AAI Ramadhan
Online Quiz

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The first martyr of Islam was
Abu Bakr
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born into the noble tribe of Quraysh in Makkah in? (Difficult))
610 CE
630 CE
571 CE
632 CE
One companion was sick on his bed and wanted to give all his money to charity, the, who was he?
Said ibn Muath
Muath ibn Jabal
Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas
What is the basic purpose of Shariah ?
To establish Ma'ruf and remove Munkar from the society
To establish many more good Mosques and Schools
To remove Munkar and establish Mosques and Schools
To establish Ma'ruf and do not worry about Munkar
Who was the first Sahabi to recite Quran aloud to Quraysh?
Abdullah ibn Masud
Abu Bakr
Umar ibn Khattab
The Quran was revealed over how many years?
According to Surah Al-'Asr, man is surely in loss except those:
Who have faith
Who do good works
Encourage one another to follow the Truth and encourage to be steadfast
All of the above
"That the human being is created in the best of moulds" is a verse from ...
Surah al Takathur
Surah al Tin
Surah al Asr
Surah Al Maun
What does Jahiliyyah mean ?
Peace Treaty
None of the above
The punishment of the people of Prophet Hud was a storm. How long did the storm last?
1 day
5 days
8 day
3 days
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is also known as Al-Amin. What does it mean?
The righteous and pious
The trustworthy and the righteous
The brave and strong
The truthful and the trustworthy
What do Muslims recite during and throughout the Hajj?
Declaration of Hajj
There is no specific recitation
Who is the fourth of the rightly-guided Caliph after the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
Ali Bin Abu Talib
Uthman Bin Affan
Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq
Omar Bin Al-Khattab
Which of the companions was a paternal uncle of the Prophet, and was considered as a strong personality both in character and in physique?
Abu Talib
Hamzah lbn Abdul Muttalib
Abdul Muttalib
None of the above
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