PHIL 101 Quiz 3/4

Who thought it was impossible to totalize everything that exists; that what exists is infinite?
Jacques Derrida
Michel Foucault
Martin Heidegger
Alain Badiou
Which is not a theme an existentialist would be likely to accept?
Metaphysics can reveal the reason and purpose of life.
Life is meaningless and irrational.
Most people live dull, limited and unfulfilling lives.
Each individual is alone in the world.
Who made the study of multiplicity the centerpiece of his thought?
Michel Foucault
Ferdinand de Saussure
Jürgen Habermas
Gilles Deleuze
Who searched for a group of rules that accounts for the social complexities of even so-called primitive cultures?
Jacques Derrida
Michel Foucault
Martin Heidegger
Claude Levi-Strauss
How can we give life purpose in a purposeless world, according to Camus?
Kill yourself.
Seek God.
Rebel against the absurd.
It can't be done.
What would Jacques Derrida say about the essential meaning of a text?
It means whatever the author intended for it to mean.
It means whatever the reader understands it to mean.
It means whatever the majority of experts take it to mean.
A trick question, since he rejects the whole notion of essential meaning.
For Nietzsche, who or what is the source of ethical truth?
The Superman
The ruler of a state
Which desires did Epicureans say you should occasionally satisfy?
Those that are both natural and necessary.
Those that are natural but not necessary.
Those that are neither natural nor necessary.
All of the above.
How is goodness apprehended, according to Plato?
By the senses.
Through the emotions.
By reason.
By mystical vision.
In what does human happiness consist, according to Aristotle?
Intellectual virtue.
Moral virtue.
All of the above.
In terms of what did G. E. Moore define goodness?
Personal affection and aesthetic enjoyment.
Tricky! He claimed that it can't be defined.
Which of the following is the political philosophy based on respect for established institutions and traditions?
What is the name of the influential publication by John Rawls?
Killing and Starving to Death
Anarchy, State, and Utopia
A Theory of Justice
After Virtue
What do moral judgments do, according to the emotivists?
Guide conduct.
Assert facts.
Express emotion and encourage others to feel the same way.
Create value.
What is one reason feminist epistemologists are suspicious of the concept of the ideal knower as dispassionate, objective, and purely rational?
These qualities are of no value in the pursuit of knowledge and truth.
Too many real people are like that, and they don't know much.
Even supposedly objective scientists are influenced by their own prejudices and biases.
They aren't suspicious of this concept at all.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the "Third Wave" of feminism?
Rejects binary distinctions between men and women
Rejects "sex positive" philosophies
Supports transsexuals
Includes conflicting strands of theory
According to Julia Kristeva
The female semiotic has been devalued.
Feminine signification has been marginalized because it threatens the traditionally masculinist symbolic discourse.
Religious discourse can create a healing space between symbolic and semiotic.
All of the above.
According to Mary Wollstonecraft, which of the following virtues should be cultivated in women as well as men?
Which of the following developed what she called "maternal thinking"?
Nel Noddings
Carol Gilligan
Nancy Chodorow
Sara Ruddick
Who wrote: "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman"?
Mary Wollstonecraft
Simone de Beauvoir
Jacques Lacan
Luce Irigaray
{"name":"PHIL 101 Quiz 3\/4", "url":"","txt":"Who thought it was impossible to totalize everything that exists; that what exists is infinite?, Which is not a theme an existentialist would be likely to accept?, Who made the study of multiplicity the centerpiece of his thought?","img":""}
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