus and pregnancy-induced hypertension. Which of the following serum chemistry values is likely to be the explanation for his condition?
. Serum bicarbonate level of 22 mEq/dL
. Serum calcium of 6.2 mg/dL
. Serum glucose of 45 mg/dL
. Serum magnesium level of 5.0 mg/dL
. Intracranial hemorrhage
A 13-year-old patient with sickle-cell anemia presents with respiratory distress; she has an infiltrate on chest radiograph. The laboratory workup of the patient reveals the following: hemoglobin 5 g/dL; hematocrit 16%; white blood cell count 30,000/μL; and arterial blood (room air) pH 7.1, PO2: 35 mm Hg, and PaCO2: 28 mm Hg. These values indicate which of the following?
Acidemia, metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, and hypoxia
Acidemia, metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, and hypoxia
Acidosis with compensatory hypoventilation
Long-term metabolic compensation for respiratory alkalosis
Primary respiratory alkalosis
A 14-year-old boy comes to the physician because of a 2-day history of fever and nasal discharge. He has also had malaise, fatigue and myalgia. His temperature is 38.8°C (101.9°F), blood pressure is 130/70mm Hg, pulse is 90/min, and respirations are 15/min. Examination shows no abnormalities. Urine dipstick testing shows proteinuria but there is no hematuria or pyuria; urinalysis otherwise shows no abnormalities. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
. Repeat dipstick testing
. BUN and serum creatinine
. 24-hour urinary collection for protein
. Renal ultrasound
. Reassurance
A 20-year-old female presents to your office for a routine. She has no complaints and her past medical history is insignificant. She is not taking any medications and denies drug abuse. Her blood pressure is 125/65 mmHg and heat rate is 80/min. Cardiac auscultation reveals early diastolic murmur at the left sternal border. What is the next best step in the management of this patient?
. Electrocardiogram
. Chest x ray
. Coronary angiography
. Echocardiography
. No further work-up
A 20-year-old man presents with obtundation. Past medical history is unobtainable. Blood pressure is 120/70 mm Hg without orthostatic change, and he is well perfused peripherally. The neurological examination is nonfocal. His laboratory values are as follows: Na: 138 mEq/L, K: 4.2 mEq/L, HCO3: 5 mEq/L, Cl: 104 mEq/L, Creatinine: 1.0 mg/dL, BUN: 14 mg/dL, Ca: 10 mg/dL. Arterial blood gas on room air: PO2 96, PCO2 15, pH 7.02 Blood glucose: 90 mg/dL. Urinalysis: normal, without blood, protein, or crystals. Which of the following is the most likely acid-base disorder?
. Pure normal anion-gap metabolic acidosis
. Respiratory acidosis
. Pure high anion-gap metabolic acidosis
. Combined high anion-gap metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis
. Combined high anion-gap metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis
A 20-year-old white male is found to have an elevated calcium level on routine pre-employment screening blood tests. He denies any polyuria, polydipsia or constipation. He has no significant past medical history and does not take any medication. He does not use tobacco, alcohol or drugs. His pulse rate is 82/min, blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, temperature is 37.0°C (99°F) and respirations are 14/min. Complete physical examination is unremarkable. Laboratory studies show the following: Serum sodium 140 mEq/L, Serum potassium 4.0 mEq/L, Chloride 103 mEq/L, Bicarbonate 24 mEq/L, Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 18 mg/dl, Serum creatinine 0.8 mg/dl, Calcium 11.2 mg/dl, Blood glucose 98 mg/dl, Serum PTH level 55 pg/ml (normal 10-65 pg/ml), Urine calcium/creatinine clearance ratio < 0.01. Which of the following conditions is most consistent with this patient's findings?
. Primary hyperparathyroidism
. Vitamin D overproduction
. Multiple myeloma
. Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
. Sarcoidosis
A 23-year-old man complains of progressive low back pain for the past several months. He has morning stiffness that lasts for one hour. He has no history of trauma to his back and denies any recent illness. He had an episode of pain, blurring, and photophobia of his right eye two years ago that required ophthalmology evaluation. His vital signs are within normal limits. Examination shows tenderness in both sacroiliac joints and reduced range of motion of the lower back. If measured, which of the following is most likely to be present in this patient?
. Rheumatoid factor
. Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibodies
. HLA B 27 positivity
. Anti dsDNA antibodies
. Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies
A 23-year-old man presents to your office complaining of occasional headaches, muscle weakness and fatigue. He also describes periodic numbness of his extremities. The symptoms started 6 months ago and have gradually progressed. His past medical history is insignificant. He is not taking any medication. His blood pressure is 165/104 mmHg and heart rate is 80/min. His physical examination is within normal limits. Which of the following laboratory findings is the most specific for the patient's condition?
. Low serum potassium level
. High serum sodium level
. Metabolic alkalosis
. Low plasma renin activity
. High aldosterone/renin ratio
A 24-year-old Caucasian male undergoes pulmonary function testing. The following values are obtained: FEV 80% of predicted, FEV1/FVC 85%, FRC 110% of predicted. He has no current complaints except for occasional low back pain treated with naproxen. He smokes one pack per day and drinks a six-pack of beer each weekend. His ESR is 47 mm/hr. Which of the following best explains the pulmonary function test findings in this patient?
