Tone/Personality Test

If you had to wait in a line for a large amount of time you're more likely to feel...
Hopeful. If this many people are in line, whatever it is you're waiting for must be pretty great.
Detached. You're preoccupied with your own thoughts, and don't have any strong feelings about the long wait.
Contemptuous. You have a burning hatred for all the other people in this line. If it wasn't for the large amount of people, the wait would be a lot shorter.
You're in a group project, and one of the members is struggling with a task you know you could do better. You feel...
Compassionate, you remember what it was like to first learn how to do that.
Objective. As long as they get the job done, you don't really care how long it takes them.
Pedantic. It's almost torture watching them display the little amount of knowledge they have in a field you're an expert in.
When exercising you feel...
Determined, you're all about pushing yourself to become better.
Bitter. Curse whoever thought agricultural society was a good idea. Nomadic tribes never needed exercise.
Confident. You know you're physically fit, so you don't see a huge need for it. But if you find yourself doing physical activity you don't really mind.
When someone is sharing their opinion you feel...
Supportive. Even if their thoughts don't line up with yours, you still respect their opinion.
Factual. You don't really get sucked up into the emotional side of politics, you stick whatever makes sense logically.
Condescending. What an awful stance. You can't believe these types of people are allowed to vote.
When you're losing during a game you feel...
Indignant. You're the only good player on your team, and it's completely unfair that you're stuck with these people.
Elegiac. You were winning just a few minutes ago, you hope you can return to a winning position once again.
Didactic. Now would probably be a good time to discuss strategy with your team.
When someone gives you a gift you don't appreciate you feel...
Laudatory. You may not enjoy the present, but you'll still excitedly thank them for the kind gesture.
Disgusted. The fact that anyone would think you would enjoy this present is sickening.
Restrained. You won't lie and say you liked the present, but you won't let your true emotions show either.
When someone suggests to make plans to see each other over the weekend you are...
Informal. You made some casual plans to get together. Not a huge deal.
Ecstatic. You can't wait to get together.
Disdainful. You would never hang out with someone like that.
Stress from school makes you...
Scornful. School is the worst place ever, and you hate everyone there.
Learned. Stress from school gives you enough motivation to gain knowledge and excel in class.
Scholarly. School is just a place to learn, you don't really love or hate the place.
When forced to make small talk with someone don't know you're...
Bantering. Humor is good way to break the ice with someone that you aren't well acquainted with.
Enthusiastic. Yay! A new friend.
Sarcastic. Yes, please continue to comment on the unusual weather we're having. It is just sooo crazy that it's cold in the middle of February isn't it?
Your way of talking with people is often...
Colloquial. You're casual and informal with your peers.
Facetious. You walk a fine line between humorous and offensive.
Effusive. You're bright and bubbly.
When someone is complaining you are...
Sympathetic. She's right, that essay totally sucks.
Teasing. Really? That's what you're complaining about?
Apathetic. Frankly you don't really care about what they're complaining about.
When someone asks you for help you are...
Benevolent. Of course you'll help.
Mocking. They're how old now? And they seriously don't know how to do that?
Authoritative. You know more than they do, and you can help them accordingly.
When your parents ask you to do something you are...
Flippant. Yeah, whatever, I'll get it done.
Pleasant. Sure, I can do that.
Resigned. If you want me too, I can
When fighting with your friends you are...
Petty. You focus on all the little things they've done against you, and you intend to pay them back.
Sincere. You state your side in the matter, and wait for things to resolve.
Soothing. This is all a huge misunderstanding, and you just want everyone to calm down and get along again.
When contradicting someone you are...
Satiric. You point out all the flaws within the opposing person's thought process without mercy.
Forthright. You tell them why you disagree in a direct manner.
Lighthearted. You try and tell them why you disagree, without making it a big deal.
When someone crosses your best friend you are...
Threatening. Hurt my best friend and I'll hurt you.
Shocked. It's surprising that someone would hurt your best friend, but there's not a lot you can do.
Consoling. You make sure to go and cheer up your friend.
When dealing with Underclassmen you are...
Patronizing. Ew, freshmen are the worst.
Reminiscent. It wasn't that long ago that you were a freshmen.
Friendly. Time to make some new friends.
Your humor is...
Irreverent. Your humor spares nothing and no one.
Cheery. You enjoy making people smile.
Candid. Straightforward.
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