Big Idea #5 Learning Objective #2 Mastery Product - Owen Malinauskas

What was the objective of Mitt Romney's ORCA project?
Spread awareness on abortion
Targeting voters; GOTV
More regulation on campaign funding
Organize national convention
What is a regional realignment?
When the voting behavior changes in a certain region over an extended period of time
When the districts are realigned due to gerrymandering
When someone's political party shifts due to moving to a different region
The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act did which of the following?
Ban soft money
Reduce positive ads
Attempt to reduce attack ads
Ban hard money
What is the MAIN cause of candidate-centered politics?
When a certain candidate dislikes both major political parties
When both major parties are lacking quality candidates
When a candidate is so strong that they outshine the ideals of both major political parties
Weakening of party influence
Which of the following are still used today as effective methods for gaining votes in an election?
Television advertisements
Social media pages
Phone banking & canvassing
Print advertising
All of the above
Which option BEST explains why Obama's Project Narwhal was so successful in seeking re-election?
It was a well thought-out plan for which specific states to campaign the mosts
It linked separate databases of information so that the campaign discovered virtually every fact about a voter possible
It gathered all information on the opposing campaign of Mitt Romney's to gain vital intel
What do the Federal Election Campaign Act Amendments of 1974 do?
Limit campaign contributions
Limit campaign expenditures
Create the Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Increase the amount donors are allowed to give to a campaign
What was the Supreme Court's decision in Buckley v. Valeo (1976)?
Restrictions on individual contributions to campaigns do not violate the First Amendment
Limitations on total campaign expenditures violates the First Amendment
Restrictions on individual contributions to campaigns do violate the First Amendment
Limitations on total campaign expenditures do not violate the First Amendment
Why is it important for campaigns and parties to use technology today?
Spread the word of the campaign through advertisements
Communicate with voters
Control and clarify political messages
All of the above
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