Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 29 Nov 21
[2111.12725] Bo Peng, Shuichi Murakami, Bartomeu Monserrat et al.: Degenerate topological line surface phonons in quasi-1D double helix crystal SnIP
[2111.12740] Guilherme B. Ventura, Aboutaleb Amiri, Raghavan Thiagarajan et al.: Mechanics of cell integration in vivo
[2111.12768] A. N. Afanasiev, P. S. Alekseev, A. A. Greshnov et al.: Ballistic flow of two-dimensional electrons in a magnetic field
[2111.12808] T.E. Kuzmicheva, S.A. Kuzmichev, K.S. Pervakov et al.: Superconducting Order Parameters in overdoped BaFe$_{1.86}$Ni$_{0.14}$As$_2$ Revealed by Multiple Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy of Pla...
[2111.12815] Hung-Hsuan Teh, Wenjie Dou, Joseph E. Subotnik: Spin Polarization through A Molecular Junction Based on Nuclear Berry Curvature Effects
[2111.12829] Fariborz Kargar, Andrey Krayev, Michelle Wurch et al.: Metallic vs. Semiconducting Properties of Quasi-One-Dimensional Tantalum Selenide van der Waals Nanoribbons
[2111.12831] Manoj Settipalli, Vitaly S Proshchenko, Sanghamitra Neogi: Effect of Electron-Phonon and Electron-Impurity Scattering on Electronic Transport Properties of Silicon/Germanium Superlattices
[2111.12842] Hiroyasu Koizumi: Superconductivity by Berry connection from many-body wave functions: a generalized Hartree-Fock approximation
[2111.12848] Julia A. Giannini, Ethan M. Stanifer, M. Lisa Manning: Searching for structural predictors of plasticity in dense active packings
[2111.12863] Yue-Chao Wang, Bei-Lei Liu, Yu Liu et al.: The underestimation of high pressure in DFT+$U$ simulation for the wide range cold-pressure of lanthanide metals
[2111.12875] Peng Lin, Vignesh Vivekanandan, Gustavo Castelluccio et al.: Crystal plasticity-inspired statistical analysis of dislocation substructures generated by continuum dislocation dynamics
[2111.12879] Stamatios Strikos, Boby Joseph, Frederico G. Alabarse et al.: Structural metastability and Fermi surface Topology of SrAl2Si2
[2111.12887] A. Popert, Y. Shimazaki, M. Kroner et al.: Optical sensing of fractional quantum Hall effect in graphene
[2111.12889] Takanori Shirokura, Tuo Fan, Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang et al.: Efficient spin current source using a half-Heusler alloy topological semimetal with Back-End-of-Line compatibility
[2111.12901] N. Sarkar, R.C. Dynes, P.R. Bandaru: Atomic scale strain engineering of layered sheets on the surfaces of two-dimensional materials
[2111.12910] T. C. Bartolo, J. S. Smith, Yannick Schön et al.: Microscopic quantum point contact formation as the electromigration mechanism in granular superconductor nanowires
[2111.12917] Akihito Kato, Hiroshi M. Yamamoto, Jun-ichiro Kishine: Chirality-Induced Spin Filtering in Pseudo Jahn-Teller Molecules
[2111.12923] Wei-Chih Chen, Yogesh K. Vohra, Cheng-Chien Chen: Discovering Superhard B-N-O Compounds by Iterative Machine Learning and Evolutionary Structure Predictions
[2111.12932] Argha Debnath, Ayan Khan, Saurabh Basu: Dropleton-Soliton Crossover mediated via Trap Modulation
[2111.12936] Tian-Cheng Yi, Richard T. Scalettar, Rubem Mondaini: Hamming Distance and the onset of quantum criticality
[2111.12944] Durgesh Singh, Jadupati Nag, Sankararao Yadam et al.: Colossal Anomalous Hall Conductivity and Topological Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Kagome Metal Nd$_3$Al
[2111.12947] Keitaro Watanabe, Hiroki Kusudo, Carlos Bistafa et al.: Curvature dependence of the interfacial tensions around nanoscale cylinder: Young's equation still holds
[2111.12957] Panagiotis Kotetes: Theory of Berry Singularity Markers: Diagnosing Topological Phase Transitions via Lock-In Tomography
[2111.12959] Thibaud Louvet, Pierre Delplace, Mark Oliver Goerbig et al.: Quantized Berry winding from an emergent $\mathcal{PT}$ symmetry
[2111.12968] Jacob G. Lee, Chris J. Pickard, Bingqing Cheng: High-pressure phase behaviors of titanium dioxide revealed by a $Δ$-learning potential
