Compre Part 3

In the calculation of total project duration in an infrastructure project (equipment oriented), which of the following is the most important consideration?
A. Right-of way acquisition
B. Local manpower capability
C. Climatic condition in the area
D. Availability of fund
In order to attain the minimum percentage design strength of concrete for sides of concrete beams and girders, the minimum time before forms and supports are removed should be:
A. 1 day
B. 2 days
C. 7 days
D. 14 days
What do you call the method of determining stream discharge by measuring the cross-sectional area of the stream and its velocity with a current meter?
A. Velocity- area method
B. Float velocity method
C. Direct volumetric method
D. Indirect method
What is the apparatus used in determining the consistency of a liquid asphalt?
A. Penetrometer
B. Viscometer
C. Thermometer
D. Viscometric meter
Which of the following is not a quality test for cement?
A. Compressive strength
B. Loss of ignition
C. Soundness
D. California bearing ratio
What kind of joint is required to be constructed when there is an interruption of more than 30 minutes in the concreting operations of a road pavement?
A. Longitudinal Joint
B. Transverse expansion Joint
C. Transverse contraction Joint
D. Transverse construction Joint
Which of the following project documents attest that the materials incorporated into the project works corresponds to the quantity accomplished and conform with specifications?
A. Certificate of quality control and assurance
B. Quality control program
C. Notice to proceed
D. Statement of work accomplished
Camber on gravel roads is provided to:
A. Establish a smooth riding surface
B. Prevent water from stagnating on the carriageway
C. Provide boundary line for the two lanes
D. Plant grass of sodding
To attain a uniform consistency of concrete during the pouring operation of a concrete pavement, the slump should not be more than:
A. 40 mm
B. 50 mm
C. 62 mm
D. 75 mm
Culvert flow under entrance control is synonymous with flow under:
A. Outlet control
B. Inlet control
C. Submerged outlet
D. Normal depth greater than barrel height
What do you call the vertical distance from the culvert invert at the entrance to the water surface elevation permissible in the approach channel?
A. Freeboard
B. Headwater depth
C. Trail water depth
D. Scour depth
In the foundation design, the allowed load or bearing capacity is obtained by reducing the ultimate bearing capacity by a factor of safety of:
A. 1.5
B. 2.0
C. 1 to 2
D. 2 to 3
When considering wind or earthquake forces either acting alone or in combination with vertical loads, al allowed stresses and soil-bearing value for working stress design may be increased by:
A. ¼
B. 1/3
C. ½
D. ¾
For service load design of bridges, the flexural stress in the extreme fiber stress in compression, fc (in MPa), is:
A. 0.30 f’c
B. 0.40 f’c
C. 0.45 f’c
D. 0.50 f’c
To attain a uniform consistency of concrete during the pouring operation of a concrete pavement, the slump should not be more than:
A. 40 mm
B. 50 mm
C. 62 mm
D. 75 mm
What test determined the crushing of strength of aggregates to ensure that coarse aggregates will not degrade to smaller ones.
A. Abrasion
B. Grading
C. Density
D. Plasticity test
A one-lane road, with of 3.5 meters and shoulder width of 0.5 meter on each side of the pavement was designed to have sub-base and base coarse with a combined thickness of 300mm. If the thickness of the sub-base is 125mm, the spreading and compaction of the sub-base and base coarse shall be carried out in
A one-lane road, with of 3.5 meters and shoulder width of 0.5 meter on each side of the pavement was designed to have sub-base and base coarse with a combined thickness of 300mm. If the thickness of the sub-base is 125mm, the spreading and compaction of the sub-base and base coarse shall be carried out in
B. 2 layers over the full width of 4.5 m
C. 3 layers over the full width of 3.5 m
D. 2 layers over the full width of 3.5 m
Weakened joints on concrete pavement should be sawed
A. Immediately after the pavement surface has been brooms finished
B. Sawing of joints shall commerce as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently, usually within 24 hours
C. Before the pavements opened to traffic usually 14 days from the day of pouring
D. None of the above
What depth of weakened joint should at all times not be less than
A. 50 mm
B. 60 mm
C. 70 mm
D. 75 mm
Cores are taken from a concrete pavement and tested for
A. Strength verification of concrete in place that is considered adequate
B. Flexural strength determination
C. Cement content determination
D. Thickness determination
In accepting completed concrete pavement poured by lane thickness determination shall come out by obtaining one core from every
A. 100 meters
B. 200 meters
C. 500 meters
D. 1000 meters
. If the strength of Item 311 control specimens does not meet the requirements by not more than 25% and it is not feasible to obtain cores from the structure due to structural consideration:
A. The strength of in-place concrete will be determined by rebound a hammer
B. Pavement of the concrete will be made at an adjusted price
C. No pavement will be made on the concrete represented by the failed specimen
D. The contractor will be required to remove and replace the concrete represented by the failed specimens at his own expense.
