The best of 2016 at Brnd

Create an image of a vibrant quiz interface featuring elements like a quiz question board, colorful visuals representing 2016 pop culture, and engaging icons or illustrations reflecting events and trends from that year.

The Best of 2016 at Brnd Quiz

Test your knowledge on the most memorable moments and highlights from 2016 at Brnd! Dive into a fun and engaging quiz that covers everything from phrases to entertainment.

  • Discover the best quotes of the year
  • Share your favorite series and events
  • See if you can remember the top trends and fails!
6 Questions2 MinutesCreated by DancingFlame235
Mejor frase del año
Hoooola -con tono de dragqueen- by Ana
Disculpa mi risa rara by Ana
¡No puedo con esto! by Ana
¿Estaban guleando? by Andrés
Hablando de sexualidad by Andrés
Jooder!! by Borman
Tu instinto te guiará by Borman
"Muchas manos en la sopa la ponen sosa" by Borman
¡¿Tú no sabes con quién trabajo yo?! by Andrea
Descubrimiento del año
Jores by Borman
Gula by Borman
Tula by Andrea
Motz by Edgardo
Mejor serie del año
Arrested development
Black Mirror
Orphan Black
Mejor Fashion blogger
Andrea: Todos los cafés de Mcbo.
Ana: Maczul, Fiamm, Tula, Mucajai, Briü.
Michael: Cafés varios, Mucajai, Fiamm.
Lubianca: Fiamm, Briü, Sesión Daniel Maduro.
Gustavo: TBT forever.
Mejor producción de evento
Parley GOT
Premiación GOT
Gran final de sensei8 (Parte 1 y Parte 2)
Asian fest
Gran final Orphan Black
Parley de Manrre (viene o no viene Diego)
Fails del año
Pantone 2017 by Borman y Andrea
Galletón by Andrea
Tula by Andrea
Triángulo invertido by Vanessa ft Yaya
Múltiple ginger girl by Ana
Caída by Andrés
{"name":"The best of 2016 at Brnd", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the most memorable moments and highlights from 2016 at Brnd! Dive into a fun and engaging quiz that covers everything from phrases to entertainment.Discover the best quotes of the yearShare your favorite series and eventsSee if you can remember the top trends and fails!","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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