Patient Care Theory Quiz - Soft Tissue Extermity
Patient Care Theory Quiz - Soft Tissue Extremity
Test your knowledge on soft tissue injuries and their management with our comprehensive quiz! This quiz covers various types of wounds, bleeding control protocols, and the use of hemostatic dressings and tourniquets in emergency situations.
- 49 thought-provoking questions
- Assess your understanding of patient care guidelines
- Immediate feedback on your responses
Which of the following could be classified as open wounds?
All of these are open wounds
An abrasion can be characterized as?
An area damaged by scraping or wearing away
A deep cut, longer than it is wide
Bleeding tends to be heavy
Bleeding tends to be minimal
Has a high chance of scarring
Does not generally lead to scarring
A, D and F are correct
None of the above
A laceration can be characterized as?
An area damaged by scraping or wearing away
A deep cut, or tear in skin or flesh
Often is irregular or jagged
Bleeding tends to be minimal
Often contaminated from whatever caused the damage
Does not generally lead to scarring
A, D and F are correct
B, C and E are correct
True or false: A puncture or penetrating wound is often caused by smaller, pointed objects?
True or false: Punctures, if left untreated, have little chance of becoming infected
True or false: Punctures, depending on where they are in the body, can be life-threatening
What is an avulsion?
A scraping or wearing away of the skin
A deep cut in skin or flesh
A penetration of the flesh by a foreign object or objects
The act of pulling or tearing flesh away from the body
True or false: When dealing with an avulsion, you should expect the bleeding to be moderate to severe
Gerry has suffered an amputation to his left leg, distal to the knee. What of the following are characteristics of amputations?
Has the potent for a massive hemorrhage
Bleeding can usually be controlled with direct pressure to the stump
You may have to use a tourniquet if you cannot control the bleeding
All of the above are true of amputations
When assessing Gerry you should go through the "Five P's", what are they?
Plane, pools, pallor, pararescue, paralysis
Pain, pulse, pallor, participation, paresthesia
Pain, pulse, pallor, paresthesia, paralysis
All of the above are true of amputations
As you assess Gerry's five P's, you see that his severed limb is becoming much whiter/paler than his attached limb. Which one of the 5 P's would this fall under?
When assessing the bleeding coming from Gerry's stump, what should you consider?
The location and size of the bleed
The colour of the blood
Whether the bleed is controlled or uncontrolled
Whether it is clotting, and if it isn't why not?
Is the patient on any medications that may affect their ability to clot
All of these are considerations you should make regarding Gerry's bleeding
According to the Soft Tissue Injury Standard, you treat bleeding in the extremities using which of the following guidelines?
Apply well aimed direct digital pressure to the site of the injury
If unable to control the bleed with direct pressure, apply a tourniquet
If one tourniquet does not slow or stop the bleeding, apply another tourniquet above the first one
If two tourniquets do not slow or stop the bleeding, pack the wound with a hemostatic dressing if aviailable and not contraindicated
All of these in the order they are written are correct
All of these are correct, but they are out of order
None of these is coreect
True or false: According to the Soft Tissue Injury Standard in the BLS the paramedic "shall consider underlying injuries to deep structures (e.g. nerves, vessels, bones)
True or false: When applying digital pressure to a bleed, you should: expose the wound cavity, attempt to visualize the source of the bleeding, clear away any debris or blood that is obstructing your view, apply pressure directing to the source of the bleed as firmly and aggressively as you can, try to apply pressure to the smallest surface area you can
True or false: When applying tourniquets, you should never apply a second tourniquet-even if the first one does not stop or slow the bleeding
True or false: When applying tourniquets, once the bleeding subsides it is acceptable to remove the tourniquet in the pre-hospital setting
True or false: When applying tourniquets, you should consider that tourniquets do not work well when placed on joints or twined long bones
True or false: When applying tourniquets, you do not need to document the time of application unless you are responding to an MCI (multiple casualty incident)
True or false: When applying tourniquets in an MCI situation, you must write the time of application on both the tourniquet and the patient
True or false: When applying a tourniquet, you can cover the tourniquet once it is place
When using a hemostatic dressing on an extremity wound, which of the following considerations do you need to meet?
