Quarterly Quiz Q2 2018 - MASTER Quiz

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Welcome to our Quarterly Quiz!
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Adaptive Optimization
Which of the following describe the eligibility of ACO?
The campaign has to be run in CRO model for at least 7 days with 3+ sales per day
The campaign needs to have 3+ sales per day on average for the last 90 days
Cross-device is deployed for the advertiser
The client is live on DPA
What is the requirement when you set the target value for ACO?
The target value should be set in the range of ±20% what the CPO has been over the last 7 days
The target value should be set in the range of ±5% what the CPO has been over the last 7 days
The target value should be set in the range of ±20% what the CPO has been over the last 30 days
The target value should be set in the range of ±5% what the CPO has been over the last 30 days
What is the minimum number of sales per day an advertiser must have to be eligible for AO?
10 post click sales per day
10 post click and post view sales per day
3 overall site sales per day
3 post click sales per day
What is the recommended strategy for AO during sales spikes of between 2 and 7 days?
Turn AO off
Increase the target 2 days before the sale, move it back down to normal day of sale, lower it the day the sale ends, then bring it back to normal 2 days after sale ends.
Change nothing – AO can react to sales spikes on its own
Increase the target on the day of the sale, then lower back to normal when the sale ends
What is the most important thing to do to prevent overspend during sales spikes for clients live on AO?
Lower target the day the sale ends
Increase target the day the sale begins
Change to CPC optimization
Change nothing
A client is interested in testing ARO and wants to know more: How do we make sure to optimize towards the given target if the campaign is running with an AO model?
We set a minimum CPC in Management Center, and the engine will not go below it
We set a maximum CPC in Management Center, and the engine will not go above it
There is no minimum or maximum CPC required. We set the target and the engine will flex CPCs dynamically in order to meet it
We set a minimum or maximum target in Management Center and the engine will optimize towards it
Which of the following accounts are NOT eligible for ARO?
The client that has uncapped budget and is live on DPA
The client that has capped budget and is live on DPA
The client that has capped budget on a campaign that does not have stop & go
The client that wants to change the target frequently, e.g. 2x a week
What can plugging AO help you with? (Multiple correct answers)
Ramp up campaigns with historically low volume
Ramp up brand new campaigns with low volume
Negotiate uncapped budgets
Save time by not having to manually manage CPCs
With AO, do we still need CPCs per category?
Yes, they are still needed to meet the client’s different targets per category
No, optimization is done at advertiser level only
No, optimization is done at campaign level only
Yes, they are still needed to align with the client’s different margin objectives per category
Your client is concerned about losing control by activating AO. How could you respond? (Multiple correct answers)
AO allows for more accurate bidding management
AO allows the client to take advantage of engine improvements
The client will still be able to manually set CPCs
Criteo commits to reaching edited targets
What does ARO help optimize towards?
Target CPO
Target COS
What should you do if the volume of a campaign goes to 0? (Multiple correct answers)
If the volume is decreasing because of no sales in the last 4 days, roll back to a CPC based optimization model
If the volume is decreasing for no reason, open a ticket to AX to investigate: it could be an issue with the sales trackers
If the volume is decreasing because of no sales in the last 4 days, wait a few days to allow the engine to pick up
If the volume is decreasing, adjust the target in Management Center and wait a few days to allow the engine to pick up
App Retargeting
formerly App Advertising
Where do we serve banners for app campaigns?
App inventory
Mobile web inventory
App and mobile web inventory
Desktop inventory
Which metric do we look at to qualify clients for App Retargeting?
Daily Active Users (DAU). And we expect the app to have at least 10,000 a day per Operating System to be significant.
Monthly Active Users (MAU). And we expect the app to have at least 300,000 a month per Operating System to be significant
Monthly Visitors. And we expect the app to have at least 600,000 a month to be significant
Downloads. And we expect at least 100,000 downloads per Operating System
Which of the following are the best/most natural fit for Criteo App Retargeting campaigns? (Multiple correct answers)
Companies that sell a service, such as Uber
Ecommerce companies that have apps selling products
OTA’s that have apps, like Booking.com or Kayak
All of them would be a natural fit
Which of the following is NOT the preferred integration method for app retargeting?