[2111.12969] Thomas Auzelle, Chiara Sinito, Jonas Lähnemann et al.: Interface recombination in Ga- and N-polar GaN/(Al,Ga)N quantums wells grown by molecular beam epitaxy
[2111.12997] Linda Albanese, Francesco Alemanno, Andrea Alessandrelli et al.: Replica symmetry breaking in dense neural networks
[2111.12998] Nils Krüger, Martin Holthaus: Following Floquet states in high-dimensional Hilbert spaces
[2111.12999] Georges Bossis, Yan Grasselli, Olga Volkova: Capillary flow of a suspension in the presence of discontinuous shear thickening
[2111.13004] Oscar Lee, Jan Sahliger, Aisha Aqeel et al.: Tunable gigahertz dynamics of low-temperature skyrmion lattice in a chiral magnet
[2111.13012] Haruko Toyama, Ryota Akiyama, Satoru Ichinokura et al.: Two-dimensional superconductivity of the Ca-intercalated graphene on SiC: vital role of the interface between monolayer graphene and th...
[2111.13019] Xiansong Xu, Chu Guo, Dario Poletti: Typicality of nonequilibrium (quasi-)steady currents
[2111.13024] M.V. Kondrin, A.A. Pronin, Y.B. Lebed et al.: Dielectric constant of disordered phases of the smallest monoalcohols : evidence for the hindered plastic crystal phase
[2111.13031] Kai-Tong Wang, Fuming Xu, Bin Wang et al.: Transport features of topological corner states in honeycomb lattice with multihollow structure
[2111.13035] D. Bugallo, E. Langenberg, E. Carbó-Argibay et al.: Tuning Coherent-Phonon Heat Transport in LaCoO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ Superlattices
[2111.13061] Jiabin Cui, Somnath Koley, Yossef E. Panfil et al.: Neck Barrier Engineering in Quantum Dot Dimer Molecules via Intra-Particle Ripening
[2111.13062] Joshua P. Rogers, Liam A. P. Gallagher, Danielle Pizzey et al.: High resolution nanosecond spectroscopy of even-parity Rydberg excitons in Cu$_{2}$O
[2111.13095] Robert Hołyst, Karol Makuch, Anna Maciołek et al.: Thermodynamics of stationary states of the ideal gas in a heat flow
[2111.13102] A. Kohutych, V. Liubachko, V. Hryts et al.: Phonon Spectra and Phase Transitions in van der Waals Ferroics MM$'$P$_2$X$_6$
[2111.13113] Benjamin Ertel, Jann van der Meer, Udo Seifert: Operationally Accessible Uncertainty Relations for Thermodynamically Consistent Semi-Markov Processes
[2111.13116] Djénabou Bayo, Andreas Honecker, Rudolf A. Römer: Machine learning the 2D percolation model
[2111.13118] José M. P. Carmelo, Pedro D. Sacramento: The role of q-spin singlet pairs of physical spins in the dynamical properties of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Ising XXZ chain
[2111.13125] Tobias Pohlmann, Florian Bertram, Jannis Thien et al.: Structural and magnetic investigation of the interfaces of $\mathrm{Fe_3O_4/MgO(001)}$ with and without NiO interlayer
[2111.13153] Gerhard Jung: Non-Markovian systems out of equilibrium: Exact results for two routes of coarse graining
[2111.13161] Francesco Picella, Sebastien Michelin: Confined self-propulsion of an isotropic active colloid
[2111.13201] Travis Smith, Chaitanya Gupta, Caleb Carr et al.: Fracture mechanical behavior of polymers: 1. Amorphous glassy state
[2111.13205] Aritra Das, Umberto Borla, Sergej Moroz: Fractionalized holes in one-dimensional Z2 gauge theory coupled to fermion matter -- deconfined dynamics and emergent integrability
[2111.13239] A. Herlihy, T. A. Bird, C. J. Ridley et al.: Recovery of harmonic-like behaviour of the polar mode in BaTiO$_3$ at high pressure
[2111.13242] M. Gomanko, E.J. de Jong, Y. Jiang et al.: Spin and Orbital Spectroscopy in the Absence of Coulomb Blockade in Lead Telluride Nanowire Quantum Dots
[2111.13278] Qiao Jin, Zhiwen Wang, Qinghua Zhang et al.: Room-temperature ferromagnetism at an oxide/nitride interface
[2111.13288] Yuki Nagai: Intrinsic vortex pinning in superconducting quasicrystals
[2111.13302] Yang Zhao, Junbin Qiu, Mingshan Xie et al.: Equivalence between algorithmic instability and transition to replica symmetry breaking in perceptron learning systems
