IQ muti-choice

Solve for x: 2x^500(3^100(10^100))^(100x) = 10^9
X = 12
X = 555
X = 9000
Please Specify:
Solve for m and d: 500m^100 + d^100 ≤ 1000
D = 10 - 5m^100
M = 20
D = 1200
Solve for y: 100y ≥ (y^100 * .000031)(303)
0 ≤ y ≤​ 99​​√​10646.225913​​​
Y = 1255
Y = 0
A person has an umbrella opened, but there's no rain...why?
Because she's a vampire!
Because she's allergic to the sun.
{"name":"IQ muti-choice", "url":"","txt":"Solve for x: 2x^500(3^100(10^100))^(100x) = 10^9, Solve for m and d: 500m^100 + d^100 ≤ 1000, Solve for y: 100y ≥ (y^100 * .000031)(303)","img":""}
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