App Events SDK
App Events API
Mobile Measurement Partners
There is no preferred integration method
What is the key metric to track performance in App Retargeting campaigns?
COS or CPO, whatever the client’s web KPI metric is
Cost per app install
New app customer rate
Landing Rate
Which of the following is correct about how performance of app campaigns compare to web? (Multiple correct answers)
Conversion rate of app campaigns is higher
Conversion rate of app campaigns is lower
User reach of app campaigns is higher
User reach of app campaigns is lower
Should my App Retargeting campaign spend more or less than my web retargeting campaign?
Depends on the advertiser – some clients have apps that receive more traffic than their websites, in which case the app should see higher spend
Web campaigns will always see higher spend
Depends on the vertical – higher spend in app for travel, lower for retail
App install campaigns should see higher spend than web retargeting, but that is not the case for app retargeting campaigns
Which parameters are recommended when launching App Retargeting? (Multiple correct answers)
Hashed email collection for Cross Device
App deeplinking event for Facebook DPA
Universal Links for redirection on iOS
No specific parameter is recommended
Upon clicking on an app retargeting banner, a user who no longer has the app will be ….
€�. Redirected to the app store to install the advertiser’s app
€� redirected to the advertiser’s mobile site
€� redirected to a blank page in the mobile web browser
€� redirected to an error page in the app they are currently browsing
Your client uses an MMP, but they don’t want to launch Criteo App Retargeting because the integration is too complex and time-intensive. What should you do?
Check with TS to see if their set-up is compatible with the App Lite Integration
Tell the client to integrate App Retargeting via the Criteo SDK instead
Launch App Retargeting with a static campaign instead of dynamic
Tell the client to focus on mobile web users
Which of the following is NOT true about the App Lite integration?
During the integration process, TS can check the if the client’s event structure in the MMP is compatible with the Lite Integration
The client passes us a reduced number of events and does not need to release an update to their app in order to launch App Retargeting with the Lite Integration
It is not possible to run dynamic banners on clients with the Lite Integration
It is not possible to launch an App Install campaign on clients with the Lite Integration
App Links / Universal Links
What are some of the consequences of NOT using Universal Links? (Multiple correct answers)
A user who has the app installed would be asked if they want to open in app. The conversion can get lost if they don’t
A user who has the app installed would be asked if they want to open in app. The conversion will be counted whether they do or not open in app
A user who doesn’t have the app installed would be redirected to the advertiser’s mobile website. The conversion will be counted
A user who doesn’t have the app installed would receive an error message. The conversion is lost
What are App Links? (Multiple correct answers)
App Links are HTTP URLs that enable the App to launch when users clicks on the link, if the App is installed
App Links are HTTL URLs that enable the App to Launch whether or not the App is installed
App Links are HTTP URLs that will give Users a pop up for them to choose if they would like to Launch the App or open their browser when the link is clicked
App Links are HTTP URLs that enable Users to be redirected to the website with no errors, if the App is not installed
What are some of the advantages of App Links? (Multiple correct answers)
It is secure and specific to an advertiser’s website domain
It allows for a seamless user experience
User gets to choose their preferred choice of action
There is no link ownership verification process, so the user will be able to open the link in the app or in their browser
What are Universal Links, and what are they needed for?
Universal Links is a Criteo feature that the client needs to implement in the app. It allows Criteo to track sales properly
Universal Links is a feature available in both Android and IOS. It helps with the redirect into the app
Universal Links is an iOS feature that allows to seamlessly redirect clicks between mobile environments (browser and app)
Universal Links is a mandatory event that needs to be implemented in the app in order for Criteo to track the redirection properly
What is the estimated time needed on the advertiser side to implement Universal Links?
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
App Retargeting with Universal Links has generated a 71% increase in transactions completed in-app and a 42% decrease in CPO because… (Multiple correct answers)
€� one click seamlessly brings the user to content within an advertiser’s app or website
Without Universal Links, a dialog box interrupts the conversation journey for users with app installed, and users with no app installed will get an error message. This creates an additional barrier to a valuable conversion.