. Emphysema
. Small airway obstruction
. Pulmonary fibrosis
. Chest wall motion restriction
. Pulmonary vascular disease
A 28-year-old African American woman presents with mild dyspnea on exertion. She reports no coughing, sputum production, or wheezing symptoms, but has noticed a red tender rash on her shins. Physical examination reveals hepatosplenomegaly, generalized lymphadenopathy, and tender erythematous nodules on her legs. CXR shows bilateral symmetric hilar adenopathy. Her pulmonary function tests reveal a mild restrictive pattern. Which of the following tests will most likely make a definitive diagnosis?
Tuberculin skin test
Bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy
Elevated ACE level
Serum hypercalcemia
Increased uptake on gallium scan
A 23-year-old woman presents to the ED complaining of lower abdominal pain and vaginal spotting for 2 days. Her menstrual cycle is irregular. She has a history of ovarian cysts and is sexually active but always uses condoms. Her BP is 115/75 mm Hg, HR is 75 beats per minute, temperature is 98.9°F, and RR is 16 breaths per minute. Which of the following tests should be obtained next?
. Chlamydia antigen test
. β-Human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG)
. Transvaginal ultrasound
. Abdominal radiograph
. Observe her abdominal pain, if it resolves discharge her with a diagnosis of menstruation
A 3-year-old African American boy is brought to the emergency department with sudden onset of difficulty walking. His mother reports that his right hand also seems "clumsy." The boy's past medical history is significant for a hospitalization one year ago for severe upper extremity pain and hand swelling. On physical examination, he has a blood pressure of 90/60 mmHg, heart rate of 120/min, temperature of 36.7°C (98°F), and respiratory rate of 22/min. Which of the following would be most helpful in diagnosing his condition?
Carotid ultrasonography
CBC and reticulocyte count
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
Temporal artery biopsy
Lumbar puncture
A 26-year-old G1P0 patient at 34 weeks gestation is being evaluated with Doppler ultrasound studies of the fetal umbilical arteries. The patient is a healthy smoker. Her fetus has shown evidence of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) on previous ultrasound examinations. The Doppler studies currently show that the systolic to diastolic ratio (S/D) in the umbilical arteries is much higher than it was on her last ultrasound 3 weeks ago and there is now reverse diastolic flow. Which of the following is correct information to share with the patient?
. With advancing gestational age the S/D ratio is supposed to rise
. The Doppler studies indicate that the fetus is doing well
. These Doppler findings are normal in someone who smokes
. Reverse diastolic flow is normal as a patient approaches full term
. The Doppler studies are worrisome and indicate that the fetal status is deteriorating
A 23-year-old G1PO female presents for her first prenatal visit at 14 weeks gestation. A pap smear is done at that time and a high grade squamous intraepitheliallesions (HSIL) is seen at cytology. A test for HPV discloses the presence of a strain with high oncogenic risk. A satisfactory colposcopy is done and shows no site of abnormalities. At this time the next best step is?
. Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)
. Repeat pap smear 12 months
. Termination of pregnancy
. Repeat colposcopy after delivery
. Endocervical curettage
A 30-year-old man presents to the emergency department with sudden onset of severe epigastric pain and vomiting 3 hours ago. He reports a 6-month history of chronic epigastric pain occurring nearly every day and relieved by antacids. On examination, he appears sweaty and avoids movement. Vital signs reveal a temperature of 100°F, BP of 100/60 mmHg, pulse rate of 110/min, and respiratory rate of 12/min. The remainder of his examination reveals diminished bowel sounds and a markedly tender and rigid abdomen. A chest x-ray and abdominal films reveal pneumoperitoneum. Which of the following is the most appropriate next diagnostic test?
. CT scan
. UGI water-soluble contrast study
. lower GI water-soluble contrast study
. Abdominal ultrasound
. None of the above
A 31-year-old man is brought by helicopter to the trauma center after a motor vehicle accident in which he sustained massive lower extremity crush injury. The patient is alert and awake but in tremendous pain. His blood pressure is 140/80 mm Hg, and his pulse is 110/min. There is copious ongoing blood loss from the sites of injury. Urgent laboratory data will most likely show which of the following electrolyte abnormalities?
A 32-year-old Caucasian female comes to the physician because of a one-week history of fatigue, progressive worsening of shortness of breath and swelling of feet. She denies any chest pain. She has no other medical problems except a recent cold two weeks ago. She is not taking any medication. Her temperature is 36.7°C (98°F), blood pressure is 110/65 mmHg, pulse is 90/min, and respirations are 20/min. Bilateral basal crackles, elevated jugular venous pressure, and 2+ bilateral pitting edema of the ankles are noted. Complete blood count is unremarkable. Transthoracic echocardiogram of her heat will most likely show?
. Eccentric hypertrophy of the heart
. Concentric hypertrophy of the heart
. Mitral stenosis
. Hypokinesia of the inferior wall
. Dilated ventricles with diffuse hypokinesia
A 34-year-old Caucasian man presents to your office with a several day history of difficulty walking. He also describes some "funny" sensations in his feet. He denies any recent skin rash, diarrhea, or joint pain. His past medical history is significant only for a recent mild respiratory infection. He visited his friends in Connecticut one month ago. He smokes one pack of cigarettes a day and admits to occasional IV drug use. He is not sexually active. His temperature is 36°C (98°F), heart rate is 90/min, respirations are 20/min, and blood pressure is 160/100 mmHg. Chest examination is unremarkable. Abdomen is soft and non-tender. The liver span is 8 cm and the spleen is not palpable. Cranial nerves II-XII are intact. Muscle strength is reduced in the lower extremities but well preserved in the upper extremities. Lower extremity sensation is decreased. Stroking the soles of the feet elicits extension of the great toe. Which of the following is most likely to diagnose this patient's condition?
