What is your speaking personality?

A colorful illustration of diverse speakers engaging with an audience in various settings, showcasing different styles of communication and emotion.

Discover Your Speaking Personality!

Are you curious about your speaking style? Take our quiz to uncover your unique speaking personality! Whether you're a seasoned presenter or an occasional speaker, this quiz will help you understand how you prepare, connect with your audience, and handle nerves.

  • Find out what type of speaker you are.
  • Learn how your audience perceives your presentations.
  • Gain insights into improving your speaking skills.
6 Questions2 MinutesCreated by InspiringSpeaker57
How do you prepare for a speech or event?
Lots of research, writing, and revisions.
Practice for friends, family, pets- whoever will listen to me!
Pour over the power point- let it do the heavy lifting!
Preparation? What's that?
I use cards or notes to bullet point my ideas.
Figure out how I can make them laugh and/or cry.
Who is your usual audience?
Business Associates and colleagues
Students or subordinates
Friends and Family-everyone is an audience!
People I am selling an idea or product to
A variety of different individuals and groups
How do you feel after giving a speech or presentation?
Proud of myself! I rock!
Did that just happen?
I can never face those people again as long as I live.
I have a few ideas that will help me do better next time.
How does your audience feel after you give a speech or presentation?
Ready to change the world!
Informed and educated on the topic.
Bored out of their minds!
Interested in learning more about you and your ideas/products/services
Either their eyes are red from crying or their faces hurt from laughing. Or both!
How do you handle nerves before an important speaking event?
Nerves? Not me! I am steady as a rock.
Deep breaths and grounding exercises.
I picture the audience in their underwear.
Lots of preparation and practicing.
I make jokes about it and hope for the best!
Cocktails, anyone?
I avoid speaking as much as possible so that I don't have to feel nervous.
Enter email address (don't worry, we will not share it or flood your inbox!)
{"name":"What is your speaking personality?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you curious about your speaking style? Take our quiz to uncover your unique speaking personality! Whether you're a seasoned presenter or an occasional speaker, this quiz will help you understand how you prepare, connect with your audience, and handle nerves.Find out what type of speaker you are.Learn how your audience perceives your presentations.Gain insights into improving your speaking skills.","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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