[2111.13308] Fengbo Yan, Zhishan Mi, Jinhao Chen et al.: Revealing the role of interfacial heterogeneous nucleation in metastable thin film growth of rare earth nickelates electronic transition materials
[2111.13313] P. C. Sreeparvathy, Chiranjit Mondal, Chanchal K. Barman et al.: Coexistence of Multifold and Multidimensional Topological Phonons in KMgBO$_{3}$
[2111.13349] Michael Andreas Klatt, Max Hörmann, Klaus Mecke: Characterization of Anisotropic Gaussian Random Fields by Minkowski Tensors
[2111.13354] Dirk Wulferding, Youngsu Choi, Seungyeol Lee et al.: Thermally populated versus field-induced triplon bound states in the Shastry-Sutherland lattice SrCu$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$
[2111.13358] Shuiliu Fang, Ruiting Hao, Longgang Zhang et al.: Simulation of the band structure of InAs/GaSb type II superlattices utilizing multiple energy band theories
[2111.13375] Angel Alastuey, Subir Das: Algebraic infection of charge correlations of a classical electrolyte at the critical point of the liquid-gas transition
[2111.13382] Duan Luo, Liuxiang Yang, Hongxian Xie et al.: Atomistic Evidence of Nucleation Mechanism for the Direct Graphite-to-Diamond Transformation
[2111.13388] Shiono Asai, Shimpei Goto, Ippei Danshita: Transition between vacuum and finite-density states in the infinite-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with spatially inhomogeneous dissipation
[2111.13390] Shota Ono: Mapping the metastability of Lennard-Jones clusters by the maximum vibrational frequency
[2111.13395] Alexandros El Sachat, Peng Xiao, Davide Donadio et al.: Phonon dynamics and thermal conductivity of PtSe2 thin films: Impact of crystallinity and film thickness on heat dissipation
[2111.13397] Chunyang Zhang, Laureline Porcar, Salvatore Miraglia et al.: Microstructure and correlated mechanical properties study of Ni-(Fe, Co)-Mn-(Al, In) as-spun ribbons
[2111.13409] Genki I. Prayogo, Andrea Tirelli, Keishu Utimula et al.: Application of canonical augmentation to the atomic substitution problem
[2111.13413] Burak Çivitcioğlu, Rudolf A. Römer, Andreas Honecker: Machine Learning the Square-Lattice Ising Model
[2111.13416] Felix Jungmann, Hannah van Unen, Jens Teiser et al.: Violation of triboelectric charge conservation on colliding particles
[2111.13418] Eu. A. Gaiduk, Yu. D. Fomin, E. N. Tsiok et al.: Anomalous behavior of two-dimensional Hertzian sphere system
[2111.13431] B. Budinska, B. Aichner, D.Yu. Vodolazov et al.: Rising speed limits for fluxons via edge quality improvement in wide MoSi thin films
[2111.13448] Wojciech Śmigaj, Krzysztof Sobucki, Paweł Gruszecki et al.: A modal approach to modelling spin wave scattering
[2111.13450] Tomohiro Tanogami: Violation of the second fluctuation-dissipation relation and entropy production in nonequilibrium medium
[2111.13480] Wen-Hao Liu, Jun-Wei Luo, Shu-Shen Li et al.: Dynamic short-range correlation in photoinduced disorder phase transitions
[2111.13497] P. A. Igoshev, V. Yu. Irkhin: Giant van Hove Density of States Singularities and Anomalies of Electron and Magnetic Properties in Cubic Lattices
[2111.13498] F. Johnson, J. Zázvorka, L. Beran et al.: Room temperature weak collinear ferrimagnet with symmetry driven, large intrinsic magneto-optic and magneto-transport signatures
[2111.13502] Ivany Romero-Sanchez, Ilian Pihlajamaa, Natasa Adžić et al.: Blunt-end driven re-entrant ordering in quasi two-dimensional dispersions of spherical DNA brushes
[2111.13506] Sophie Beck, Alexander Hampel, Manuel Zingl et al.: The effects of strain in multi-orbital superconductors: the case of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$
[2111.13516] Sourav Manna, Blazej Jaworowski, Anne E. B. Nielsen: Many-body localization on finite generation fractal lattices
[2111.13522] Nerea Dasilva-Villanueva, Sergio Catalán-Gómez, David Fuertes Marrón et al.: Bulk carrier lifetime surpassing 600 us in Upgraded Metallurgical-grade Silicon multicrystalline wafers after Phos...