The flexural strength requirements of item 311 is
A. 500 psi
B. 550 psi
C. 3000 psi
D. 3500 psi
The number of sets of beam test specimens that should be taken from 700 sq.m. Of concrete pavements, 0.23 cm thick poured on a single day should be:
A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 9
Three cores taken from a pavement section poured on a single day were tested to have strength as follows:
Core 1 3650
Core 2 3000 86% of 3500 psi
Core 3 2450 70% of 3500 psi
Average 3033 87% of 3500 psi
If the required strength is 3500 psi concrete are represented by the cores
A. Maybe accepted, subject to price adjustment
B. Is considered adequate
C. Is considered inadequate
D. May be recored at the initiative of the implementing office
Forms for concrete pavement shall remain in place undisturbed for not less than
A. 24 hours after concrete pouring
B. The curing period
C. The period required to attain the design strength
D. 72 hours after concrete pouring
The Ph value of water that is acceptable for use in concrete mix is
A. 2.0 to 3.1
B. 3.2 to 4.4
C. 4.5 to 8.5
D. 8.6 to 10.0
How many measurements are needed for thickness determination of concrete cores?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 9
What is the single factor that determines the strength of concrete?
A. Slump
B. Water-cement ratio
C. Cement factor
D. Gradation of aggregates
What is the curve formed on a maximum dry density and optimum moisture content graph?
A. Parabola
B. Hyperbola
C. Straight line
D. None of the above
Which of the following is accepted for concrete with fc at 28 days of 3500 psi?
A. 4000 psi; 3050 psi; 3450 psi
B. 4000 psi; 3010 psi; 3489 psi
C. 4500 psi; 2969 psi; 5000 psi
D. 3500 psi; 34980psi; 3501 psi
In a design mix, the specific gravity of Portland cement must be
A. 3.05
B. 3.10
C. 3.15
D. 6.10
The role of application of prime coat before asphalt overlaying is
A. 0.2 to 0.7 l/sq.m.
B. 0.8 to 0.9 l/sq.m
C. 1.0 to 2.0 l/sq.m.
D. 2.1 to 2.5 l/sq.m.
The most commonly used method in the design and evaluation of bituminous concrete mixes
A. Design mix
B. Marshall stability
C. Index of retained strength
D. Immersion / compression test
Which of the following penetration grade of asphalt is used in cold climate?
A. 120/50
B. 85/100
C. 60/70
D. 40/50
If sea water is used in a concrete mix, shat will be the effect on the hardened concrete pavement?
A. Strength is affected
B. Scaling at surface
C. Cracks at the side
D. Steel bars will rust
The job mix formula contain the following provision except
A. Grading of aggregate
B. Temperature of aggregates and asphalt
C. Index of retained strength value
D. Type of asphalt and percentage
Scaling of newly constructed concrete pavement is an evidence of inadequate quality control mainly due to high
A. Fineness modules
B. Slump
C. Fine aggregates content
D. Water cement ratio
The grade designation of a reinforcing steel bars is also its
A. Nominal area
B. Yield strength
C. Tensile strength
D. Unit mass
Which of the following is not an engineering property of granular soils?
