A driver who refuses to take an alcohol test might lose his or her license under which law?
A. Highway protection act
B. Financial responsibility
Implied consent
Provisional license
If leaving the car from the street side,
A. Walk around the rear of the car.
B. Walk around the front of the car.
C. Place keys where you can see them.
D. Glance over your right shoulder.
Adjust a safety belt so it
A. Keeps you from leaning forward.
B. Lets you reach all door locks.
C. Fits snugly.
D. Allows comfortable movement.
The hand signal to indicate slow or stop is
A. Left arm and hand pointed downward.
B. Left arm and hand pointed upward.
C. Left arm and hand pointed straight out.
D. Right arm and hand extended downward.
A turnabout maneuver is risky becuase
A. There is no signal for a turnabout.
B. You cross or back into one or more lanes of traffic.
C. It must be made at an intersection.
D. Other drivers might not yield to you.
How much space should be allotted to park your vehicle parallel to the curb?
A. 2-3 feet longer than your vehicle
B. 2 vehicle lengths
C. 5-6 feet longer than your vehicle
D. The same size as your vehicle
You should use the low gears
A. When driving up and down steep hills.
B. Whenever you need to drive slowly.
C. Whenever you need to drive quickly.
D. When driving on long, flat highways.
A delayed green light means
A. One side of an intersection has a green light and the other side remains red.
B. Do not go until it becomes fresh.
C. The turn is unprotected.
D. You may turn right when it turns red.
Drinking a soft drink while driving
A. Is okay if you use a cup holder.
B. Helps keep the driver focused on the driving task.
C. Is only a problem if the driver spills the drink.
D. Is a biomechanical distraction.
A 3-second following distance
A. Is equal to the stopping distance.
B. Is effective only at slower speeds.
C. Is not related to the time needed to perform the IDPE Process.
D. Is not the total stopping distance.
A traffic signal that has been green for some time is a
A. Stable green light.
B. Sequential green light.
C. Stale green light.
D. Fresh green light.
Rural roads are
A. All paved.
B. All gravel.
C. Constructed of different types of material.
D. Usually in poor condition.
Hydroplaning occurs when your tires
A. Lose contact with the road.
B. Roll on the sidewall during a turn.
C. Lose all air pressure.
D. Have new tread and normal air.
When you have a blowout what should you do first?
A. Grip the steering wheel firmly.
B. Apply hard pressure to the brake.
C. Quickly pull off the roadway.
D. Quickly remove your foot from the accelerator.
As you apply the foot brake, the pedal goes to the floor. What should u do first?
A. Turn off the ignition.
B. Shift to a lower gear.
C. Apply the parking brake.
D. Pump the brake pedal 3 or 4 times.
A person with 20/40 visual acuity
A. Must be twice as close to an object to see it as clearly as a person with 20/20 vision.
B. Cannot be licensed to drive.
C. Cannot see clearly at any distance.
D. Must be twice as far away from an object to see it as clearly as a person with 20/20 vision.
Carbon monoxide can enter from
A. The air drawn into the engine.
B. Certain kinds of synthetic clothing.
C. An open window, your heater, or your air conditioner.
D. The vinyl materials used in upholstery.
The first precaution you should take with regard to driving after taking medicine is to
A. Test the medicine to see if it affects your driving.
B. Read the label on the medicine to see if the medicine has side effects that will affect your driving.
C. Drive slowly.
D. Drive only short distances.
{"name":"A driver who refuses to take an alcohol test might lose his or her license under which law?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"A driver who refuses to take an alcohol test might lose his or her license under which law?, If leaving the car from the street side,, Adjust a safety belt so it","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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