Science Test #2

A vibrant illustration depicting a diverse ecosystem including plants, animals, and the flow of energy through a food web, with arrows indicating energy transfer, in a colorful natural setting.

Ecology and Energy Flow Quiz

Test your knowledge of ecosystems and energy flow with this engaging quiz designed for science enthusiasts. Dive into questions about producers, consumers, and the intricate relationships within the biosphere.

Prepare to explore:

  • Food chains and webs
  • Biogeochemical cycles
  • Energy transfer between trophic levels
23 Questions6 MinutesCreated by LearningBot237
The simplest grouping of more than one kind of organism in the biosphere is a(an)
The algae at the beginning of the food chain in figure 3-1 are (3.1 shows Algae<Zooplankton<Small fishes<Squids<Sharks)
An organism that uses energy to produce its own food supply from inorganic compounds is called
Which of the following organisms does NOT require sunlight to live?
Chemosynthetic bacteria
Photosynthetic bacteria
The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level is called the
Organic mass
Energy mass
Trophic mass
What animals eat both producers and consumers?
Only 10% of the energy stored in an organism can be passed on to the next trophic level. Of the other 90% of energy, some is lost as feces, some is used for the organisms life processes, and the rest is
Used in reproduction
Stored as fat
Stored as body tissue
Eliminated as heat
Autotrophs can be classified into two groups according to which of these properties?
Energy source--either sunlight or chemicals
Food type-- either plant matter or animal matter
Food quality-- either living matter or dead matter
Water quality-- either fresh water or salt water
Rabbits are members of a community in a meadow. The rabbits eat grasses, clover, roots, seeds, and tree bark. What defines the organisms that share the same trophic level as rabbits?
Snakes, hawks, and other animals that eat rabbits
Community members that interact with rabbits
Meadow animals that are about the same size as a rabbit
Meadow animals that eat plants and plant product
Juanita studying the food web of the open ocean. What would she do to identify the primary producers of the food web?
Look for floating plants, such as water lilies
Look for tiny phytoplankton that float not he ocean surface
Look for small animal plankton that float on the ocean surface
Look for plants or animals that live along the ocean floor
In figure 4.2 what is shown by the arrows that led to and from the raccoon?
The raccoon is part of several food chains but not a food web
The raccoon is part of several food chains and several food webs
The raccoon is part of one food web, but no food chains
The raccoon is part of one food web and several overlapping food chains.
In an ecosystem an "Apex predator" is the top of the food chain. In figure 4.2 how many Apex predators are shown?
Thomas constructs a model by completing the following steps... 1. Draw a diagram that shows where oxygen is found on Earth, including the atmosphere, bodies of water, land, and living things. 2. Draw arrows to show how oxygen moves and changes form from one location to another. 3. Label each arrow. This seems familiar because Thomas has constructed an example of what type of ecological model using oxygen?
Biogeochemical cycle
Food web
Energy pyramid
Geological system
Laney is asked to research and identify an organism that performs denitrification. Which strategy is the MOST LIKELY to be successful?
Look for phytoplankton that perform photosynthesis
Look for ocean-dwelling organism that perform chemosynthesis
Look for soil bacteria that convert atmospheric nitrogen to nitrates
Look for soil bacteria that convert nitrates to nitrogen gas.
Which statement describes all primary producers
All only harness the energy of sunlight through the process of photosynthesis
All take in energy to assemble energy-rich compounds
All are small. single-celled organisms, such as bacteria and algae
All take in food and break it apart to release energy
Karen is classifying a group of organisms that are either primary producers or consumers. What is the direct source of energy for all of the consumers
Either producers or other consumer.
Producers only
Nonliving sources, such as sunlight
Other consumers only
Which of the following BEST describes the flow of energy through a food chain?
Energy flows between primary producers and consumers
Energy flows from consumers to primary producers, in one direction only
Energy flows from primary producers to consumers, in one direction only
Energy flows between primary producers and consumer, in an endless cycle
Which statement best describes how matter moves within and between organisms?
Matter flows in a one-way direction through food chains and food webs
Matter cycles between trophic levels in food chains and food webs
Matter is made and destroyed as it is used by living things
Matter cycles through foOd webs and biogeochemical cycle.
How does water transfer when it evaporates from the ocean?
From the hydrosphere to the geosphere
Completely within the hydrosphere
From the hydrosphere to the atmosphere
From the biosphere to the hydrosphere
Analysis. Daniel observes a crayfish nibbling on the remains of a dead sunfish. Using this information, he creates a food chain by drawing a diagram in which order?
Sunfish, snail, algae, crayfish
Algae, snail, sunfish, crayfish
Snail, algae, sunfish, crayfish
Algae, sunfish, crayfish, heron
Raphael is thinking about revising the model to represent the role of photosynthesis in the water cycle. Would including photosynthesis in the model be reasonable, and for what reason?
Yes, because water is a reactant, or input, of photosynthesis
Yes, because water is a product, or output, of photosynthesis
No, because water is necessary for photosynthesis but not changed by it
No, because water is not involved in photosynthesis
Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have been increasing gradually for many years. Scientists cite this increase as one of the main cause of climate change, which is a serious environmental problem for people all over the world. One component of a possible engineering solution to this problem is to use plants, algae, or phytoplankton to increase the global rate of photosynthesis.
Plants and other photosynthetic organisms provide food for consumers, who perform cellular respiration
Plants and other photosynthetic organisms provide food for consumers, who perform cellular respiration
Photosynthesis acts to remove carbon dioxide directly form the atmosphere
Photosynthesis traps carbon dioxide in the soil.
The process by which water is moved from a tree's roots out to its leaves is called
Nitrogen fixation
{"name":"Science Test #2", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of ecosystems and energy flow with this engaging quiz designed for science enthusiasts. Dive into questions about producers, consumers, and the intricate relationships within the biosphere.Prepare to explore:Food chains and websBiogeochemical cyclesEnergy transfer between trophic levels","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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