A. Good load bearing qualities
B. Drain readily
C. Susceptible to strength or volume change due to change in water conten
D. Comparatively incompressible due to static load
Which of the following is an engineering property of line grained soil?
A. Hard to drain
B. Susceptible to volume change under vibratory load, if not adequately compacted
C. Stable when subjected to load
D. Settlement is high
The dividing size between coarse and fine aggregates used in asphalting is
A. no. 4
B. No. 8
C. No. 16
D. No. 30
The objective of designing the asphalt mixture is determination of
A. Index of retained strength
B. Penetration grade of asphalt
C. Temperature of mix
D. Production control
The sample of reinforcing steel bars for every 10,000 kgs shall be
A. 1 meter long
B. 2 meters long
C. 4 meters long
D. 6 meters long
Given: Specific gravity = 2.305
Wet compressive strength = 1000 kpa
Dry compressive strength = 1400 kpa
What is the index of retained strength value?
A. 70.1%
B. 71.4%
C. 40%
D. 140%
The variation on tolerance of the surface from the testing edge of the straight edge in contact with the surface of asphalt pavement is
A. +/- 2mm
B. +/- 4mm
C. +/- 6 mm
D. – 5 mm
The specific irregularity tolerance for item 201 is
A. 5 mm
B. 10 mm
C. 15 mm
D. 20 mm
The depth of the weakened plane joint with a width of 6 mm is
A. 40 mm
B.45 mm
C. 50 mm
D. 60 mm
Which of t he following is not the job for a materials engineer?
A. Submits samples for testing
B. Prepares design mix
C. Checks job mix formula
D. Surveys and measures line and grade at site
The proper way of sampling of aggregate base course in the laboratory if the the splitter is not availavle is to
A. Scoop for samples in the middle of the sack
B. Spread the samples on the ground and take the samples in the middle
C. Spread the samples on the ground and divide the samples into four and take two opposite parts from it.
D. Scoop for samples at the side of the sack
Given :Original weight of sample, g 5000, Sample retained on No. 12 sieve, g 4178 What is the abrasion loss?
A. 16.42%
B. 16.44%
C. 19.67%
D. 19.76%
Which is true on conducting of a slump test?
A. Consistency of mixture is checked by the slump test
B. It is simple, but important, n indicator of water – cement ratio
C. Slump cone is used together with tamping rod and ruler
D. All of the above
Reinforced concrete puipe culvents are tested for compressive strength to produce _______ crack.
A. 0.20 mm
B. 0.25 mm
C. 0.30 mm
D. 0.35 mm
The bituminous materials commonly used in item 310 is
Asphalt emulsion
Asphalt cement
Liquid asphalt
Cutback asphalt
Item 310 mixture shall have an index of retained strength of not less than
A. 66
B. 70
C. 97
D. 107
Final compaction and smoothing of item 310 should be done by a
A. pneumatic – tired roller
B. Sheep foot roller
C. Vibratory roller
D. Tandem smooth wheel roller
Item 310 mixture shall be delivered to the paver at a temperature not less than
A. 66 ºC
B. 97 ºC
C. 107 ºC
D. 110 ºC
In the asphalting of a two lane, 500 meter road which lasted for three days, how many core samples should be taken from the pavement if no sample was taken at the end of each days operation?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 10
Which of the following provisions is not included in the job – mix formula?
A. Mixing time
B. Grading of aggregates
C. Asphalt cement
D. Temperature at delivery
A bituminous mix subjected to immersion – compression test yielded a dry stability of 2.0 kg and a wet stability of 1.5 kg. The index of retained strength of the mix is
A. 0.5
B. 1.33
C. 33
D. 75
In item 310, bitumen content, expressed in terms of percentage by mass of aggregate, shall be
A. 3 to 5 %
B. 4 to 7 %
C. 5 to 8 %
D. 6 to 8 %
In the asphalting of a 3 – meter wide, 200 meter long road lane, a core was obtained and tested to have a thickness of 5 cm. And a density of 2.25 gm/ cm³. The quantity of bituminous mix to be paid, in tonnes, is
A. 65.5
B. 67.5
C. 655
D. 675
After final rolling, the compacted asphalt pavement shall have a density equal top, or greater than % of the laboratory compacted density.