... Setup is easy
... Estimated time required for implementation is less than a week
Which of the following correctly describe the user experience with Universal Links? (Multiple correct answers)
A user who has the app installed would be asked if they want to open the content in app or in browser
A user who has the app installed would be redirected to the app
A user who doesn’t have the app installed would be redirected to the advertiser’s mobile website
A user who doesn’t have the app installed would be asked if they wanted to install the app
Criteo Audience Match
Which of the below can be used for CAM campaigns to target users incremental to retargeting campaigns? (Multiple correct answers)
Context 0
Days since last visit
Your client wants to use the same budget for CAM as for Criteo Dynamic Retargeting. How could you respond? (Multiple correct answers)
Using the same budget for CAM and CDR is recommended as it would not impact performance
Using the same budget for CAM and CDR is recommended as they are a part of the same campaign
Using the same budget will hurt all campaigns sharing that same budget
CAM has its own marketing objectives, and therefore should have its own budget reflecting that objective and the purchase intent of the audience it is targeting
What are the current eligibility criteria for CAM campaigns? (Multiple correct answers)
All advertisers using OneTag are eligible
Advertisers must be able to upload CRM files with hashed or plain email addresses or Device IDs via the onboarding platform
Audiences must contain at least 100 emails to uphold privacy standards
Emails need to be hashed as the platform cannot support plain emails
What is important to do as a first step when you pitch CAM to your client? 
Understand what budget your client currently dedicates to re-engagement
Provide use cases that outline how CAM works and what we can achieve for your client
Understand your client’s business priorities and re-engagement strategy
Present the different use cases that we have identified for CAM to discuss the best fit for your client
Your client wants to target premium loyalty program members with exclusive offers based on their last purchase date. What audience segmentations make the most sense?
Loyalty program members
Customer value (i.e. Top buyers)
Premium in-store shoppers
Loyal customers who never purchased online
As a general guideline, what kind of KPI should be followed for short-term CAM campaigns (e.g. Seasonal campaigns that are on for less than a month)?
Budget or traffic KPIs are the most appropriate
Performance-based KPIs are the most appropriate
Ideally a CPO target but it needs to be higher than for the retargeting campaign
Ideally a CPO target but it needs to be lower than for the retargeting campaign
Your client’s marketing objective is to engage with one-time buyers and get them to purchase again. The campaign will run for 2 months. What KPI would you suggest to follow in this case?

Your client, a sports fashion retailer, wants to re-engage lapsed customers and drive additional sales by targeting customers who have not bought in the past 6 months. You have uncapped budget and a CPO target x4 vs LF (set up of the LF campaign as below). What setup makes most sense for the CAM campaign?


Campaign / attribution scenario



Days since last visit (advancedCapp.) Pushback audience
Lower funnel last click​ HP/V/B​ p=60 d/lv (<60 days) No
Use the exact same set up as for the LF campaign
Use the same set up as for the LF campaign but only target Prospects
Switch to upper funnel & first click and target Prospects/HP/V/B. P=60d+
Switch to upper funnel & first click and target Prospects/HP/V/B. P=60d+ and pushback the audience on lower funnel
Is a full funnel set-up for CAM campaigns recommended?
No, as the engine would focus displays on upper funnel users which is not aligned with the objective of CAM campaigns
No, as the engine would focus displays on lower funnel users which can lead to cannibalization on LF campaigns and budgets
No, as the engine would mostly target lower funnel users and new prospects but miss out mid funnel users
Yes, a full funnel set up is recommended for CAM because it allows you to target as many users as possible and generate good performance on the campaign
What are the setup recommendations for CAM re-engagement campaigns? (Multiple correct answers)
Position CAM campaigns in the mid and upper funnel to maximize volume for both Criteo and the client
Segment lower funnel to improve global campaign performance
Push back the CRM audience to the lower funnel because the overlap is a concern
Define an advanced capping value consistent with the campaign objective (days since last visit)
Criteo Customer Acquisition
Which audiences should the ideal CCA campaign target? (Multiple correct answers)
Users who have never been to the client's website
Lapsed visitors who have never purchased
Lapsed buyers who have not purchased in 30+ days
Recent visitors
How long should you wait before launching a CCA campaign for a new Criteo client in order to let the engine collect enough data for the user scoring?
5 days
1 month
3 months
1 year
How does the Criteo Engine score users for CCA campaigns?
