Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in nucl-th on Wed, 2 Feb 22
[2202.00093] Larry Zamick, Castaly Fan: Back and Forth with Akito Arima
[2202.00225] Tomoatsu Edagawa, Kazuki Yoshida, Yoshiki Chazono et al.: Effective polarization in proton-induced $ฮฑ$ knockout reactions
[2202.00357] Margaret E. Carrington, Alina Czajka, Stanislaw Mrowczynski: Transport of hard probes through glasma
[2202.00361] H. Ejiri, L. Jokiniemi, J. Suhonen: Nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double beta decays and spin-dipole giant resonances
[2202.00365] Bhoomika Maheshwari, Deepika Choudhury, Ashok Kumar Jain: A puzzle on isomeric configurations in and around $N=126$ closed shell
[2202.00482] Jing Geng, Wen Hui Long: Relativistic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov model for axially deformed nuclei
[2202.00513] N. Hasegawa, K. Hagino, Y. Tanimura: Comment on "Phase-space consideration on barrier transmission in a time-dependent variational approach with superposed wave packets (arXiv:2201.02966)"
[2202.00652] M. Shahrbaf, D. Blaschke, S. Typel et al.: Sexaquark dilemma in neutron stars and its solution by quark deconfinement
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in nucl-th on Wed, 2 Feb 22","img":""}
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