The urinary system

Exploring the Urinary System: A Comprehensive Quiz
Test your knowledge on the urinary system with this engaging and informative quiz! Designed for students and educators, this quiz covers a wide range of topics related to renal structure and fun
Key Features:
- 19 detailed questions
- Multiple choice format
- Covers anatomy, fun
ctions, and histology
The urine that is excreted at the area cribrosa flows sequentially
Minor calyx of the papilla
Major calyx
Renal pelvis
Urinary bladder
Renal cortex:
Is a place where extraglomerular mesangial cells are present
Contains calyces
Is a place where we can find macula densa
Contains papillary ducts
Contains thin segment
Contains proximal convoluted tubules
Contains renal corpuscles
Contains capillary vessels of vasa recta
Contains distal convoluted tubules
Renal corpuscle:
- There are mesangial cells in glomerulus
- Bowman space drains into the proximal tubules at urinary pole
- Represents the beginning of the nephron
- Afferent and efferent arterioles enter and exit renal corpuscle at urinary pole
- Parietal layer of Bowman`s capsule is composed of podocytes
- In a vascular pole afferent arteriole enters and efferent arteriole leaves the corpuscle
- Visceral layer cells of Bowman`s capsule are called podocytes
- Afferent and efferent arterioles enter and exit renal corpuscle
- Visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule are called podocytes
- Parietal layer of Bowman`s capsule consists of simple squamous epithelium
- Urinary space drains into the proximal tubule at urinary pole
- Each renal corpuscle contains vascular pole and urinary pole
- Extraglomerular mesangial cells ae located in Bowman`s space
Choose component/s of the nephron:
- Distal convoluted tubule
- Renal corpuscle
- Loop of Henle
- Collecting tubule
- Proximal convoluted tubule
- Proximal straight tubule
- Thin segment
- Distal straight tubule
- Produces and releases erythropoietin (EPO)
- Cortex consists of renal corpuscles and convoluted tubules
- Its surface is covered by connective tissue (renal fascia)
- Nephron consists of renal corpuscle and a tubule system
- Produces and releases renin
- Its surface is covered by endothelium
- Also functions as endocrine organ (vitamin D)
- Is divided into cortex and medulla
- Its surface is covered by endothelium CT
- Medulla contains renal corpuscles
- Each medullary ray contains renal corpuscle
- Renal interstitium contains small amount of CT
- From the base of medullary pyramids the medullary rays penetrate the cortex
- Each medullary ray contains renal corpuscle
- Is poor in blood vessels
Filtration barrier:
- Lamina densa of basement membrane contains type IV collagen
- Includes continuous endothelium
- Glomerular basement membrane act as physical barrier and ion-selective filter (charge barrier)
- Is present within renal corpuscle
- Contains glomerular endothelium, basement membrane and podocytes
- Basement membrane consists of lamina rara interna, lamina densa, lamina rara externa
- Filtrate when blood plasma is forced under pressure through the capillary fenestrations
- Filtration slits are formed by foot processes of podocytes
- The filtration slit diaphragm act physical barrier
- Fibronectin, laminin and heparin sulphate act as physical barrier
Collecting tubules and ducts:
- Transport urine from distal convoluted tubules
- They determine urine osmolality by reabsorbing water
- Are composed of simple epithelium
- Dark cells of ducts occur in lower number
- Epithelium of ducts is composed of light cells and dark cells of ducts
- Light cells are predominant cell type of ducts
- Are parts of cortical nephrons
- Are composed of stratified squamous epithelium
- Light cells of ducts are also called principal cells
- The cell boundaries in epithelium of duct are seen in light microscope
- Are parts of cortical nephrons
- Medullary ducts have cuboidal to columnar cells
Distal convoluted tubule:
- Has no brush border
- Is lined with simple cuboidal epithelium
- Apical part of epithelial cells has numerous, very long microvilli
- The wall of the tubule contains juxtaglomerular (JG) cells
- Is found in cortex of kidney
- In the tubule potassium ions are secreted
- In the tubule sodium is absorbed
- Is included in glucose secretion
- Connects to the collecting duct
- The wall contains modified cells called macula densa
- Is found in medulla of kidney
- Its cells are ion-transporting cells
Proximal convoluted tubule: PCT
- Is continuous with the epithelium of the parietal layer of the Bowman`s capsule
- Is present at the urinary pole of the renal corpuscle
- Is discontinuous with the epithelium of the parietal layer of the Bowman`s capsule