It looks at users' historic products browsed across advertisers & computes unique scores for each user against 3rd party data segments
It looks at users’ historic products browsed across advertisers & computes unique scores for each user against the client’s model customer
It looks at users’ historic brands preferences & computes unique scores for each user against our client’s model customer
It looks at users’ historic color preferences & computes unique scores for each user against our client’s model customer
Which answer displays ALL formats that are available to CCA campaigns?
Desktop, Mobile Web & App
Desktop & Video
Desktop, Mobile Web & App, Video
Desktop, Mobile Web & App, Video, Facebook & Instagram
What type of creatives can be used for CCA campaigns? (Multiple correct answers)
Static banners
Dynamic banners
Coupons can be used for CCA campaigns
Coupons cannot be used for CCA campaigns
What type of data can currently be used for CCA campaigns?
Data aggregated at Product Category level (Google categories only)
Data aggregated at Product Category level (Google categories as well as brands and colors)
Data aggregated at Vertical level
Data aggregated at Vertical and Product Category level (Google categories only)
What is the use of user percentiles? (Multiple correct answers)
Control volume of context 0 users
Allows the campaign to target the most highly qualified X% of users (smart engine selection)
Limit the audience of your CCA campaign (random selection, like sampling)
Control volume of mid funnel prospects
What is best practice for adjusting user percentile in traditional CCA campaigns?
No more than 2% at a time. As frequent as you want.
No more than 2% at a time. At least 48 hours between updates.
No more than 5% at a time. As frequent as you want.
No more than 5% at a time. At least 48 hours between updates.
If your CCA campaign is over delivering, which of the below actions can be taken to lower it? (Multiple correct answers)
Reduce CPC
Decrease user percentile
Turn DPA off
Deactivate smoothing
If your campaign is delivering less spend than you’d expect, what two courses of action should you take? (Multiple correct answers)
Activate smoothing
Increase user percentile
Reduce CPC and use sampling in addition
Increase CPC
What can you do if your CCA campaign shows a poor New Customer Rate? (Multiple correct answers)
Adjust the user percentile to more precisely target the top % of users
Gently increase CPCs in order to boost volume
Onboard pushback CRM file
If after implementing the pushback file NCR is low for the mid funnel section, increase days since last visit window
Criteo Product Feed
The google feed is a template created by Google which suggests data that should be provided in the feed. What are some of the benefits of using it? (Multiple correct answers)
It provides more detailed product information which allows for better product recommendation
It allows product information to be standardized and matched across advertisers which allows us to display more relevant ads to the users
Product recommendation for CAM is done based on Google Product Categories, so the new feed is needed to be CAM-ready
Product recommendation for CCA is done based on Google Product Categories, so the new feed is needed to be CCA-ready
Which clients are eligible for Criteo Product Feed?
All retail clients
Only fashion retail clients
Retail and travel clients
Fashion retail and classified clients
What information does the advertiser need to pass us to consider Criteo Product Feed to be fully deployed?
Brand and Google Product Category
Brand, GTIN and MPN
Brand and GTIN
Brand, Google Product Category, GTIN or MPN
What is the difference between GTIN and MPN?
GTIN is a unique product identifier provided by Google while MPN is a unique identifier provided by the manufacturers
GTIN is a globally unique product identifier while MPN is only unique for the manufacturer
MPN is a globally unique product identifier while GTIN is only unique for the manufacturer
MPN is a unique product identifier provided by Google while GTIN is a unique identifier provided by the manufacturers
Why is it important that we receive the brand data from an advertiser? (Multiple correct answers)
The brand data will be leveraged as a variable in the optimization
The brand data will enable the engine to learn user behavior regarding product brands
The brand data will enable the engine to stop retargeting a shopper for a specific product once purchased, if they are not likely to buy again
The brand data is needed to be CCA-ready as product recommendation with CCA is done based on brands and colors
Your client has shared their existing Google Feed with Criteo. Only one of the below scenarios does NOT require any action from your side and we can use the feed as is. Which one?
The products in the Google Feed are not the same as in the client’s display campaign
The product IDs are not the same as in the client’s display campaign
The categories are different with category-based CPC bidding
The client’s feed includes additional information about the price
In your client's existing Google Feed, they use different Product IDs from the ones that they have already provided to Criteo in the Product Feed. What should you do?
