Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 1 Jul 21
[2106.15623] Dominic Else, T. Senthil: Critical drag as a mechanism for resistivity
[2106.15627] Maxence Grandadam, Sarah Pinon, Cristina Bena et al.: Interface states at the boundary between ABC and ABA multilayer graphene structures
[2106.15631] Oliver Hart, Rahul Nandkishore: Experimental signatures of gapless type II fracton phases
[2106.15646] H. G. Ahmad, M. Minutillo, R. Capecelatro et al.: Coexistence and tuning of spin-singlet and triplet transport in spin-filter Josephson junctions
[2106.15665] Karyn Le Hur: Dirac Cones with Topological Quantized Response from Geometry, Light and Time
[2106.15670] Ying-Jiun Chen, Jan-Philipp Hanke, Markus Hoffmann et al.: Spanning Fermi arcs in a two-dimensional magnet
[2106.15679] Péter Boross, András Pályi: Dephasing of Majorana qubits due to quasistatic disorder
[2106.15680] N. V. Porokhov, A. P. Sirotina, E. A. Pershina et al.: Investigation of superconducting properties of NbN films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering on high-k dielectric HfO2 buffer layer
[2106.15688] Shagor Chowdhury, Quentin Reynard-Feytis, Clément Roizard et al.: Light-controlled aggregation and gelation of viologen-based coordination polymers
[2106.15690] Timo Hyart, Jose L. Lado: Non-Hermitian many-body topological excitations in interacting quantum dots
[2106.15697] Timothy Erps, Michael Foshey, Mina Konaković Luković et al.: Accelerated Discovery of 3D Printing Materials Using Data-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization
[2106.15705] Songyang Pu, J. K. Jain: Composite Anyons on a Torus
[2106.15714] G. I. Japaridze, H. Cheraghi, S. Mahdavifar: Magnetic phase diagram of a spin-1/2 XXZ chain with modulated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
[2106.15719] C.J.O. Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt: Active Rheology in Odd Viscosity Systems
[2106.15726] Yangqian Yan, Qi Zhou: Manipulating anyons in quantum Hall droplets of light using dissipations
[2106.15727] Caroline Desgranges, Jerome Delhommelle: Evaluation of the grand-canonical partition function using Expanded Wang-Landau simulations. V. Impact of an electric field on the thermodynamic propertie...
[2106.15736] Eli J. Halperin, John L. Bohn: Hyperspherical approach to dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates beyond the mean-field limit
[2106.15752] Yusuke Nambu, Shin-ichi Shamoto: Neutron Scattering Study on Yttrium Iron Garnet for Spintronics
[2106.15758] Soham Biswas: Ballistic annihilation in one dimension
[2106.15769] Paul R. Dawson, Matthew. P. Miller: Using Discrete Harmonic Expansions and Equilibrium Conditions to Estimate Intragrain Stress Distributions in Polycrystals from Grain-Averaged Data
[2106.15771] Seamus Beairsto, Maximilien Cazayous, Randy S. Fishman et al.: Confined Magnons
[2106.15795] Rikuto Oiwa, Hiroaki Kusunose: Systematic analysis method for nonlinear response tensors
[2106.15823] Jurriaan Wouters, Fabian Hassler, Hosho Katsura et al.: Phase diagram of an extended parafermion chain
[2106.15848] Tanmay Maiti, Pooja Agarwal, Suvankar Purkait et al.: Temperature dependent equilibration of spin orthogonal quantum Hall edge modes
[2106.15854] C. Lester, S. Ramos, R. S. Perry et al.: Magnetic-field-controlled spin fluctuations and quantum critically in Sr3Ru2O7
[2106.15855] Wijnand Broer, Bing-Sui Lu, Rudolf Podgornik: Qualitative chirality effects on the Casimir-Lifshitz torque with liquid crystals
[2106.15859] P. Virtanen, F. S. Bergeret, I. V. Tokatly: Magnetoelectric effects in superconductors due to spin-orbit scattering: a non-linear $σ$-model description
[2106.15863] Felisia Angela Chiarello, Benedetto Piccoli, Andrea Tosin: A statistical mechanics approach to macroscopic limits of car-following traffic dynamics
[2106.15871] Zhiyuan Zhao, Boyi Wang, Shigeyuki Komura et al.: Emergent Stripes of Active Rotors in Shear Flows
[2106.15873] E.F. Talantsev: Classifying charge carrier interaction in highly-compressed elements and silane
[2106.15882] Nathan J. McLaughlin, Hailong Wang, Mengqi Huang et al.: Observation of Superconductivity Induced Ferromagnetism in an Fe-Chalcogenide Superconductor
[2106.15891] Xiangxin Dang, Fan Feng, Huiling Duan et al.: A theorem for the design of deployable kirigami tessellations with different topologies
[2106.15895] Shamim Sk, Abhishek Pandey, Sudhir K. Pandey: Instrument for simultaneous measurement of Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity in the temperature range 300-800 K with python interfacing
[2106.15937] M. M. Mennementeuil, M. Buret, G. Colas des Francs et al.: Optical Rectification and Thermal Currents in Optical Tunneling Gap Antennas
[2106.15938] Rafikul Ali Saha, Desheng Fu, Mitsuru Itoh et al.: Short-range magnetic correlation and magnetodielectric coupling in multiferroic Pb3TeMn3P2O14
[2106.15952] Reet Chaudhuri, Zhen Chen, David Muller et al.: High conductivity Polarization-induced 2D hole gases in Undoped GaN/AlN Heterojunctions enabled by Impurity Blocking Layers
[2106.15957] Takeshi Fujiyabu, Takamasa Sakai, Ryota Kudo et al.: Temperature Dependence of Polymer Network Diffusion
[2106.15963] Xiang Li, Mauro Mobilia, Alastair M. Rucklidge et al.: How does homophily shape the topology of a dynamic network?