You must maintain continuous pressure while packing the wound
You must ensure that the entire cavity is filled with densely packed dressing material
You are not to remove the dressings once the wound is packed
You are not to apply subsequent dressings over top
All of the above are true
When using a hemostatic dressing on a junctional wound (e.g. head, shoulders, armpit, neck, groin) which of the following considerations do you need to meet?
You must maintain continuous pressure while packing junctional or extremity wounds
You must ensure that the entire cavity is filled with densely packed dressing material
You are not to remove the dressings once the wound is packed
You may place a pressure dressing over top of the wound once packed
All of the above are true
When using a hemostatic dressing on a wound in any of the hollow spaces of the skull, chest and abdomen which of the following considerations do you need to meet?
You must apply pressure with a flat hand and a hemostatic dressing, if available,
You must ensure that the entire cavity is filled with densely packed dressing material
You are NOT to pack the wound
You are NOT to insert fingers into the hollow space
All of the above are true, except B
All of the above are true
True or false: When applying a hemostatic dressing you should not make any attempt to remove contaminates from the wound before application?
True or false: When applying a hemostatic dressing you should not remove embedded objects from the wound
True or false: When applying a hemostatic dressing you may clean the wound using sterile water or saline in the stable patient
True or false: You should splint a limb BEFORE dressing a wound
True or false: If dressing digits, you should dress digits individually and leave finger/toe tips uncovered if possible
True or false: Once a dressing or splint is applied, it is NOT important to reassess distal neurovascular status?
In which cases are you allowed to REMOVE an impaled object from a patient?
You are never allowed to remove an impaled object
When it is compromising the airway
If it is interfering with CPR in a cardiac arrest patient and several attempts have been made to work around it
None of these are true
B and C are true
True or false: In all other cases (besides those mentioned above), you should attempt to stabilize the impaled object as found using bulky dressings/bandages.
True or false: In cases where an impaled object will not fit in the ambulance, you should attempt to shorten the object-utilizing allied resources and services as needed?
According to the Amputation/Avulsion standard, you should consider what life/limb/function threats?
Hemorrhagic shock
Loss of limb and/or;
Loss of function
You should consider all of these
According to the Amputation/Avulsion standard, if the patient has a partial avulsion or amputation, you should do what?
Hemorrhagic shock
Assess the injury site for CSM
Loss of function
Assess distal pulses and CSM in distal areas
Both B and D
True or false: In the cases of partial avulsion or amputation, you should place the skin bridge in as near-normal anatomical position as possible?
True or false: In the cases of complete amputation, you should cover the stump with a moist, sterile dressing and then a dry dressing. You should take care not to twist or constrict any remaining tissue.
True or false: In the cases of an amputation or avulsion, you should take steps to immobilize and elevate the affected extremity?
True or false: With respect to an amputated limb, you SHOULD delay transport until the limb is found if it is missing.
True or false: With respect to an amputated limb, if it is found prior to transport, it should be gently cleaned with saline. The exposed end should be wrapped or covered with a sterile moist dressing. The limb should then be placed in a water tight container and immersed in cold water if possible.
True or false: With respect to an amputated limb, if the limb is not found prior to transport, you can engage with allied agencies and/or bystanders to search for the limb and have them bring the limb to the receiving facility.
True or false: A fracture is characterized as: "an injury or condition caused when the normal position of a joint or other part of the body is disturbed."
True or false: A dislocation is most common is shoulders and fingers.
True or false: A facture is characterized as: "the cracking or breaking of a hard object or material"
True or false: A facture is characterized as: "the cracking or breaking of a hard object or material"
Splinting priorities are?
Spine, pelvis, femurs, lower legs, upper limbs - in that order
Spine, pelvis, femurs, lower neck, head - in that order
Spine, pelvis, femurs, lower legs, upper limbs - in a different order
True or False: In the case of a partial amputation of the leg proximal to the knee, you should still use a traction splint to immobilize the affected limb.
True or False: With respect to children, if a splint does not fit then you should splint the affected limb to another body part instead?
True or False: With respect to log rolling a patient, you should always roll the patient onto their AFFECTED side?
{"name":"Patient Care Theory Quiz - Soft Tissue Extermity", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on soft tissue injuries and their management with our comprehensive quiz! This quiz covers various types of wounds, bleeding control protocols, and the use of hemostatic dressings and tourniquets in emergency situations.49 thought-provoking questionsAssess your understanding of patient care guidelinesImmediate feedback on your responses","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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