Nothing, Criteo can use an existing feed with different product IDs as product information will be matched through Google categories
Request that the client provides a new Google Feed and start using their existing one, but the campaign will need to be paused to update trackers and build new recommendations
Request that the client provides a new Google Feed. There is no way to start using it without matching product IDs
Nothing, Criteo can use an existing feed with different product IDs as they will be standardized through Universal Catalog
Your client doesn't have GTIN/MPN. Should they still implement Criteo Product Feed?
Yes. They should have Product Category and Brand filled which allows us to enrich our Universal Catalog
Yes. They should have Product Category and Brand filled which allows us to enrich our engine recommendations
Yes. They should have Product Category and Brand filled. It will allow us to enrich both our Universal Catalog and engine recommendations
No, GTIN/MPN data is a pre-requisite to implement the new feed
What does the Universal Catalog project help us with?
Universal Catalog enables us to fill missing product brand information of clients through machine learning
Universal Catalog enables us to fill missing Product IDs of clients through machine learning
Universal Catalog enables us to fill missing product category information of clients through machine learning
Universal Catalog is designed to replace the Google feed rollout as too many clients are struggling with providing the new feed
Your client doesn’t have a Google Feed but is ready to build it. What recommendation can you give them? (Multiple correct answers)
Make sure that your new product feed contains as many products as your current Criteo product feed
It is not possible to exclude certain products on your website that you don’t want to advertise
There is no need to remove tracking codes from your Google campaigns from your landing page
If you want to keep Category Bidding, make sure to include the information in your feed
Criteo Shopper Graph / identity graph
Why do we prefer hashed emails to CRM IDs to enable Cross-Device? (Multiple correct answers)
Because hashed emails have a match rate that is 3 times higher
Because hashed emails can be collected without the advertiser’s agreement
Because hashed emails can be stored in a user’s cookie
Because hashed emails are unique to the user across advertisers - the user matching can be done across our advertiser network
What are the benefits for clients of sharing hashed emails? (Multiple correct answers)
Enhance relevancy of Criteo’s banners
Enhance engine prediction for greater performance
Enable optimizing on XD sales
Enhance CAM match rate
With Cross Device, how does product recommendation work?
We take into account all products seen on all matched devices for a given user
We only take into account products seen on 2 matched devices for a given user
With Cross Device, we only take into account best of products
With Cross Device, we only take into account most viewed products
What "opt-out of cross-device matching" options do our Users have? (Multiple correct answers)
Users have the option to opt out on all Criteo Banners
Users can opt out of Criteo Display on their current browser
Users can opt out of Criteo Display for all matched devices
Users cannot opt out through Criteo banners, but must change their device or browser settings.
For how long does Criteo store hashed emails to perform cross-device matches?
90 days
6 months
12 months
13 months
What happens if a matched user deletes their cookies? (Multiple correct answers)
The user will still be matched across devices and browsers
The user will still be matched across devices, but not the browser where they deleted cookies
The user will not be matched anymore until their email is hashed and collected again
The user who opted-out previously will be eligible for retargeting
Which of the following statements are TRUE about user matching with Criteo identity graph? (Multiple correct answers)
User Matching can be done across advertisers because shoppers tend to use the same email with different advertisers
As soon as 2 devices are matched and linked to the same user, all advertisers will benefit from this, no matter if the user has recently or not visited their website
The user needs to be logged-in each time to be matched
The matched Cross-Device Sales can be seen and included in the Sales column in the Management Center
What are common challenges clients face that Criteo’s identity graph could solve? (Multiple correct answers)
Inability to optimize campaigns with user-centric, cross-device focus
Inability to accurately attribute cross-device sales to campaigns
Inability to see a complete uninterrupted view of the path to purchase
Inability to reach inventory to deliver ads to target audience.
Can Criteo’s identity graph service be used inside a Data Management Platform (DMP)?
No, Criteo identity graph cannot be used with any third parties
No, Criteo identity graph can only be used with third party attribution vendors
Yes, Criteo identity graph has no limitations on clients’ third party use
Yes, but the client must sign additional T&C
What is required for a client to participate in Criteo’s identity graph service? (Multiple correct answers)
The client must first participate in Criteo Shopper Graph
The client must change their budget setup to include Criteo identity graph
The client must sign an addendum for a custom integration or leverage the 3rd-party vendors with whom we have a direct integration
The client must have signed Criteo’s Terms & Conditions
CS Questions
Who could be in charge of setting the UTM after coupons deployment by CS? (Multiple correct answers)
Local CS
Local AX
Local TS
You checked the Darwin Report sent by your CS: 2 layouts have slightly lower performances (CTR/CR) than the 4 others. Should you ask CS to remove them?
