PHIL 101 Quiz 2/4

Which view did Aquinas accept?
A physical thing is matter plus form.
All reality is material.
Forms exist independently of matter.
Nothing changes.
What is asserted by the principle of noncontradiction?
People who don't contradict themselves are rational.
A proposition and its contradictory opposite cannot both be false at the same time.
A proposition and its contradictory opposite can't both be true at the same time.
If two propositions don't contradict each other then both of them are true.
How did St. Thomas Aquinas distinguish philosophy from theology?
Philosophy is limited to the natural world and theology is limited to the supernatural world.
Philosophy is based on reason while theology is based on divine revelation and faith.
Philosophy is a source of ignorance, error, and illusion while only theology can give us truth.
Theology is dependent on philosophy but not vice versa.
What do Pyrrhonic skeptics maintain?
Nothing can be known.
People should suspend judgment about all things.
Some topics of inquiry are unknowable.
Some sources are ruled out as sources of knowledge.
What did Aquinas maintain concerning the human soul?
It is the passive potentiality of the body.
It is finite and destructible.
It cannot exist without the body.
It is a direct creation of God.
St. Augustine rejected this Neoplatonic claim.
There are two realms to reality.
The immaterial realm is more real than the physical realm.
The ground of all reality, knowledge, and truth lies beyond the physical world.
The highest reality is the One, an impersonal, indefinable, and indescribable god
Which argument did St. Augustine use to refute total Academic skepticism?
When we are in doubt we can at least know that we exist as a doubter.
Memory can give us accurate knowledge of past events.
Statistically speaking, if you believe enough things you can know that you are bound to be right about some of them.
God guarantees that our clear and distinct perceptions and ideas will be true.
Which claim did Descartes use to establish the certainty of his own existence?
To be is to be perceived.
I think, therefore I am.
Nothing exists except bodies in motion.
Every created thing has both mental and physical properties.
What did George Berkeley mean about such things as tables and chairs when he denied the existence of matter?
There are no unperceived tables and chairs.
There are no tables and chairs.
Tables and chairs are really just swarms of particles in motion.
Everything, including tables and chairs, is an illusion.
Why is there no mind/body interaction problem for Spinoza?
Only minds exist.
Only bodies exist.
Minds and bodies are simply aspects of the selfsame unit of infinite substance.
God guarantees that our mental states correlate with our bodily states.
Which claim about God did Anne Conway make?
God is part mental, part physical.
God is in time and space and subject to change.
God created the universe in a single, past creation event.
God is an eternal creator.
Anne Conway advocated what sort of metaphysics?
What did John Locke believe about perception?
Knowledge of the external world is based on the fact that some of the ideas we get through sense impressions represent the way things actually are in the external world.
Our senses give us direct acquaintance with the objects in the external world.
Our sense impressions only give us knowledge of the external world when they are clear and distinct.
The senses can provide us with no knowledge whatsoever about a world beyond the mind.
Why doesn't Kant think that we can have knowledge of the things-in-themselves (das ding-an-sich)?
Because they have not yet been experienced.
Because they are not physical in nature.
Because they are not mental in nature.
Because the organizing principles of the mind no not apply to them.
Why can't we have cause and effect knowledge, according to Hume?
We can never observe a constant conjunction between events.
We can never observe the cause and the effect at the same time.
We can never observe a necessary connection between events.
We can never observe the atoms that make up the cause and the effect.
What does Kant mean by the noumenal world?
The world as it really is, independently of our experiences of it.
The world as it is presented to us in experience.
The world of mind.
The world of matter.
What do we directly observe, according to David Hume?
Physical objects
Sense impressions
Our brains
According to Absolute Idealism, what is the relationship between being real and being knowable?
No reality is knowable.
All reality is knowable.
Some reality is knowable and some isn't.
Only God is ultimately unknowable.
What is the highest reality (the Absolute), for Hegel?
The entire material world.
A God who exists beyond the world.
Infinite thought thinking itself.
A vast group of independent particulars.
What is perception, for Immanuel Kant?
Sense impressions.
The organizing principles of the mind.
The application of the organizing principles of the mind to sense impressions.
The direct awareness of noumenal objects.
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