Exam 4

How is a lenticular (s0) galaxy like a spiral galaxy?
An s0 contains many high-mass main sequence stars
An s0 has a disk
An s0 has large amounts of gas and dust
An s0 has spiral structure
None of the above; an s0 has no properties like a spiral
Which is NOT corret
The local group consists of the nearest approximately 40 galaxies to our own
The milky way and m31 are the two largest galaxies in the local group
The milky way and m31 are both spiral galaxies
The milky way and m31 are moving away from each other
The galaxies in the local group are clustered around the milky way and m31
Which of the following is NOT expected to occur when spiral galaxies collide at low spped
Collisions between gas clouds
Formation of streamers of stars, resembling atennae or tails
Formation of new stars
Formation of ellipitical galaxies
Direct physical collisions between stars
When we add the total mass contained in both galaxies and hot gas in clusters of galaxies we find that:
This only accounts for less than about 15% of the mass of the cluster
The accounts for about 90% of the mass of the cluster
This exactly accounts for the mass of the cluster
This is more than the total mass of the cluster
None of the above; clusters of galaxies do not contain hot gas
According to the hubble law, for all but the nearest galaxies, the recession velocity of a galaxy is (blank) the distance of the galaxy
Inversely proportional to
Inversely proportional to the square of
Directly proportional to
Directly proportional to the square of
Unrelated to
Which type of planet is most easily detected by the velocity wobble method
Low mass planet, close to parent star
Low mass planet, far from parent star
High mass planet, close to parent star
High mass planet, far from parent star
None of the above; since the mass o the planet and its distance from the parent star do not affect its detectability
Which of the following is NOT correct regarding habitable planets
If a stars mass is too low, the stars lifetime is too short for life to develop on an orbiting planet
If the atmosphere of a planet is too thick, there can be a runaway greenhouse effect as on Venus
If the atmosphere of a planet is too thin, it cannot maintain liquid water on its surface
A habitable planet must have a solid surface
The Kepler mission detects planets orbiting stars other than the Sun by measuring the dip in the brightness of the star when the planet blocks a small portion of the light of the star. This is known as _____.
The velocity wobble method
Direct imaging of planets
Spectral detection of planets' atmospheres
Gravitational microlensing
The transit method
A standard candle has a known (blank). By measuring its apparent brightness, we can determine its (blank)
Mass, distance
Luminosity, mass
Mass, rotation rate
Luminosity, distance
Temperature, luminosity
Which astonomer/physicist once coached high school basketball in indiana
Albert einstein
Edwin hubble
Harlow sharpley
S. chandrasekhar
Carl sagan
The Andromeda Galaxy is :
The stars in elliptical galaxies
Are all old
Are both young and old
Are all young
In comparison to the other galaxies in the local group, the milky way and the andromeda galaxy are
Smaller than average size
About average size
Larger than average size
The speeds of galaxies are measured using
Ice skater effect
Doppler shift
Light house effect
Bending of light
Wien's law
Most of the mass of a galaxy cluster is in the form of
Dark matter
When hubble measured doppler shifts for galaxies, he found that
Most galaxies have red shifts
Most galaxies have blue shifts
Galaxies have red shifts and blue shifts in about equal numbers
None of the above; hubble was not able to measure doppler shifts for galaxies
According to the hubble law, the recession velocity of a galaxy at 1000 Mpc (blank) that of a galaxy at 100 Mpc
Smaller than
About equal to
Larger than
Which of the following planets are within the habitable zone of the sun 1) earth 2) venus 3)mars
1 only
2 only
3 only
1 and 2 only
1 2 and 3
Organic molecules are based on the element
What does the miller-urey experiment show
It is possible to create life within a test tube from inorganic materials
It is possible to break down organic compuonds in a test tube into inorganic compounds
It is possible to create amino acids within a test tube from inorganic compounds
It is possible to recreate extinct life forms from DNA found in fossils
{"name":"Exam 4", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"how is a lenticular (s0) galaxy like a spiral galaxy?, which is NOT corret, which of the following is NOT expected to occur when spiral galaxies collide at low spped","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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