[2106.15967] Xijia Zheng, Thomas R. Hopper, Andrei Gorodetsky et al.: Multi-Pulse Terahertz Spectroscopy Unveils Hot Polaron Photoconductivity Dynamics in Metal-Halide Perovskites
[2106.15973] Alexander Steinhoff, Matthias Florian, Frank Jahnke: Microscopic Theory of Exciton-Exciton Annihilation in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors
[2106.15974] Hani Bahrom, Alexander A. Goncharenko, Landysh I. Fatkhutdinova et al.: Controllable synthesis of calcium carbonate with different geometry: comprehensive analysis of particles formation, their c...
[2106.15976] Aria Mansouri Tehrani, Nicola A. Spaldin: Untangling the structural, magnetic dipole, and charge multipolar orders in Ba$_2$MgReO$_6$
[2106.16025] Maximilian Bauernfeind, Jonas Erhardt, Philipp Eck et al.: Design and realization of topological Dirac fermions on a triangular lattice
[2106.16043] Eleonora Raimondo, Anna Giordano, Andrea Grimaldi et al.: Study of the robustness of neural networks based on spintronic neurons
[2106.16058] María José Cortés Burgos, Pamela C. Guruciaga, Daniel Jordán et al.: Field-dependent roughness of moving domain walls in a Pt/Co/Pt magnetic thin film
[2106.16080] Tianshu Jiang, Qinghua Guo, Ruo-Yang Zhang et al.: Four-band non-Abelian topological insulator and its experimental realization
[2106.16103] Antoine Sanner, Wolfram G. Nöhring, Luke A. Thimons et al.: Scale-dependent roughness parameters for topography analysis
[2106.16105] Viktor Eisler: Entanglement spreading after local and extended excitations in a free-fermion chain
[2106.16121] Zhongzheng Tian, Zhijie Fan, Preetha Saha et al.: Honeycomb-lattice Gamma model in a magnetic field: hidden Néel order and spin-flop transition
[2106.16135] Wei-chen Guo, Bao-quan Ai, Liang He: Scanning-probe and information-concealing machine learning intermediate hexatic phase and critical scaling of solid-hexatic phase transition in biological tis...
[2106.16154] Ren Liu, Jihwan Lee, Youngbin Tchoe et al.: Ultra-Sharp Nanowire Arrays Natively Permeate, Record, and Stimulate Intracellular Activity in Neuronal and Cardiac Networks
[2106.16167] Ireth García-Aguilar, Ayelet Atkins, Piermarco Fonda et al.: Reply to Comment on "Faceting and flattening of emulsion droplets: a mechanical model" by Haas et al
[2106.16179] Bruce Lim, Ewen Bellec, Maxime Dupraz et al.: A convolutional neural network for defect classification in Bragg coherent X-ray diffraction
[2106.16181] Alfredo Miguel Ordinola Santisteban, Evren Özarslan: Magnetic resonance measurement and reconstruction of the diffusion propagator
[2106.16191] M. Hornung, Joao C. Pinto Barros, U.-J. Wiese: Mass and Charge of the Quantum Vortex in the $(2+1)$-d $O(2)$ Scalar Field Theory
[2106.16206] Daniel Joseph O'Brien, Makarand Paranjape: Modeling dynamic surface tension on surfactant-enhanced polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
[2106.16212] Jiesen Li, Wanxing Lin, D. X. Yao: Strain-induced topological phase transition in two-dimensional platinum ditelluride
[2106.16221] Giampaolo Folena, Pierfrancesco Urbani: Marginal stability of local energy minima in soft anharmonic mean field spin glasses
[2106.16230] Guillermo Lopez-Polin, Cristina Gomez-Navarro, Julio Gomez-Herrero: The effect of rippling on the mechanical properties of graphene
[2106.16231] Julia A Giannini, David Richard, M. Lisa Manning et al.: Bond-space operator disentangles quasi-localized and phononic modes in structural glasses
[2106.16232] Nalina Vadakkayil, Sanat K. Singha, Subir K. Das: Influence of Roughening Transition on Magnetic Ordering
[2106.16238] Felix A. Buot: On quantum Hall effect: Covariant derivatives, Wilson lines, gauge potentials, lattice Weyl transforms, and Chern numbers
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 1 Jul 21","img":""}