Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Fri, 12 Jun 20
[2006.06003] Steven Abel, Michael Spannowsky: Observing the fate of the false vacuum with a quantum laboratory
[2006.06014] Max Guillen: Pure spinors and $D=11$ supergravity
[2006.06022] Max Guillen: Notes on the 11D pure spinor wordline vertex operators
[2006.06023] Diego García Sepúlveda, Max Guillen: A Pure Spinor Twistor Description of the $D=10$ Superparticle
[2006.06025] Diego García Sepúlveda, Max Guillen: A Pure Spinor Twistor Description of Ambitwistor Strings
[2006.06111] Gleb Aminov, Alba Grassi, Yasuyuki Hatsuda: Black Hole Quasinormal Modes and Seiberg-Witten Theory
[2006.06152] Kazuki Hasebe: Skyrme-type Non-linear sigma Models via The Higher Dimensional Landau Models
[2006.06247] Yutaka Sakamura: KK-mode contribution to the crossover scale for the brane-induced force
[2006.06263] N. Klitgaard, R. Loll: How round is the quantum de Sitter universe?
[2006.06289] Mario Gutierrez Abed, Ian G. Moss: Bubble nucleation at zero and nonzero temperatures
[2006.06312] J. B. Gutowski, W. A. Sabra: Neutral Signature Gauged Supergravity Solutions
[2006.06379] Bartomeu Fiol, Jairo Martínez-Montoya, Alan Rios Fukelman: The planar limit of $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal quiver theories
[2006.06430] John Ellis, Nick Mavromatos, Dimitri Nanopoulos: Supercritical String Cosmology drains the Swampland
[2006.06511] Márcio M. Cunha, Edilberto O. Silva: Relativistic quantum motion of an electron in spinning cosmic string spacetime in the presence of uniform magnetic field and Aharonov-Bohm potential
[2006.06550] F. F. Santos: The implications of the Horndeski parameters in AdS/BCFT
[2006.06578] Lorenzo Coccia: Topologically twisted index of $T[SU(N)]$ at large $N$
[2006.06604] A. Alonso-Izquierdo, W. García Fuertes, J. Mateos Guilarte: Two species of semi-local cosmic strings in Abelian gauged $\mathbb{CP}^2$-sigma models coupled to gravity
[2006.06607] J.L.F. Barbon, J. Martin-Garcia, M. Sasieta: Proof Of A Momentum/Complexity Correspondence
[2006.06641] Alexey S. Koshelev, Anna Tokareva: Non-local self-healing of Higgs inflation
[2006.06653] Luis F. Alday, Xinan Zhou: All Tree-Level Correlators for M-theory on $AdS_7 \times S^4$
[2006.06656] Jean Alexandre, John Ellis, Peter Millington: Discrete spacetime symmetries and particle mixing in non-Hermitian scalar quantum field theories
[2006.06665] Clifford Cheung, Mikhail P. Solon: Tidal Effects in the Post-Minkowskian Expansion
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Fri, 12 Jun 20","img":""}
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