. Electromyography
. CT scan of the brain
. MRI of the spine
. Serologic tests for B. burgdorferi
. Lumbar puncture
A 34-year-old immigrant from Mexico presents following an episode of massive hemoptysis. He describes bringing up large amounts of bright red, foamy sputum. He denies any recent trauma. On physical examination, the patient is agitated and has difficulty speaking. His blood pressure is 100/60 mmHg and his heart rate is 110/min. On physical examination, breath sounds are audible bilaterally. You immediately initiate intravenous infusion of crystalloid. Portable chest x-ray shows opacity in the right upper lobe. Which of the following is the best next step in the management of this patient?
. Chest CT scan
. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
. Bronchoscopy
. Pulmonary arteriography with embolization
. Immediate thoracotomy
A 34-year-old male is recovering from head trauma sustained in a motor vehicle accident. He is currently in the intensive care unit on mechanical ventilation. His most recent arterial blood gas analysis shows: pH 7.54, PaO2 124 mmHg, PaCO2 20 mmHg, Bicarbonate 17 mEq/L. Which of the following additional findings do you most expect in this patient?
. Low urine bicarbonate excretion
. High urine pH
. High serum aldosterone level
. High serum anion gap
. High serum albumin level
A 34-year-old woman presents with hypertension, generalized weakness, and polyuria. Her electrolyte panel is significant for hypokalemia. Which of the following is the best initial test given her presentation and laboratory findings?
. Plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone concentration
. Urine electrolytes
. Plasma cortisol level
. Overnight low-dose dexamethasone suppression test
. Twenty-four-hour urinary aldosterone level
A 35-year-old bank executive is brought to the emergency department after the sudden onset of a severe (10/10) headache, followed by a brief period of unconsciousness. His headache started while he was at a meeting and shortly thereafter, he vomited and lost consciousness. He regained consciousness soon afterwards, but was quite confused and irritable. His blood pressure is 160/100 mm Hg, pulse is 90/min, temperature is 37.2°C (99°F), and respirations are 16/min. The physical examination reveals a normal pupil size, no congestion or inflammation of the eye, and no focal neurological deficits. The ECG reveals nonspecific ST and T wave changes. The CT scan shows a subarachnoid hemorrhage. What is the most likely expected electrolyte abnormality with the patient's disease?
. Hypokalemia
. Hypokalemia
. Hyponatremia
. Hypercalcemia
. Hypernatremia
A 35-year-old Caucasian male is being evaluated for poor exercise tolerance and muscle weakness. He has no past medical history. His blood pressure ranges from 175-185 mmHg systolic and 105-115 mmHg diastolic on repeat measurement. His heat rate is 78-95/min His serum chemistry is significant for blood glucose of 95 mg/dL serum creatinine of 0.7mg/dL serum Na of 146 mEq/L and serum K of 2.4 mEq/L. CT scan of the abdomen reveals a 3 cm mass in the left adrenal gland. Which of the following additional findings would you expect in this patient? ( Plasma renin activity, Serum aldosterone, Serum bicarbonate )
High High Low
High High High
Low High High
Low High Low
High Low High
A 35-year-old male is brought to the emergency room with headaches and confusion for the past 2 days. He denies any focal weakness or sensory symptoms. His past medical history is significant for HIV and hepatitis C infections for which he is not receiving therapy. The remainder of his medical history is unobtainable due to his mental status. On physical exam, he has a temperature of 37.9°C (100.2°F), a blood pressure of 140/86 mm Hg, a pulse of 96/min, and respirations of 16/min. Mild icterus is present. The patient's oropharynx is clear and his neck is supple and without rigidity. Examination of his chest and abdomen are unremarkable. Neurologic examination reveals no focal deficits. Laboratory studies show: Complete blood count:Hemoglobin 7.6 g/L, MCV 85 fl, Reticulocytes 8.1%, Platelet count 80,000/mm3, Leukocyte count 3,500/mm3. Chemistry panel: Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 30 mg/dL, Serum creatinine 2.2 mg/dL, Serum calcium 10.0 mg/dL, Blood glucose 98 mg/dL. Liver studies:Total bilirubin 3.6 mg/dL, Direct bilirubin 1.0 mg/dL, Alkaline phosphatase 120 U/L, Aspartate aminotransferase (SGOT) 178 U/L, Alanine aminotransferase (SGPT) 255 U/L. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?
. Liver biopsy
. Peripheral blood smear
. Right upper quadrant ultrasound
. Lumbar puncture
. CT scan of the head
A 35-year-old male with severe persistent bronchial asthma requiring multiple medications presents complaining of weight gain over the past several months despite no changes in appetite, diet, or activity level. He denies alcohol, tobacco, and drug use and has no other significant past medical history. On physical examination, he has a blood pressure of 143/92 mm Hg, a heart rate of 65/min, a temperature of 98.7°F, and a respiratory rate of 16/min. There is moderate supraclavicular fullness, and his skin is thin with areas of bruising and acne. Neurologic exam reveals decreased proximal muscle strength. Which of the following findings is most likely to also be present in this patient?
