Soft Skills - Technology Policy

You can play games on your phone only if you are on a significant break from work.
While taking a bathroom break, I am entitled to play games on my phone so long as I return on-time from the bathroom.
If I do not need a phone to perform my job, my phone should be....
Turned off and put away.
In front of my work station.
Turned on in my pocket.
Put on silent in my pocket.
If I do need my phone in order to perform my job, I will avoid... [circle all that apply]
Going on websites that are unrelated to work.
Answering calls or texts from my supervisor or clients.
Answering calls or texts from my friends.
Using calendar alerts to remind me of my tasks for that day.
If I am no longer on the clock, it is okay for me to use an office computer to look up personal information or non-work material.
When using an office computer, you should avoid looking up the following material... [circle all that apply]
YouTube videos.
Anything that may be considered offensive or inappropriate
Anything that is not related to work
Your schedule for that day
Your work email
The following apps are probably inappropriate for work (unless you are on break)... [circle all that apply]
Calendar / Alerts
These rules about technology may change if you job requires you to use social media.
{"name":"Soft Skills - Technology Policy", "url":"","txt":"You can play games on your phone only if you are on a significant break from work., While taking a bathroom break, I am entitled to play games on my phone so long as I return on-time from the bathroom., If I do not need a phone to perform my job, my phone should be....","img":""}
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