Attn: Professional women, how seen and heard do you feel? Discover your visibility factor!

In meetings or group discussions, how often do you actively share your ideas and opinions?
Rarely - I prefer to stay in the background
Occasionally - I contribute when I feel confident.
Frequently - I actively participate and share my insights.
When receiving recognition for your work, how do you usually respond?
Downplay it - I'm not comfortable with the spotlight
Accept it graciously but feel a bit uncomfortable
Embrace it - I appreciate and acknowledge my achievements
How often do you seek out opportunities to showcase your expertise within your professional network?
Rarely - I'm not comfortable self-promoting.
Occasionally - I do it when the opportunity arises.
Frequently - I actively seek chances to showcase my skills.
When facing a challenge at work, how likely are you to ask for support or advice
I prefer to handle challenges independently.
I seek help when necessary.
I believe in collaboration and seek support when needed.
In networking events, how comfortable are you in initiating conversations with new people?
Uncomfortable - I tend to stick to familiar faces.
Somewhat comfortable - I engage with others but cautiously.
Very comfortable - I actively seek new connections.
When expressing your career goals to others, how confident do you feel in articulating your ambitions?
Not confident - I prefer to keep my goals private
Moderately confident - I share selectively
Very confident - I openly express and pursue my goals
How often do you advocate for your ideas or projects in professional discussions?
Rarely - I'm not comfortable asserting myself
Occasionally - I speak up when I feel strongly
Frequently - I actively advocate for my ideas and projects
When receiving constructive feedback, how do you typically react?
Defensively - I find it challenging to accept feedback
Reflectively - I consider the feedback and make improvements
Gratefully - I appreciate feedback as a growth opportunity.
Do you believe you have the power to make important decisions and shape your destiny?
I usually rely on others to make important decisions for me
I sometimes feel empowered but often doubt my decisions
I firmly believe in my ability to make choices and take control
How proactive are you in continuously learning and developing your skills?
I rarely focus on skill enhancement and prefer to stay in my comfort zone
I occasionally invest in my personal and professional development
I actively seek opportunities for learning and growth
{"name":"Attn: Professional women, how seen and heard do you feel? Discover your visibility factor!", "url":"","txt":"In meetings or group discussions, how often do you actively share your ideas and opinions?, When receiving recognition for your work, how do you usually respond?, How often do you seek out opportunities to showcase your expertise within your professional network?","img":""}
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