. Hyperkalemia
. Hypokalemia
. Hyponatremia
. Hypercalcemia
. Hypomagnesemia
A 36-year-old woman presents to the ED with sudden onset of left-sided chest pain and mild shortness of breath that began the night before. She was able to fall asleep without difficulty but woke up in the morning with persistent pain that is worsened upon taking a deep breath. She walked up the stairs at home and became very short of breath, which made her come to the ED. Two weeks ago, she took a 7-hour flight from Europe and since then has left-sided calf pain and swelling. What is the most common ECG finding for this patient’s presentation?
S1Q3T3 pattern
Atrial fibrillation
Right-axis deviation
Right-atrial enlargement
Tachycardia or nonspecific ST-T–wave changes
A 36-year-old woman presents to the physician's office after she palpated a lump in her right breast. She has no other complaints. She has not seen a doctor for 10 years. She regularly performs breast self-exams after menses. She has no significant past medical history. Her mother died of breast cancer at the age of 40. Breast examination shows a 1 x 1 cm rubbery, firm, freely mobile, round mass in the upper, outer quadrant of the right breast. No axillary lymph nodes are palpable. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
. Repeat physical exam in 6 months
. Reassurance
. Excisional biopsy
. Core needle biopsy
. Mammography and ultrasound
A 38-year-old woman comes to the emergency department because of the sudden onset of severe abdominal pain. The pain started one hour ago in the epigastrium but now it is mostly localized to the lower abdomen. She has some nausea but denies any vomiting. Her last menstrual period (LMP) was 25 days ago. Her temperature is 36.8C (98.1F), blood pressure is 160/90 mm Hg, pulse is 110/min, and respirations are 25/min. The abdomen is tender on palpation with prominent guarding and positive rebound. There is no shifting dullness, and bowel sounds are absent. Laboratory studies show: Hb 13.1 g/dl, Hct 43%, WBC 10,900/mm3. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
. Abdominal CT scan
. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
. Pelvic ultrasound
. Pregnancy test
. Upright abdominal X- ray
A 4-year-old boy from India presents with weakness. His parents note that he has been looking increasingly pale. Hemoglobin electrophoresis demonstrates an abnormal hemoglobin species. Genetic analysis indicates that the patient has the substitution of a valine for a glutamine in the sixth position of the betahemoglobin chain. Which of the following will most likely be seen on his blood smear?
Hypochromic, sickled red blood cells
Hypochromic, spherical red blood cells
Macrocytic, hypochromic red blood cells
Normocytic, normochromic red blood cells
Normocytic, hypochromic red blood cells
A 4-year-old child has mental retardation, shortness of stature, brachydactyly (especially of the fourth and fifth digits), and obesity with round facies and short neck. The child is followed by an ophthalmologist for subcapsular cataracts, and has previously been noted to have cutaneous and subcutaneous calcifications, as well as perivascular calcifications of the basal ganglia. This patient is most likely to have which of the following features?
. Hypercalcemia
. Hypophosphatemia
. Elevated concentrations of parathyroid hormone
. Advanced height age
. Decreased bone density, particularly in the skull
A 40-year-old female presents to your office complaining of the pain in her right hip. She denies trauma and says that the pain began two weeks ago and gradually increased. Her past medical history is significant for systemic lupus erythematosus diagnosed seven years ago. Her current medications include prednisone, hydroxychloroquine, and lansoprazole. There is no local tenderness on physical examination and the range of motion of the right hip is normal. Hip radiograph is normal. What is the next best step in the management of this patient?
. Joint aspiration
. Low-dose NSAIDs
. Increase the dose of prednisone
. MRI of the hip
. Observation
A 42-year-old male is found unconscious in a subway station. He is brought to the emergency department where cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is done and IV glucose and thiamine are given. His lab profile shows: Blood pH 7.20, PaO2 90mmHg, PaCO2 30mmHg, HCO3 12 mEq/L. Which of the following is the best next step in the diagnosis of this patient's acid-base status?
. Calculate the plasma anion gap
. Calculate the plasma osmolar gap
. Calculate the urine anion gap
. Calculate the urine osmolar gap
. Obtain venous blood gas
A 42-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with multiple complaints. She reports that she had been feeling well until approximately one month ago, when she began to feel increasingly fatigued and weak. For the past two weeks, she has had anorexia, nausea, and abdominal pain. In the past three days, she has had two syncopal episodes. Her medical history is unremarkable and she takes no medications. She denies tobacco and drug use and drinks wine only occasionally. Physical exam reveals a temperature of 36.7°C (98°F), blood pressure of 86/52 mmHg, heart rate of 90/min, and respiratory rate of 18/min. Her cardiac exam is normal and her lungs are clear to auscultation bilaterally. You note hyperpigmentation of the skin in the palmar creases. Which of the following additional findings is most likely to be present in this patient?
