Maxillary & Mandibular landmarks

1. A transitional epithelium between the skin & upper & lower lips , and improved by the denture :
Vermilion border
Mentolabial sulcus
2. If the mentolabial angle is 180 , then the patient is considered :
Class I
Class II
Class III
Class IV
3. Angular cheilitis doesn't improve by the denture
4. Primary stress bearing area in the maxilla :
Rugea area
Palatal slopes
crest of the alveolar ridge
Buccal slopes
5. Median palatine raphe should be relieved to avoid :
Rocking of the denture
midline fracture
all of the above
6. The form of palatal vault that can resist the lateral forces :
A. U-shaped
B. V-shaped
C. Flat palatal vault
D. A&B
7. All of the following are relief area, except
Maxillary Tuberosity
incisive papilla
prominent mylohyoid ridge
knife edge ridge
8. A landmark that identifies the position of the midline & central incisors :
Median palatine raphe
incisive papilla
Torus palatinus
Rugae area
9. The best treatment for small torus palatinus is :
surgical reduction
making a hole in the denture opposite to the torus
it needs no management
10. The posterior border of the upper denture should ends before the fovea palatinae
11. The Crest of the mandibular alveolar ridge isn’t considered as a primary stress bearing area :
12. Upper denture is more retentive than lower denture :
13. Retromolar pad should be covered to :
avoid backward displacement of lower denture
Avoid forward displacement of the denture
provide medilateral movement of the denture
Retromolar pad shouldn'r be covered by the denture
14. Posterior palatal seal should be placed :
A. At the immovable part of the soft palate
B. At the movable part of the soft palate
C. beyond the fovea palatinae
D. Before the fovea palatine
A &C
15. The arrow is pointing at :
Mentolabial sulcus
Nasolabial sulcus
16. A primary stress bearing area for mandibular arch :
A. Crest of the ridge
B. crest of well developed ridge
B. Buccal shelf of bone
D. B&C
17. unrelieving the mental foramen causes :
A. Numbness of the upper lip
B. Numbness of the lower lip
C. Burning sensation in the upper lip
D. Burning sensation in the lower lip
18. Labial frenum is wider than the buccal frenum :
19. All of the following are correct about the structure that the arrow is pointing at except :
Should be covered by the denture
The lower denture should extend beyond it
lies above the mental foramen
found at the anterior border of the mandible
20. Setting of teeth should end :
At the begging of the retromlar pad
in the middle of the retromlar pad
By the end of the retromolar pad
2mm anterior to the retromolar pad
{"name":"Maxillary & Mandibular landmarks", "url":"","txt":"1. A transitional epithelium between the skin & upper & lower lips , and improved by the denture :, 2. If the mentolabial angle is 180 , then the patient is considered :, 3. Angular cheilitis doesn't improve by the denture","img":""}
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