- Synthesizes extracellular matrix
- Receive the ultrafiltrate from urinary space of Bowman`s capsule
- Its cells contain basal striations
- Secretes creatinine
- Apical surface of the epithelial cells contains long cilia
- Absorbs most of the NaCl and water, phosphate, calcium
- Is lined with microvilli
- Its part creates the macula densa
Excretory passages:
- Have mucosal layer
- Have adventitia serosa
- In most parts they are lined with pseudostratified epithelium
- Have submucosal layer
- Have podocytes
- Have muscular layer
- In most parts they are lined with transitional epithelium
- Don’t have submucosal layer
- Is lined with stratified squamous epithelium in women and men
- Male urethra is long and composed of three of four segments
- Have an external sphincter in male and female
- Membranous part of urethra is present within the penile
- Transport the urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder
- In women it is a urinary organ only
- Carries the urine from the bladder to the exterior
- Have an external sphincter in female only
Juxtaglomerular (JG) apparatus:
- Extraglomerular mesangial cells are one of its members
- Is located in vascular pole of renal corpuscle
- Modified cells of afferent glomerular arteriole form macula densa
- JG cells are modified muscle cells of the glomerulus afferent arterioles
- JG cells produce renin
- JG cells monitor sodium concentration
- Modified cells of DCT from macula densa
- Includes JG cells, macula densa, extraglomerular mesangial cells
- Macula densa cells monitor sodium concentration
- Includes also podocytes
- Is located in urinary pole renal corpuscle
Transitional epithelium:
- Is also called urothelium
- Is not present in calyces
- Is composed of umbrella cells only contains goblet cells
- Is covering distal convoluted tubule
- Is covering minor and major calyces
- Superficial cells may be binucleate
- Umbrella cells dedicated to protect other cells against hypertonic urine
- In some areas of the umbrella cells special protective protein called uroplakin is present
- Is covering distal convoluted tubule
- Principal cells (light cells) and intercalated cells (dark cells) can be found in the epithelium
- Is present is the urethra
- Includes basal cells, intermediate cells layer with one to several layers of cells and superficial umbrella cells
- Its surface is lined with thick layer of lipids
- Consist of umbrella cells only
- Its dome-shaped umbrella cells can change morphology to become flattened
- Cells of proximal convoluted tubule have microvilli
- Includes renal corpuscle
- Visceral layer of Bowman capsule forms podocytes
- PCT & DCT are its elements
- Loop of Henle: thin descending & ascending limb
- Collecting tubule is last part (no, DCT)
- Cells of distal convoluted tubule possess long sterocilia
Indicate elements, that belong to the filtration barrier:
- Filtration slits membrane
- Endothelium of glomerular capillaries
- Fenestrated endothelial cells
- Macula densa
- Visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule
- Mesangial cells
- Parietal layer of the bowmans capsule
- Basement membrane
Indicate structures lined with transitional epithelium:
- minor calyx
- major calyx
- proximal convoluted tubule
- renal pelvis
- ureter
- urinary bladder
- collecting duct
- Prostatic urethra in male reproductive system
Urinary system:
Healthy kidney consist of over 1.2 million of nephrons
Thin limb of loop of Henle is lined with simple cuboidal epithelium
Kidney is responsible for production of erythropoietin, renin and prostaglandins
Cells of distal convoluted tubule that connect the glomerular arteriole are modified into macula densa
Thick limb of loop of Henle is lined with simple cuboidal epithelium
Thin limb of loop of Henle is lined with simple squamous epithelium
Henle`s loop:
- Is a u shaped structure
- Consist of thin descending and thin ascending limb
- Contains thick descending and thick ascending limb
- Thick limb are similar in the structure to the distal convoluted tubule
- Thick limbs have no medulla
- Included in passive reabsorption of sodium and chloride
- located in medulla
- Included in active reabsorption of electrolytes
- Is a part of renal corpuscle
- Consists of glomerulus and podocytes
{"name":"The urinary system", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the urinary system with this engaging and informative quiz! Designed for students and educators, this quiz covers a wide range of topics related to renal structure and function.Key Features:19 detailed questionsMultiple choice formatCovers anatomy, functions, and histology","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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