. Hyperkalemia
. Hypokalemia
. Hypernatremia
. Hypochloremia
. Hypomagnesemia
A 45-year-old female with severe depression, migraine and rheumatoid arthritis is brought in after she was found to have nausea, fever and upper abdominal discomfort. The patient describes severe tinnitus and vertigo. She admits that she overdosed on one of her medications. Her temperature is 38.5°C (101.3°F), blood pressure is 120/76 mm Hg, pulse is 90/min and respirations are 24/min. Physical examination is unremarkable. Which of the following acid-base statuses is most likely in this patient? pH, PaCO2 (mm Hg), HCO3- (mEq/L)
. 7.36, 22, 12
. 7.29, 50, 23
. 7.22, 35, 14
. 7.40, 40, 24
. 7.45, 30, 20
A 45-year-old male comes to the hospital because of severe retrosternal chest pain that started suddenly a few hours ago. He says that he has been having mild chest pain for the past few days, but that this pain is completely different. His past medical history is significant for nonischemic cardiomyopathy for which he takes furosemide, carvedilol, spironolactone, lisinopril and potassium chloride. He also has HIV infection but is not taking any edications related to this diagnosis by his own choice. On physical examination, his temperature is 38.9C (102F), blood pressure is 110/65 mm Hg, pulse is 110/min, and respirations are 22/min. He is in obvious distress secondary to pain. His lungs are clearto auscultation and the remainder of his physical examination is unremarkable. His EKG is within normal limits. Chest X-ray shows a widened mediastinum and mediastinal air. W hich of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?
. Gastrografin contrast esophagogram
. Barium swallow study
. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
. Transesophageal echocardiogram
. Bronchoscopy
A 45-year-old male with Burkitt's lymphoma is being treated with combination chemotherapy and allopurinol. On the 3rd day of treatment, he is noted to have decreased urine output and increased levels of BUN and creatinine. The patient is started on vigorous hydration. EKG reveals prolonged QT intervals. The suspected diagnosis is tumor lysis syndrome. Complete metabolic profile is ordered. Which of the following sets of results are expected in this patient? (Calcium, Phosphate, Potassium, Uric Acid)
. Increased, Increased, Increased, Increased
. Decreased, Decreased, Decreased, Decreased
. Decreased, Increased, Increased, Increased
. Decreased, Decreased, Increased, Increased
. Decreased, Increased, Decreased, Decreased
A 45-year-old white male comes to the emergency room with "all sorts of things going wrong with him", for the last few months. He has a severe headache, chest and abdominal pain. He is sweating profusely. He has lost weight recently, has diarrhea and palpitations. He is feeling hot all the time. Vital signs reveal BP: 190/100mm of Hg; PR 124/min; RR 18/min; Temperature 37.7° C (99.8°F). On physical examination he has enlarged cervical lymph nodes. Examination of the thyroid reveals multiple thyroid nodules. FNA biopsy reveals thyroid C-cell hyperplasia. Which of the following can also be found on laboratory results?
. Decreased serum calcitonin
. Increased serum phosphorus
. Decreased serum alkaline phosphatase
. Decreased urine metanephrine
. Increased serum calcium
A 45-year-old woman presents with a 1-week history of jaundice, anorexia, and right upper quadrant discomfort. On examination she is icteric, with a tender right upper quadrant and liver span of 14 cm. There is no shifting dullness or pedal edema and the heart and lungs are normal. On further inquiry, she reports consuming one bottle of wine a day for the past 6 months. Which of the following laboratory tests are most likely to be characteristic of a patient with jaundice secondary to alcoholic hepatitis?
. Ratio of AST: ALT is 3:1 and the AST is 500 U/L
. Ratio of AST: ALT is 2:1 and the AST is 250 U/L
. Ratio of AST: ALT is 1:1 and the AST is 250 U/L
. Ratio of AST: ALT is 1:1 and the AST is 500 U/L
. Ratio of AST: ALT is 1:3 and the AST is 750
A 45-year-old woman with chronic alcohol abuse admitted 3 days ago for nausea and severe diarrhea now complains of perioral and finger tingling. She was admitted for hydration after 1 week of severe watery diarrhea. She has been receiving intravenous hydration and dextrose but has not been able to take oral nutrition secondary to continued nausea. Her blood pressure is 130/74 mmHg, pulse is 68/min, and respiratory rate is 16/min. She is afebrile. Physical examination is significant for facial twitching on percussion of her facial nerve just anterior to the ear, as well as the induction of carpal spasm after the inflation of a blood pressure cuff on her arm. Which of the following is most likely to have caused these findings?
A 46-year-old white male presents with chronic diarrhea, abdominal distention, flatulence, and weight loss. He also has arthralgias and bulky, frothy stools. He has never had blood transfusions, tattooing or highrisk sexual behaviors. His temperature is 38.3°C (101°F), blood pressure is 130/90 mm Hg, pulse is 84/min, and respirations are 16/min. Physical examination shows generalized lymphadenopathy and skin hyperpigmentation. Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnostic test?
. Serum TSH
. Antinuclear antibody (ANA) titer
. Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase levels
. ELISA for anti-HIV antibodies
. Endoscopy with small bowel biopsy
A 5-week-old infant presents with a 1-week history of progressive nonbilious emesis, associated with a 24-hour history of decreased urine output. The infant continues to be active and eager to feed. On examination, the infant has a sunken fontanels and decreased skin turgor. The abdomen is scaphoid, and with a test feed, there is a visible peristaltic wave in the epigastrium. Electrolytes and a urinalysis are evaluated. Which of the following laboratory findings are most likely to be seen in this patient?
