Chapters 10

REBT makes use of both cognitive and behavioral techniques, but it does not use emotive techniques.
REBT practitioners strive to unconditionally accept all clients and to teach them to unconditionally accept others and themselves.
Cognitive therapy, an evidence-based therapy for depression, was developed by Meichenbaum.
A major contribution made by Ellis, the Becks, Padesky and Mooney, and Meichenbaum is the demystification of the therapy process.
Ellis shares Rogers’s view of the client–therapist relationship as a condition for change to occur within clients.
Beck developed a procedure known as stress-inoculation training.
According to Albert Ellis, to feel worthwhile, human beings need love and acceptance from significant others.
Ellis maintains that events themselves do not cause emotional disturbances; rather, it is our evaluation of and beliefs about these events that cause our problems.
A difference between Beck’s cognitive therapy and Ellis’s REBT is that Beck places more emphasis on helping clients discover their misconceptions for themselves than does Ellis.
According to Beck, people become disturbed when they label, interpret, and evaluate themselves by a set of rules that are unrealistic.
Which of the following is not a part of stress inoculation training?
Exception questions
Socratic discovery-oriented inquiry
Relaxation training
REBT is based on the premise that human beings
Learn irrational beliefs from significant others during childhood and then re-create these irrational beliefs throughout our lifetime
Are determined by strong unconscious sexual and aggressive forces
Are trying to develop a lifestyle to overcome feelings of basic inferiority
Are innately striving for self-actualization
REBT is based on the assumption that
Cognitions, emotions, and behaviors interact significantly
Humans emote without thinking
Humans behave without emoting or thinking
Humans think without emoting
REBT views the core of emotional disturbances to be
Failure to fulfill our existential needs
Excessive feelings
Inadequate mothering during infancy
One of the most common CBT group approaches is
The group leader assuming a blank screen demeanor so as to enhance transference feelings of the members
The group leader believing that using techniques interferes with the group process
The assumption that a therapeutic atmosphere is both necessary and sufficient for change to occur
Based on REBT principles and techniques
REBT contends that people have three basic musts (or irrational beliefs) they internalize that inevitably lead to self-defeat. Which of the following is not one of them?
Other people must treat e fairly, kindly, and well.”
“The world and my living conditions must be comfortable, gratifying, and just, providing me with all that I want in life.”
€�I must do well and be loved and approved by others.”
€�I do not need to be accepted and loved.”
The main idea of SB-CBT is
That people contribute to their own psychological problems
That active incorporation of client strengths encourages clients to engage more fully in therapy and often provides avenues for change that otherwise would be missed
That we learn irrational beliefs from significant others during childhood and then re-create these irrational beliefs throughout our lifetime
Based on the theoretical rationale that the way people feel and behave is influenced by how they perceive and place meaning on their experience
Meichenbaum’s ______________________focuses more on helping clients become aware of their self-talk and the stories they tell about themselves.
Self-talk analysis
Self-instructional training
Narrative therapy
Self-awareness conditioning
In cognitive therapy the assumption is that a psychological disorder begins when normal emotion and behaviors become disproportionate to life events in degree frequency. Which of the following is not one of these processes?
Selective abstraction
Non-polarized thinking
Faulty information processing
Arbitrary inferences
Cognitive behavior therapy tends to be culturally sensitive because
It uses the individual’s belief system, or worldview, as part of the method of self-exploration
Cognitions are the major determinants of how we feel and act
The best way to change thinking is to reexperience past emotional traumas in the here and now
Our feelings determine our actions
In cognitive therapy techniques are designed to
Assist clients in substituting rational beliefs for irrational beliefs
Identify and examinet a client’s’ beliefs
Enable clients to deal with their existential loneliness
Help clients experience their feelings more intensely
The type of cognitive error that involves thinking and interpreting in all-or-nothing terms or categorizing experiences in either-or extremes is known as
Magnification and exaggeration
Arbitrary inference
Polarized thinking
Beck’s cognitive therapy places more emphasizes on
A Socratic dialogue
Helping clients identify misconceptions for themselves
Less structure in the therapeutic process
Working with the client in collaborative ways
Beck’s cognitive therapy has been most widely applied to the treatment of
Stress symptoms
Psychosomatic reactions
In self-instructional training, which of the following is given primary importance?
Help clients learn the A-B-C model of emotional disturbances
Help clients identify cognitive errors
Helping clients become aware of their self-talk
Helping clients detect and debate irrational thoughts
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