Yes, it means we are losing money on this partner with the 2 layouts
Yes, we generally only want to keep best performing layouts online so the engine can learn from it
No, with RTCO layout diversity is important. These layouts may perform better where others don’t.
Yes, it means the structure of the data in the banners isn't optimized for the users
Your client sends you an email and says it doesn’t like his current banners, what do you do?
Ask the client what are exactly his creative wishes to improve the banners and open a ticket to CS after getting the elements
Open straight away a JIRA ticket to CS to ask them to improve the banners
Check the Darwin reports and try to find which layouts we can remove
Contact the designer in charge of this account directly on Slack and ask him what can we do
By clicking on the logo in a banner, where can a user be redirected? (Multiple correct answers)
To the advertiser’s homepage
To the last product viewed
To the best product in combination with the first product displayed in the banners
To any static URL provided by the advertiser
What is a layout crossover?
It's a feature to check performances of different layouts in real time
It's a feature recreating in real time new layouts using the Grid and Views of layouts plugged in BannerSet
It's a feature that helps designers to automatically create cross reports in Tableau
It's a feature optimizing the CTA position by calculating the users behavior through a real time heatmap
Is Asymmetric grid a layout? And which impact it has on performances?
Yes, it improves CTR and CR by 5%
Yes, it doesn’t have any impact
No, it’s a feature creating in real-time new grids from other layout grids and it can improve slightly the CTR (max +3%)
Yes, and it improves the CTR by 3% but has no impact on CR
Which fonts can currently be used in the display banners of your clients and be displayed without any restrictions? (Multiple correct answers)
Websafe Fonts
Custom Fonts
Google Fonts
Corporate Fonts
Is it possible to add a classic or full-size coupon when you have specific customization and use an overlay coupon?
Yes, without any restrictions in redirection
Yes, but you can't set any specific redirection for this coupon
No, but it is worth checking with CS if they have a workaround
No, with overlay coupons it is not possible to add a classic or full-size coupon
Who should you contact first if you don't see any images in the banners?
How many coupons can be deployed at the same time on the same campaign?
Only 1
3, but we can't choose which coupon should be displayed
5, but we can't choose which coupon should be displayed
ˆ� , but we can't choose which coupon should be displayed
Is it possible to change the elements’ positions in the banners?
Yes, but we can only use the Arabic mirroring to invert element positions no other layout structure changes are possible
Yes, we can change the position of elements in a banner as the client wants
No, element positions are static and can’t be modified
Yes, CS designers can change the banners’ codes to do so
On which of the following platforms are we using Active Elements? (Multiple correct answers)
My A or B client want to make an A/B Test between two different coupons which kind of issue type should I create to my local CS Team?
An A/B Test Issue Type
A Coupon Issue Type
I should ask my local AX Team not CS
I never made any Creative A/B Tests so I don’t know
My client wants to plug all new Criteo creative features but not together and want to make separate A/B Tests for each of them. What I theoretically should answer to him?
This is definitely possible but we will certainly get a lot of inconclusive tests. Because testing customizations with only few changes isn’t good for knowledges and performances. Creative features are made to be launched together
This is a really great idea, Creative A/B Tests are made for this
No, we will not do it because it’s useless
This is totally feasible and we should even launch all the test at the same time to have knowledges and results the faster we can to avoid a decrease of the performances
{"name":"Quarterly Quiz Q2 2018 - MASTER Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to our Quarterly Quiz!   Please read the following instructions before starting the quiz:   There is always ONE correct answer UNLESS stated \"multiple correct answers\", in which case you have to select more than one good answer. You have to click on 'NEXT' after each category to move on. You won't be able to go back to the previous category once you clicked on 'NEXT'. You have to complete the quiz to have your results captured. If you stopped in between, your results may not be accounted for. Your results + the correct answers will be shown to you when you finish the quiz.   GOOD LUCK :), Name:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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