Chapter 14 Quiz

What was the main kickoff for the Fascist movement in Europe?
Bolshevik Revolution
Attitudes towards Jews
Italians' anger at Greece
Death of Franz Ferdinand
Who was the Soviet leader at the time?
Vladimir Lenin
Joseph Stalin
Vladimir Putin
Karl Marx
What are the 5 consistent policies of 20th century Fascism?
One party
State over individual
One Leader
Militarism and imperialism
No speaking out against the state + propaganda
What did the Nazis promise Germany?
They'd tear up the Treaty of Versailles
Social credit
A way out of the Great Depression
Aryans = master race, Jews (& others) = anti-human/bad
Invasion of Japan
When was Hitler born?
April 20th, 1889
April 21th, 1889
April 19th, 1889
April 21th, 1890
When did the Beer Hall Putsch take place?
November 1924
November 1923
November 1935
September 1924
What's the name of the leader of Germany? Also, the unification of Austria and Germany (you can pick two options).
Der Fuhrer
De Fuhrur
How long was Hitler sentenced to, and how long did he serve?
5 months, 9 years
9 months, 5 years
5 years, 9 months
9 years, 5 months
Who burned down the Reichstag (Feb 27 1933)?
Anatoly Ivanov
Leon Trotsky
Marinus van der Lubbe
Neville Chamberlain
What does Mein Kampf mean?
My Struggle
My Camp
My Ideology
My name is jeff
What happened on Kristallnacht (1938)?
Brownshirts were sent around by the government to smash windows, stores, rape Jewish women, etc, Jews made to pay for all $5 billion in damages to Nazis
Jews were sent around by the government to smash windows, stores, rape Nazi women, etc, Nazis made to pay for all $5 billion in damages to Jews
During the tragedy of the St Louis, in what order did the boat reach the countries?
Cuba, USA, Canada
Cuba, Canada, USA
Canada, USA, Cuba
USA, Cuba, Canada
Who was the director of the Canada Immigration Branch at the time of the St Louis?
Frederick Blair
Timothy McEvans
Terry Jackson
Alfred Rask
Who overthrew the Russian Czar (Nicholas II) in 1917?
Vladimir Lenin
Joseph Stalin
Vladimir Putin
Karl Marx
For how many years did Stalin's industrial plan last?
What were the name of the upper class farmers?
How many did Stalin's terror famine kill?
5 million
6 million
7 million
How long did the "Great Terror" last?
1933 - 1936
1934 - 1937
1934 - 1938
1935 - 1938
How did the Rome-Berlin Axis plant the seeds of the war?
Gave Germany an ally and a plan
Allowed Mussolini to give Hitler some inspiring words of confidence
What did Germany militarize that they weren't supposed to?
The Rhineland
The Balkans
Everybody knows about appeasement? Chamberlain, King and Daladier? Invasion of Austria (March 12 1938) and Czechoslovakia (both without resistance or help)? Munich Agreement? I'm running out of time, so let's move on.
Sounds good.
What happened on November 10 1938?
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Poland Invasion
Embarkation of the St Louis
What happened on Kristallnacht?
Brownshirts were sent around by the government to smash windows, stores, rape jewish women, etc. $5 billion dollar damaged was paid by the jews, as well as the fact that the Germans took all of the insurance money that was paid out to them.
Jews were sent around by the One True God to smash windows, stores, rape brownshirt women, etc. $5 billion dollar damaged was paid by the Nazis, as well as the fact that the Germans took all of the insurance money that was paid out to them.
After the invasion of Poland (Sept 1 1939), who was the only politician who stood against a declaration of war?
Jim Vorheese
J.S. Woodsworth
William Aberheart
Spelled how
"Phony War?"
World War Not True
Couch War
Who had some tensions due to tariffs on one country's part and imperialism on the other's?
Canada and Australia
USA and Japan
Indonesia and Mexico
How would one describe the return to war?
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