Steve & Kayla - Test Your Character IQ!

How many years was Steve ‘believed-to-be-dead’ before he returned in 2006?
Who was responsible for Steve originally losing his eye?
Anna DiMera
Bo Brady
Stefano DiMera
Kayla lost her ability to speak. When was she able to communicate with words?
Following the death of Harper Deveraux
Saving Steve from being killed
On the yacht on her wedding day to Steve
When she learned she was pregnant with their child
Who kidnapped Steve and Kayla’s little girl, Stephanie?
Sheila Salsbury
A possessed Marlena
Stefano DiMera
Stella Lombard
Steve “died” in a boat explosion meant for Bo ruining Patch and Kayla’s happiness. Who was responsible?
Ernesto Toscano
Lawrence Alamain
Victor Kiriakis
John Black
What was the name of Steve’s ex-wife who threw a wrench into Steve & Kayla's first marriage?
Marina Toscano
Liz Chandler
Ava Vitali
Isabella Toscano
After 16 years where were Steve and Kayla reunited?
At his gravesite
On a yacht
At a wedding
In a hospital
When Jack ran into Steve for the first time in years, while recovering in a hospice, what was the name Steve went by?
Joe Stockton
Steve Stockton
Nick Stockton
Bo Brady
Steve and Kayla were once poisoned by?
A poison pen
A bio-toxin
An IV drug

Steve and Kayla fostered a son. What was his name?


What event featuring Steve & Kayla in 1988 caused DAYS to become number-one in the ratings?

Their reuniting
Their long-awaited kiss
Their wedding
Steve’s “death”

Steve and Kayla learned their daughter, Stephanie had been raped.  Who was her rapist?

Phillip Kiriakis
Ford Decker
Rex Brady
Max Brady
Steve took the blame for the murder of Ava Vitali, but he was really covering up for someone in his family. Who was it?
After Kayla finally operated on Steve to remove the brain chip causing him to be Stefano, he was devastated to learn what news?
That he committed crimes
That his sister Adrienne had died
That he wanted Marlena for his own
That his son Tripp was no longer in Salem
Which one of these was NOT an occupation of Steve’s?
Was in the employ of Victor Kiriakis
Was a social worker for abandoned children
Merchant Marine
Delivered medicine to Kayla’s clinic
What was the name of the P.I. firm Steve and John formed?
Patch Care
Black & Patch
Black Patch
Johnson and Black
Where did Steve and Kayla first meet?
Riverfront Clinic
During a murder trial
A party thrown by Harper Deveraux
The Cruise of Deception
With whom did Kayla fall in love after Steve “died”?
Shane Donovan
Neil Curtis
John Black
Abe Carver
In 2009, who accidently shot Kayla?
In what year did Steve and Kayla file for divorce; after Patch claimed he missed "a life of adventure"?
In 2006, why did ‘American Idol’s’ Clay Aiken come to Salem?
To perform a private concert for the newly reunited Steve and Kayla
To be a mentor to Joey who wanted to be a singer
To sing at the wedding of Steve and Kayla
To reveal he is Steve’s long-lost brother
{"name":"Steve & Kayla - Test Your Character IQ!", "url":"","txt":"How many years was Steve ‘believed-to-be-dead’ before he returned in 2006?, Who was responsible for Steve originally losing his eye?, Kayla lost her ability to speak. When was she able to communicate with words?","img":""}
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