. Na 145, K 3.0, Cl 110, CO2 17, urine pH 8.0
. Na 135, K 4.0, Cl 104, CO2 23, urine pH 7.0
. Na 130, K 3.0, Cl 80, CO2 36, urine pH 4.0
. Na 140, K 5.2, Cl 100, CO2 16, urine pH 4.0
. Na 132, K 3.2, Cl 96, CO2 25, urine pH 7.0
A 5-year-old boy is brought to the clinic by his mother because he was sent home by the school nurse. The nurse claims to have heard a murmur in his chest. The child has always been healthy, and has never had any shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness or any other illnesses. On examination, the child appears alert, and his vital signs are stable. Auscultation of the chest reveals a grade-2 systolic ejection murmur at the left sternal border, but no other extra sounds. The murmur changes with position. What is the best next step in the management of this patient?
. 12 lead ECG
. Echocardiogram
. Holter monitor
. Observation
. Cardiology evaluation
A 50-year-old male undergoes vagotomy and pyloroplasty for a peptic ulcer perforation. His early postoperative course is complicated by fever and hypotension, which are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and IV fluid support. He then recovers well; however, on post-operative day 6 he develops nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and profuse, watery diarrhea. His temperature is 38.9°C (102° F), blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, pulse is 120/min, and respirations are 18/min. Abdominal examination shows tenderness in the sigmoidal area. Test of the stool for occult blood is negative. Laboratory studies show: Hb 11.5g/dL, Platelet count 180, 000/cmm, Leukocyte count 17, 500/cmm, segmented neutrophils 75%, Bands 10%, Eosinophils 1%, Lymphocytes 14%. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
. Blood cultures
. Colonoscopy
. Cytotoxin assay in the stool
. Stool cultures
. Observation
A 53-year-old man presents to the emergency department with severe epigastric abdominal pain. His temperature is 37.2°C, blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg, pulse 110/min, and respirations 20/min. Examination of the heart and lungs is normal, and his abdomen is tender in the epigastric region. His white count is 15,000/mL and amylase is 450 U/L (25–125 U/L). Which of the following laboratory abnormalities is also most likely to be present?
. hypoglycemia
. hypercholesterolemia
. hyperglycemia
. hypercalcemia
. hypercarbia
A 53-year-old woman comes to the physician for an annual examination. She has no complaints. She has hypertension, for which she takes a thiazide diuretic, but no other medical problems. Her past gynecologic history is significant for normal annual Pap tests for many years, her last being 2 months ago. A recent mammogram was negative. Heart, lung, breast, abdomen, and pelvic examination are unremarkable. Which of the following procedures or tests should most likely be performed on this patient?
. Chest x-ray
. Pap test
. Pelvic ultrasound
. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
. Rectal examination
A 56-year-old diabetic male is brought to the emergency department due to nausea and vomiting. While you are examining the patient, a nurse asks if determination of the patient's acid-base status will help ascertain the etiology and subsequent management of the patient's primary problem. Which of the following pairs of laboratory values will help get the best picture of the patient's acid-base status?
. pH and PaCO2
. pH and PaO2
. PaO2 and PaCO2
. Urinary pH and PaCO2
. Urinary pH and HCO3-
A 60-year-old male who emigrated from Russia comes to you with complaints of dizziness, fatigue and weight loss. A review of systems reveals that the patient experiences daily fevers and cough. He does not use tobacco, alcohol or drugs. He does not take any medication. His blood pressure is 108/64 mmHg while standing. His respiratory rate is 14/min and is unlabored. Laboratory studies reveal the following: Chemistry panel: Serum sodium 130 mEq/L, Serum potassium 5.9 mEq/L, Chloride 102 mEq/L, Serum creatinine 0.8 mg/dL, Blood glucose 58 mg/dL. Complete blood count: Hemoglobin 10.0g/L, Platelets 430,000/mm3, Leukocyte count 4,500/mm3, NeutrophiIs 46%, Lymphocytes 45%, Eosinophils 9%. Chest x-ray shows a right upper lobe cavity. Which of the following acid-base disturbances is expected in this patient?
. Elevated anion gap metabolic acidosis
. Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis
. Metabolic alkalosis
. Respiratory acidosis
. Respiratory alkalosis
A 60-year-old man comes to office with persistent complaints of malaise and easy fatigability, for the past 8 months. On examination, he appears pale. PR 93/min; BP 127/84mm Hg; Temperature 37°C (98.6°F); RR 16/min. Fecal occult blood test is negative. Further testing is ordered that include CBC, serum electrolytes and colonoscopy. The results are: WBC 7,600/mm3, Hemoglobin 8.8 gm/dl, Hematocrit 30%, RBC count 3.6 million, Platelets 211,000/mm3. RBC Indices were:MCV 65 fl, MCH 16.5 pg, MCHC 26%, Reticulocyte count 0.5%. Which one of the following is expected on iron studies in this patient? (Serum Iron, Ferritin, TIBC, Transferrin Saturation)
. Low,High,Low,Lowto normal
. Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal
. High,Normai,High,Normal to High
. Low,Low,High,Low
. Low,Low,Low,Low
A 65-year-old black female presents for an annual examination. Physical examination is unremarkable for her age. In completing the appropriate screening tests, you order a dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to evaluate whether the patient has osteoporosis. DXA results reveal a T-score of -3.0 at the total hip and −2.7 at the spine, consistent with a diagnosis of osteoporosis. Since her Z-score is -2.0, you proceed with an initial evaluation of secondary osteoporosis. Laboratory evaluation reveals: Calcium: 9.7 mg/dL, Cr: 1.0 mg/dL, Bun: 19 mg/d, Glucose: 98 mg/dL, 25, OH vitamin D: 12 ng/mL (optimal > 25), WBC: 7700/μL, Hg: 12 g/dL, HCT: 38 g/dL, PLT: 255,000/μL. Based on the above information, additional laboratory would most likely reveal which of the following?
