Year book awards

What boy is best looking?
What girl is best looking?
What boy has the best laugh?
What girl has the best laugh?
Who is the boy comedian of the year?
Who is the girl comedian of the year?
Rear of the year (boy)
Rear of the year (girl)
Biggest glow up (boy)
Biggest glow up (girl)
Most likely to go to prison (boy)
Most likely to go to prison (girl)
Best dressed (boy)
Best dressed (girl)
Biggest flirt (boy)
Biggest flirt (girl)
Kindest heart (boy)
Kindest heart (girl)
Couple that should've been (boys name)
Couple that should've been (girls name)
Biggest party animal (boy)
Biggest party animal (girl)
Couple that should not have been (boys name)
Couple that should not have been (girls name)
Biggest ego (boy)
Biggest ego (girl)
Most clever (boy)
Most clever (girl)
Biggest drama queen (boy)
Biggest drama queen (girl)
Most likely to go on love island (boy)
Most likely to go on love island (girl)
Best teeth/smile (boy)
Best teeth/smile (girl)
Best hair (boy)
Best hair (girl)
Biggest poser (boy)
Biggest poser (girl)
Most likely to be famous (boy)
Most likely to be famous (girl)
Best groover (boy)
Best groover (girl)
Most chatty (boy)
Most chatty (girl)
Mum of the year (girl)
Dad of the year (boy)
Best advice-giver (boy)
Best advice-giver (girl)
Most judgemental (boy)
Most judgemental (girl)
Most underrated (boy)
Most underrated
Most likely to go viral on Tik Tok (boy)
Most likely to go viral on Tik Tok (girl)
Sportiest (boy)
Sportiest (girl)
Cutest couple (boy name)
Cutest couple (girl name)
Everyone will miss (boy)
Everyone will miss (girl)
Most gullible (boy)
Most gullible (girl)
Best Eyebrows (boy)
Best eyebrows (girl)
Most desperate to win an award (boy)
Most desperate to win an award (girl)
{"name":"Year book awards", "url":"","txt":"What boy is best looking?, What girl is best looking?, What boy has the best laugh?","img":""}
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