
This survey will record how well you like the website based on what you answer, as well as give me feedback, of course :P
Click me to continue!
How did the website meet your expectation?
Better than what I expected
About what I expected
Worse than what I expected
How up to date is the website?
Extremely up-to-date
Very up-to-date
Somewhat up-to-date
Not so up-to-date
Not at all up-to-date
How good were the visuals?
Extremely good
Very good
Somewhat good
Not so good
Not at all good
How easy was the website to navigate?
Extremely easy
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Not so easy
Not at all easy
How interactive was the website?
Extremely interactive
Very interactive
Somewhat interactive
Not so interactive
Not at all interactive
Overall, how would you rate the website?
If you were referred by someone, please state who they are here.
Any additional comments before you submit your answers? (not required)
{"name":"Feedback", "url":"","txt":"This survey will record how well you like the website based on what you answer, as well as give me feedback, of course :P, How did the website meet your expectation?, How up to date is the website?","img":""}
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