. Elevated iPTH (intact parathormone), low ionized calcium, normal alkaline phosphatase
. Normal iPTH, normal ionized calcium, elevated alkaline phosphatase
. Elevated iPTH, normal ionized calcium, elevated alkaline phosphatase
. Normal iPTH, low ionized calcium, elevated alkaline phosphatase
. Elevated iPTH, low ionized calcium, normal alkaline phosphatase
A 65-year-old G3P3 presents to your office for annual checkup. She had her last well-woman examination 20 years before when she had a hysterectomy for fibroids. She denies any medical problems, except some occasional stiffness in her joints early in the morning. She takes a multivitamin daily. Her family history is significant for cardiac disease in both her parents and breast cancer in a maternal aunt at the age of 42 years. Her physical examination is normal. Which of the following is the most appropriate set of laboratory tests to order for this patient?
. Lipid profile and fasting blood sugar
. Lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, and TSH
. Lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, TSH, and CA-125
. Lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, TSH, and urinalysis
. Lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, TSH, urinalysis, and CA-125
A 68-year-old Caucasian male complains of right-sided leg pain over the last year. The pain is poorly controlled with over-the-counter pain medications. He also complains of frequent headaches. His past medical history is significant for hypertension and recent hearing loss. An X-ray of the skull shows areas of bone resorption and sclerosis. Which of the following are the most likely findings on laboratory work-up? (Serum calcium, serum phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, Urinary hydroxyproline)
. Normal Normal Normal High
. Normal Normal High High
. High Low High Normal
. High Normal Normal Normal
. Low High Normal Normal
A 7-week-old, breast-fed, term infant presents with increasing jaundice, abdominal distention, and abnormal stools (Figure 6-20). Liver function tests demonstrate a conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, mildly elevated transaminases, and an elevated gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. TORCH (congenital infection complex, including toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and hepatitis) serology and screening for inborn errors of metabolism are negative. As part of the diagnostic evaluation, the most sensitive imaging study in this clinical setting would be which of the following?
. Radioisotope scanning
. Radioisotope scanning with pre-imaging phenobarbital administration
. Abdominal ultrasound
. CT scan of the abdomen
. MRI scan of the abdomen
A 48-year-old white male complains of generalized bone pain after undergoing bowel surgery for inflammatory bowel disease. His pain is more severe at the lower spine, pelvis, and lower extremities. Examination shows tenderness over the lower spine, pelvis, and lower extremities. Proximal muscle weakness is noted. X-rays of the lumbar spine show decreased bone density with blurring of the spine. X-rays of the femoral neck show pseudofractures, bilaterally. Which of the following lab abnormalities is consistent with this patient's diagnosis?
. Low serum calcium, low serum phosphate, increased serum parathyroid hormone
. Increased serum calcium, low serum phosphate, increased serum parathyroid hormone
. Normal serum calcium, normal serum phosphate, normal serum parathyroid hormone
. Low serum calcium, increased serum phosphate, low serum parathyroid hormone
. Increased serum calcium, increased serum phosphate, low serum parathyroid hormone
Her son brings a 50-year-old female to the emergency room because she is confused and sweating a lot. She does not have any medical problems, except hypertension for which she takes hydrochlorothiazide. She is not taking any other medication. He tells you that his mother complained of profound weakness, and inability to stand, because of lightheadedness 3 hours ago. On examination, the patient is drowsy, confused, and appears sick. Her temperature 36.8°C (98.2° F) BP 153/83mm Hg PR 128/min. Her clothes are damp from perspiration. No other abnormalities are noted on physical examination. Initial laboratory studies show: Sodium 144 mEq/L, Potassium 3.6 mEq/L, Bicarbonate 26 mEq/L, Blood urea nitrogen: 12 mg/dl, Creatinine 0.6 mg/dl. You order a few more tests and on the basis of which you diagnose insulinoma. What set of following results leads to this diagnosis? (Serum Glucose, Insulin, C-Protein)
. Increased, Decreased, Increased
. Increased, Increased, Increased
. Decreased, Increased, Increased
. Decreased, Increased, Decreased
. Normal,Normal,Normal
An 87-year-old female is brought to the emergency department for evaluation of altered mental status. Her medical history is significant for multi-infarct dementia, hypertension, stroke, coronary artery disease, severe degenerative joint disease, chronic atrial fibrillation, constipation and urinary incontinence. Her medications include aspirin, acetaminophen, atenolol, nitroglycerin, multivitamins, pravastatin, docusate, senna, digoxin and glucosamine. She lives in a local nursing home, and the people who brought her to the ED deny any history of new symptoms. Her blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, pulse is 98/min, respirations are 16/min and temperature is 36.1°C (97°F). Physical examination reveals dry mucus membranes and decreased skin turgor. There are no new focal neurologic deficits. Which of the following is most likely to be present in this patient?