A. 90
B. 95
C. 97
D. 98
Scales for weighing aggregates and cement shall be accurate within % throughout the range of use. Scales shall be inspected and sealed as often as the Engineer may deem necessary to assure their continued accuracy,
A. 1.0%
B. 1.5%
C. 0.5%
D. 2.0%
When cement is placed in contact with the aggregate, batches maybe rejected unless mixed within ____ hours of such contact.
A. 1.5 hours
A. 1.5 hours
C. 0.5 hours
D. 2.0 hours
When mixed at the site or in a central mixing plant, the mixing time not be less than ____ nor more than ____unless mixer performance test prove adequate mixing of concrete in a shorter time period.
A. 30 seconds nor more than 90 seconds
B. 50 seconds nor more than 90 seconds
B. 50 seconds nor more than 90 seconds
D. 90 seconds nor more than 120 second
The flow of water shall be uniform and all water should be in the drum by the end of the first ____seconds of the mixing period.
A. 45 seconds
B. 30 seconds
C. 15 seconds
D. 20 seconds
Concrete not place within ____minutes from the time the ingredients were charged into the mixing drum shall not be used.
A. 120 minutes
B. 150 minutes
C. 60 minutes
D. 90 minutes
When concrete is delivered in truck mixers, additional water maybe added to the batch and additional mixing performed to increase the slump to meet the specified requirement if permitted by the Engineer, provided all these operation are performed within ____after the initial mixing operation and water and cement ratio is not exceeded.
A. 30 minutes
B. 15 minutes
C. 45 minutes
D. 60 minutes
A sample from a bituminous mix weighs 1000 grams. At extraction, it was found out that the dry aggregate weighed 950 grams, What is the % of asphalt by weight of mix?
A. 5.2%
B. 5.0%
C. 5.4%
D. 4.8%
The minimum penetration of the preservative with the surface of the timber piles shall be ____.
A. 150 mm
B. 20 mm
C. 250 mm
D. 10 mm
The contractor shall submit in writing a job-mix formula for the mixture supported by the laboratory test data along with samples of resources of components and viscosity-temperature relationship to the Engineer for testing and approval at least ____.
A. Two weeks
B. Three weeks
C. One week
D. Four weeks
The concrete samples should be stored in a moist conditioned temperature within the range of ____until the time of test.
A. 16*C to 27*C
B. 15*C to 18*C
C. 14*C to 24*C
D. 18*C to 28*C
This is used in soil stabilized road surface due to its high____ property, tha is, it absorb and retain water.
A. Potassium Chloride
B. Calcium Chloride
C. Magnesium Chloride
D. Sodium Chloride
The mass % wear of soil aggregate used in cement/lime proportions should not be more than ____.
A. 40%
B. 50%
C. 45%
D. 55%
The uniform rate at which the movable head of CBR machine tray is ____.
A. 0.07 in/min
B. 0.10 in/min
C. 0.08 in/min
D. 0.09 in/min
Cast in place concrete shall not be post-tensioned until at least ____ and until the compressive strength has reached the strength specified
A. 7 days
B. 10 days
C. 14 days
D. 20 days
The penetration test is an indication of the ____of asphalt.
A. Consistency
B. Softness
C. Hardness
D. Flash Point
Specification requires one (1) Quality test for every ___of asphalt.
A. 20 tons
B. 200 tons
C. 50 tons
D. 40 tons
The ___is the most commonly used method in the design and evaluation of bituminous concrete mixes.
