Knight-aspirant knowledge exam (Rey I)
How would you coach this fencer to improve their skyhook?
The skyhook naturally limits range so proper skyhooks should be done from a pommel-grip.
It's biomechanically too difficult or impossible to perform a supinate skyhook, so all skyhooks should be performed with a pronate wrist.
The skyhook counters the flat-sweep, so a proper skyhook should have the blade tip dipped to the mid-section to intercept the opponent's hands.
There is nothing wrong with this skyhook.
Please describe this stance and guard
Inside Jedi Guard in standard stance.
Outside Jedi Guard in standard stance.
Inside Jedi Guard in reversed stance.
Outside Jedi Guard in reversed stance.
Is this a good Shield-3, and if not, what's wrong with it?
No, because the affected target areas are not "behind" the shield.
No, because the blade is angled too far out, endangering the hands.
No, because the blade tip is not high enough to protect the head
Cannot be determined without additional angles.
Yes it is.
What's wrong with this Shield-4?
The blade is not angled high enough to protect the head.
The hands are too high to protect the shoulder.
The hands are too far forward.
This is not a Shield-4.
A good straight cut is...
Almost like delivering a jab in boxing.
Fast and efficient, with no windup.
Often targeted to the opponent's face or forehead, rather than the top of the head
All of the above.
When performing a slip-cut...
Weight should be placed on the slipping foot for maximum stability
The weapon-shoulder should fade back for maximum displacement
The weapon-shoulder should stay forward for maximum reach.
All of the above
When executing a slash or strike...
The dominant arm should be straight
The pommel-arm should be straight
Both the dominant arm and the pommel-arm should be straight
Neither arm should be straight
A power-advance is distinguished from a regular advance by...
The use of both feet for propulsion
The use of the back foot for a burst of propulsion
The crossing of the back foot over the front foot for a quick distance gain
The use of the front foot for a burst of propulsion
The MOST SIGNIFICANT consequence of lunging without pointing the front toes forward is...
Stunning victory because this is perfect technique
Cang Snow yelling at you
Rolling your ankle and potentially suspending or ending your Lightspeed-saber career
Not reaching the maximum potential of your lunge
Hyperextension, a lunge condition that can permanently wear out your knees with repeated occurrence, can be avoided by
Keeping your back straight and bodyweight centered
Keeping the back foot flat on the ground during the lunge
Taking a bigger step with the front foot
Making sure the knees do not pass the ankle at the end of the lunge
All of the above
Which shield is this?
Is this a supinate slash or pronate slash, and why?
It is supinate because the off-hand palm is face up.
It is supinate because the dominant hand-palm is face down
It is pronate because the dominant hand-palm is face down
It is pronate because the off-hand palm is face up
"Tandem" means...
Holding a saber with two hands
Holding two sabers
Attacking twice
Fighting alongside a partner
Sweeping attacks...
Start at one chamber, then finish in another chamber
Hit the target then stop or retract
Are illegal in Lightspeed-saber
Usually attack the legs
Shield-3 and other movements finishing on the outside hemisphere are often enhanced with what kind of footwork?
What's wrong with this Shield-5?
It's angled incorrectly
The grip is incorrect; a pommel-grip should be used
It's not high enough to protect the head
It's too high; the elbow should be bent
What's wrong with this Shield-8?
The dominant hand-wrist is supinated; it should be pronated
The leg is not sufficiently behind the shield
The blade is touching the ground.
It's held with two hands; it should only be held with one
Which of these is a key element that increases the likelihood of a successful deflector?
Intercepting the incoming blade at a 90 degree angle
Intercepting the incoming blade about 2/3rds up from the hilt
Locking your joints together and gripping tightly as you deflect
All of the above
What is a static defensive action?
Any defensive action taken not involving any footwork
A defensive position, such as a shield, that is not dependent on movement of the blade
Any position which sets you up to throw an attack, ie a guard or chamber
A defensive movement which is timing depending, such as a deflector
The principal advantage of a deflector over a shield is...
Deflectors allow for very fast counterattacks
Deflectors are less timing dependent so are less susceptible to feints
Deflectors are less dependent on strength
Deflectors are less prone to overextension
{"name":"Knight-aspirant knowledge exam (Rey I)", "url":"","txt":"gearhr, hesheh, eshsreh","img":""}
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