USMLE Sugery (Eleetor)

A medical professional examining surgical charts in a hospital environment, with images of surgical tools and a patient in recovery in the background, conveying a sense of urgency and care.

USMLE Surgery Assessment Quiz

Welcome to the USMLE Surgery Assessment Quiz! This comprehensive quiz is designed for medical professionals and students preparing for the USMLE or seeking to enhance their knowledge in surgical concepts.

Key features of the quiz include:

  • 11 thought-provoking multiple-choice questions
  • Covering critical topics in surgical medicine
  • Designed to challenge and improve your clinical reasoning skills
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by SurgicalInsight222
A n otherwise well 57-year-old male is 45 minutes post transurethral resection of the prostate gland for benign prostatic hyperplasia. The procedure was performed under general anaesthesia and lasted one and a half hours. You are asked to see the patient due to the fact that he has become acutely confused and drowsy. Initial observation showed an oxygen saturation of 98 % on 2 litres of oxygen per minute, respiratory rate of 18 breaths per minute, pulse rate of 40 beats per minute, blood pressure of 90/70 mmHg and temperature of 37 .30C. From the list below, choose the most likely cause for this patient's deterioration?
Microcytic anaemia
A 56-year-old lady is having a total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. During the operation she develops thyroid storm and the anaesthetist informs you that the patient has developed a tachycardia. From the list below, please choose a feature not likely to be associated with thyroid storm?
Cardiac arrhythmias
Cardiac failure
You are reviewing the blood test results of a SO-year-old man who has been admitted following a crush injury to his right leg. His serum potassium is found to be low at 2.9mmol/L following earlier correction of hyperkalaemia. You request an ECG for this patient. Which one of the following ECG changes is not characteristic of hypokalaemia?
Small and inverted T-waves
Small P-waves
Prolonged P-R interval
S-T segment depression
Presence of U-waves
A 45-year-old railway worker is admitted following a crush injury to his left leg. He is talking in full sentences and complaining of pain in his leg. Further examination reveals a blood pressure of 90/58 mmHg, pulse of 99beats/min, and a swollen and bruised left leg. Intravenous access is gained, routine blood samples are taken and fluid resuscitation is commenced. In addition, the patient is catheterized for monitoring purposes but passes only a small volume of redbrown urine, which, on microscopy, is confirmed to contain myoglobin. The admitting physician makes a working diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis. Which one of the following metabolic abnormalities is not associated with this condition?
An 18-year-old Caucasian man presents with a 2-day history of a unilateral sore, red, right eye. He describes 'gum sticking the eyelids together'. He also describes dysuria and a painful right knee. His visual acuity is normal and examination reveals a diffusely injected conjunctiva. What
is the pathogen most likely to be causing this man's symptoms?
Escherichia coli
A 62-year-old man is admitted to the emergency department with abdominal pain. The patient has a past history of ischaemic heart disease and atrial fibrillation. Computed tomography scan features are highly suggestive of ischaemic bowel. The patient's blood gases are as follows: pH= 7.25, pa02 = 10, pa CO2= 2.8, HC03 = 18, Base excess= -8. Which of the following best describes the patient's acid-base status?
Metabolic acidosis
MetaboUc acidosis with respiratory compensation
Respiratory acidosis with metabolic compensation
Metabolic acidosis with inadequate respiratory compensation
Cannot be sure without a serum lactate level
A 49-year-old woman weighing 65kg is 5 days following gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma. Her observations are as follows: Temperature = 39.0° C, Pulse = 110 beats/min, Blood pressure = 90/50 mmHg, Urine output= lOmL/h, Respiratory rate= 30 breaths/min. Which of the following best describes this patient's pathophysiological status?
Septic shock
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
None of the above
You are asked to assist in theatre during an emergency appendicectomy. The consultant asks you to locate McBurney's point. From the list below, which answer best describes the location of McBurney's point?
Two-thirds of the distance from the umbilicus to the right anterior superior iliac spine
The midpoint between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphysis
The midpoint between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle
Two-thirds the distance from the right anterior supetior iliac spine to the umbilicus
Two-thirds between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle
A 70 kg patient is 1 day following total hip replacement. He has not started eating and drinking. He is being rehydrated with dextrose/saline (4% dextrose and 0.18% saline). Which one of the following best describes this type of fluid therapy?
It I s an inapprop1iate fluid therapy for a postoperative patient
It contains 120 lillilOl of Na+ ions
Potassium supplementatio11 is not required
Its osmolality is almost isotonic with plasma (286 mOsm/kg)
It has a pH of 7.35
A postoperative patient is being managed on a high-dependency unit following a subtotal colectomy. Blood results show the phosphate level is 0.25 mmol/L. Which one of the following statements regarding intravenous phosphate is incorrect?
May cause hypercalcaemia
Should never be given at a rate greater than 30 mmol over 6 hours
Should preferentially be given via a central line
May cause metastatic calcification
Should be used even if the patient is asymptomatic
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