A. Job Mix Formula
B. Design Mix
C. Marshall Stability
D. Extraction
Vibration shall operate a frequency of 8,300 to 9,600 impulses per minute under load at a maximum spacing of ___cm
A. 30 cm
B. 50 cm
C. 60 cm
D. 40 cm
The specific gravity of Sodium Sulfate used in soundness test for aggregate should be within the range of ___.
A. 1.151 to 1.174
B. 1.250 to 1.178
C. 1.051 to 1.154
D. 1.058 to 1.184
The specific gravity magnesium sulfate solution used in soundness test for aggregate should be within the range of ___.
A. 1.280 to 1.408
B. 1.180 to 1.308
C. 1.295 to 1.308
D. 1.195 to 1.318
Aggregate accounts for 92-95% of the weight of the bituminous mixture asphalt accounts for 5- 8% of the weight of the mix. The exact percentage to be used is determined by the ___.
A. Trial Mix
B. Design Mix
C. Job Mix
D. Job Order
. ___is an indication that the asphalt mix is overheated.
A. Blue smoke
B. Stiff appearance
C. Rising steam
D. Mix slumps in truck
In checking the temperature of the mix, the thermometer should be inserted into the mix at least___.
A. 2 inches
B. 6 inches
C. 4 inches
D. 6.0 mm
___is applied on existing bit, or cement concrete surface with bituminous materials.
A. Bituminous Prime Coat
B. Bituminous Tack Coat
C. Bituminous Seal Coat
D. Bituminous Surface Treatment
The solution used in the soundness test of aggregate shall be cooled to a temperature of 21+ of -1*C and maintain at that temperature for at least ___.
A. 24 hours
B. 36 hours
C. 48 hours
D. 18 hours
Proper compaction of the fill materials is very important, as it will ____.
A. Increase in the shear strength
B. Decrease permeability
C. Minimize compressibility
D. All of the above
In which DPWH item is emulsified asphalt not suitable?
Item 301
B. Item 302
C. Item 304
D. Item 308
Unconfined compressive strength test is usually performed on ____.
A. Sandy soils
B. Silty soils
C. Organic soils
D. Clayey soils
Consolidation test is usually performed on___samples.
A. Disturbed
B. Undisturbed
C. Consolidated
D. Both a & b
A concrete core sample having a maximum height of less than ___ of its diameter before capping or height less than its diameter after capping shall not be tested.
A. 93 %
B. 94 %
C. 95%
D. 96%
The cohesion and internal friction of soil is tested b
A. Triaxial shear test
B. Direct shear test
C. Bearing test
D. All of the above
In concrete acceptance, core will be considered adequate if the average strength of the cores is equal to what?
A. 80%of specified strength &if no single core is less than 75% of specified strenght
B. 90%of specified strength & if no single core is less than 80%of specified strength
C. 85%of the specified strength & if no single core is less than 75% of specified strength.
D. None of the above
Before the cement is to be used, sampling must be done at least ___before use.
A. One week
B. 14 days
C. Two weeks
D. 12 days
Asphalt cement shall not be used while it is foaming nor shall be heated at ___anytime after delivery.
A. 107*
B. 120*
C. 159*
D. 110*
Moisture content of aggregates in bit.mix shall not exceed ___of the time it is introduce into the mixing unit.
A. 1.5 mass %
B. 2.0 mass %
C. 1 mass %
D. 2.5 mass %
Batching tolerance for Sand and Aggregates is ___.
A. 1 %
B. 2%
C. 3%
D. 4%
Between stage of curing, concrete shall not be exposed for more than how many hours?
A. 24 hours
B. 3 hours
C. ½ hours
D. 72 hours
{"name":"Compre Part 3", "url":"","txt":"In the calculation of total project duration in an infrastructure project (equipment oriented), which of the following is the most important consideration?, In order to attain the minimum percentage design strength of concrete for sides of concrete beams and girders, the minimum time before forms and supports are removed should be:, What do you call the method of determining stream discharge by measuring the cross-sectional area of the stream and its velocity with a current meter?","img":""}
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