. Hyponatremia
. Hypokalemia
. Hypernatremia
. Hyperkalemia
. Hypocalcemia
An 84-year-old Caucasian male is brought to the ER with severe chest pain, dyspnea and diaphoresis. His past medical history is significant for a long history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus, type 2. He experienced a severe myocardial infarction 6 months ago. His current medications are enalapril, metoprolol, aspirin, furosemide, potassium, glyburide and pravastatin, but he says that he has not been taking some of his medications recently. Physical examination reveals acrocyanosis and symmetric 3+ lower extremity edema. Point of maximal apical impulse is displaced to the left, and a holosystolic II/VI apical murmur is heard at the apex. Non-specific ST segment and T wave changes are present on ECG. The initial set of cardiac enzymes are positive. The patient continues to deteriorate, despite aggressive diuretic and vasodilator therapy. You perform an echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular function and decide to proceed with pulmonary artery catheterization. Cardiac index (CI), total peripheral resistance (TPR) and left ventricular enddiastolic volume (LVEDV) are determined. Which of the following is most likely to present in this patient?
. Cl decreased, TPR decreased, LVEDV decreased
. Cl decreased, TPR increased, LVEDV decreased
. Cl decreased, TPR increased, LVEDV increased
. Cl decreased, TPR increased, LVEDV normal
. Cl normal, TPR decreased, LVEDV increased
An 8-year-old is accidentally hit in the abdomen by a baseball bat. After several minutes of discomfort, he seems to be fine. Over the ensuing 24 hours, however, he develops a fever, abdominal pain radiating to the back, and persistent vomiting. On examination, the child appears quite uncomfortable. The abdomen is tender, with decreased bowel sounds throughout, but especially painful in the midepigastric region with guarding. Which of the following tests is most likely to confirm the diagnosis?
. Serum amylase levels
. CBC with differential and platelets
. Serum total and direct bilirubin levels
. Abdominal radiograph
. Electrolyte panel
An 11-month-old boy is brought to the emergency department by his parents. The child has a fracture of the right femur. The father reports this was sustained as a result of falling out of the crib. The child is also noted to have bruises on his shoulders and back. The rest of his examination is unremarkable. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in diagnosis?
Social services consult
Chest x-ray
CT of the head
Funduscopic exam
Lumbar puncture
A recovering premature infant who weighs 950 g (2 lb, 1 oz) is fed breast milk to provide 120 cal/kg/d. Over the ensuing weeks, the baby is most apt to develop which of the following?
Blood in the stool
Vitamin D toxicity
A patient presents for her first initial OB visit after performing a home pregnancy test and gives a last menstrual period of about 8 weeks ago. She says she is not entirely sure of her dates, however, because she has a long history of irregular menses. Which of the following is the most accurate way of dating the pregnancy?
. Determination of uterine size on pelvic examination
. Quantitative serum human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) level
. Crown-rump length on abdominal or vaginal ultrasound
. Determination of progesterone level along with serum HCG level
. Quantification of a serum estradiol level
A patient in your practice calls you in a panic because her 14-year-old daughter has been bleeding heavily for the past 2 weeks and now feels a bit dizzy and light-headed. The daughter experienced menarche about 6 months ago, and since that time her periods have been irregular and very heavy. You instruct the mother to bring her daughter to the emergency room. When you see the daughter in the emergency room, you note that she appears very pale and fatigued. Her blood pressure and pulse are 110/60 mm Hg and 70 beats per minute, respectively. When you stand her up, her blood pressure remains stable, but her pulse increases to 100. While in the emergency room, you obtain a more detailed history. She denies any medical problems or prior surgeries and is not taking any medications. She reports that she has never been sexually active. On physical examinations, her abdomen is benign. She will not let you perform a speculum examination, but the bimanual examination is normal. She is 5ft 4in tall and weighs 95 lb. Which of the following blood tests is not indicated in the evaluation of this patient?
. Bleeding time
. Type and screen
. Estradiol level
A four-week-old male infant is brought to the emergency department because of persistent vomiting immediately after feeding for the past several days. Examination shows an emaciated infant with dry mucus membranes. An olive-shaped mass is palpated in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Which of the following acid-base abnormalities is most likely in this patient? pH, PaCO2 (mm Hg), HCO3- (mEq/L)
. 7.10, 80, 24
. 740, 40, 24
. 7.55, 46, 42
. 7.62, 21, 21
. 7.62, 30, 30
{"name":"Elytrolyte Para (chas)", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"A 1-day-old normal-appearing infant develops tetany and convulsions. He was born at 34 weeks’ gestation with Apgar scores of 2 and 4 (at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively) to a woman whose pregnancy was complicated by diabetes mellitus and pregnancy-induced hypertension. Which of the following serum chemistry values is likely to be the explanation for his condition?, A 13-year-old patient with sickle-cell anemia presents with respiratory distress; she has an infiltrate on chest radiograph. The laboratory workup of the patient reveals the following: hemoglobin 5 g\/dL; hematocrit 16%; white blood cell count 30,000\/μL; and arterial blood (room air) pH 7.1, PO2: 35 mm Hg, and PaCO2: 28 mm Hg. These values indicate which of the following?, A 14-year-old boy comes to the physician because of a 2-day history of fever and nasal discharge. He has also had malaise, fatigue and myalgia. His temperature is 38.8°C (101.9°F), blood pressure is 130\/70mm Hg, pulse is 90\/min, and respirations are 15\/min. Examination shows no abnormalities. Urine dipstick testing shows proteinuria but there is no hematuria or pyuria; urinalysis otherwise shows no abnormalities. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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