[2111.13533] Simone Finizio, Claire Donnelly, Sina Mayr et al.: Three-dimensional Resonant Magnetization Dynamics Unraveled by Time-Resolved Soft X-ray Laminography
[2111.13534] Denisov S.I., Moskalenko M.M., Lyutyy T.V. Et al.: Numerical Analysis of the Nanoparticle Dynamics in a Viscous Liquid: Deterministic Approach
[2111.13536] Antoine Honet, Luc Henrard, Vincent Meunier: Exact and many-body perturbation solutions of the Hubbard model applied to linear chains
[2111.13554] Alberto Martinelli, Mauro Giovannini, Martina Neri et al.: Deep insights into the local structure of amorphous Ta2O5 thin films by X-ray pair distribution function analysis
[2111.13558] Hongzheng Zhao, Florian Mintert, Johannes Knolle et al.: Localization persisting under aperiodic driving
[2111.13570] Mikhail Maslov, Mikhail Lemeshko, Artem G. Volosniev: An impurity with a resonance in the vicinity of the Fermi energy
[2111.13572] Marco Di Liberto, Nathan Goldman: Orbital order and chiral currents of interacting bosons with $π$-flux
[2111.13588] Lucas Frérot, Alexia Crespo, Jaafar A. El-Awady et al.: From molecular to multi-asperity contacts: how roughness bridges the friction scale gap
[2111.13591] Stefan Floerchinger, Giuliano Giacalone, Lars H. Heyen et al.: How many particles do make a fluid? Qualifying collective behavior in expanding ultracold gases
[2111.13593] Gerard M Leteba, Yi-Chi Wang, Thomas J A Slater et al.: Oleylamine aging of PtNi nanoparticles giving enhanced functionality for the oxygen reduction reaction
[2111.13600] Ebert Alvares, Yuanyuan Shang, Archa Santhosh et al.: Ab-initio investigation and thermodynamic assessment of the FeTi hydrogenation
[2111.13615] Piotr Kubala, Michał Cieśla: The effect of substrate waviness on random sequential adsorption packing properties
[2111.13622] A.S. Disa, J. Curtis, M. Fechner et al.: Optical Stabilization of Fluctuating High Temperature Ferromagnetism in YTiO$_3$
[2111.13628] Masoud Mohseni, Daniel Eppens, Johan Strumpfer et al.: Nonequilibrium Monte Carlo for unfreezing variables in hard combinatorial optimization
[2111.13635] Sahil Islam, Argha Mondal, Mauro Mobilia et al.: Effect of mobility in the rock-paper-scissor dynamics with high mortality
[2111.13640] Emi Yukawa: su(N) Mermin-Ho relation
[2111.13647] Federica Cataldini, Frederik Møller, Mohammadamin Tajik et al.: Emergent Pauli blocking in a weakly interacting Bose gas
[2111.13665] Joshua Eglinton, Mike I. Smith, Michael R. Swift: Collective behavior of composite active particles
[2111.13668] R. A. Ortiz, P. Puphal, M. Klett et al.: Magnetic correlations in infinite-layer nickelates: an experimental and theoretical multi-method study
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 29 Nov 21","img":""}
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