Environmental study is a subject that encompasses
All branches of science only
Only social science
Branches of science and social science
All branches of science ,arts and social science
The unlimited exploitation of nature by human being resulted in
Environmental pollution
Health problems
Decrease in bio-diversity
All of the above
The Primary objective of Environmental Study is to
Generate an environment-friendly mindset among all classes of people
Enjoy economic growth at the cost of quality of human life
Realize the value of bio-diversitry by increased environmental ethics among all classes of people
Get a holoistic view for the sustenance of life on earth on an infinite scale
From when has man been aware of the environmental hazards
Was recognised in the recent years
Was recognised in the ancient times
Was recognised in ancient time
None of the above
Life on earth constantly interacts with its surroundings called environments which essentially consists of
Biotic components only.
Only abiotic components.
Both Biotic and abiotic components.
None of the above
The conservation of environment requires
Maintenance of biodiversity.
Maintenance of gaseous and material cycles.
Maintenance of ecological order and natural balance.
All of these.
Biosphere is made up of
Atmosphere and lithosphere.
Hydrosphere and atmosphere.
Lithosphere and Hydrosphere.
Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and atmosphere
The segment/segments of the environment, responsible for conservation of radiant energy to chemical energy (carbohydrate) through photosynthesis is/are
Atmosphere and Lithosphere.
The largest sink (pollutant receptor) of the planet is
Which of the following components of the earth has least pollutant receptor capability?
Biosphere is the
Envelope of gases surrounding the earth.
The outmost layer of earth's crust.
The thin layer of organic matter containing all living things on the surface of the earth.
None of the above
The Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro was held with the aim of integrating environmental imperatives with developmental aspirations in
June 1972.
December 1972
December 1993
June 1993
The global Action Plan adopted at Earth Summit held The global Action Plan adopted at Earth Summit held at Rio de Janeiro in June 1972 is also known as
Agenda 20.
Agenda 22.
Agenda 23.
Agenda 21.
Environmental degradation is due to
Rapid industrialization.
Onset of different development works.
Fast urbanization leading to deforestation.
All the above.
The earth's atmosphere is an envelope of gases extending above the ground level up to
2500 feet.
2000 feet.
2700 feet.
None of the above.
The lithosphere has thickness ranging from
60 to 76km.
75 to 95km.
64 to 96km.
None of the above.
Below the lithosphere lies the
None of the above.
The interior- most part of the earth is called the
None of the above.
The temperature of the core ranges between
2000 and 2500˙C
5000 and 5500˙C.
3500 and 4500˙C.
None of the above.
Which of the following is not a renewable resource?
Wind power
Geo thermal energy
Dendro thermal energy
The main causes for deforestation are
Overgrazing and agriculture
Industry and other developmental projects
Timber extraction
All the above
Which of the following methods of timber extraction cause minimum environmental damage?
Clear felling
Hand logging
Selective logging
Reduced impact logging
Forest is responsible for
Watershed protection
Land erosion control
Providing economic and environmental benefits
All of the above
The main reason for dam construction is
Flood control
Provide water to industry
A sudden uncontrolled descent of a mass of earth under the force of gravity is called
Soil erosion
The heat of the interior earth present at the volcanic regions, geysers or hot springs is called
Geothermal energy
Dendron thermal energy
Nuclear energy
Wind Energy
Which is called as the perpetual source of energy?
Nuclear reactors
Solar energy
None of the above
The least quality of coal with 95% carbon content and 5% volatile matter is
Lignite coal
Anthracite coal
Bituminous coal
Peat coal
All sources of water such as oceans, lakes, rivers, and underground water together constitute
Bio sphere
Famine is the result of
Overuse of surface water
A Prolonged drought
All the above
Prospecting, exploration, development and exploitation are the four phases of
Burning of biomass produces
Thermal energy
Bio energy
Wind energy
The equitable use of resources is necessary for
Sustainable development
Better lifestyle for all
To sustain natural wealth
All the above
India has second largest reserve of --------- after Brazil
Iron ore
Hygroscopic and combined water
Are used by plants during transpiration
Compensates for loss due to transpiration by plants
Stored in the xylem of the plant
Are of no use to plants
Any material that can be transformed into more valuable and useful product or service is called
None of the above
The single largest river development scheme in India is
The Narmada valley development project
The Damodar valley development project
The Ganga valley development project
The Tapti valley development project
Food security depends upon
Availability of enough food for all
Accessibility of food for all
Adequacy of food for all
All the above
Which of the following are renewable resources?
Forest cover
Solar energy
Only A
Both A and B
Which is the critical natural resource that constitutes only about 29 percent of the earths total surface?
Which of the following cannot be replaced easily
Land resources
Food resources
Non renewable resources
Energy resources
The splitting of the atomic nucleus is caused by
Either by nuclear fission or nuclear fusion
Both nuclear fusion and fission
Only nuclear fission
Only nuclear fusion
Disadvantages of solar energy are
More time required for cooking
Inactive in the absence of light
All of the above
None of the above
Bio diesel another transportation fuel can be produced from left over food products like
Vegetable oils
Animal fats
Both A and B
Human Fats
Which is called the main unit of gobar gas?
Sink well
Digestive well
Burning of the biomass produces heat energy known as
Bio gas energy
Bio mass energy
Bio energy
All the above
Petroleum is obtained by refining
Crude oil
Natural oil
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Which is used as a fuel in automobiles and aeroplanes?
Gear oil
Which consists of hydro carbon chains with at least 50 carbon atoms?
Light fuels
Carbon fuel
Gear oil
Which is a mineral oil found between the rocks and the earths surface ?
Natural gas
Fossil fuel
Which is the mixture of helium and a number of hydrocarbons?
Natural gas
Fossil Fuel
Which of the following is the lower grade of coal?
Bituminous coal
Anthracite coal
Lignite coal
Sink coal
Which is the widely used solid fuel all over the world?
Bituminious coal
Anthracite coal
Lignite coal
Sink coal
Which can be transformed into gas, liquid, low-sulphur?
Gobar gas
Fossil fuels include
Natural Gas
All the above
The higher the rate of energy consumption, the faster is the pace of development
Partially True
Partially false
What are the adverse impacts of modern agriculture?
Soil pollution
Water scarcity
Water logging
All of the above
Eroded agricultural land is now being replaced by
Marginal lands
Forest land
None of the above
Both A and B
What is NBA?
National bank association
Narmada bachao andolan
Nanda banda academy
None of the above
Which of the following are the procedures of mining?
Prospecting and exploration
Development and exploitation
Open cast and shaft mining
All of the above
Which of the following is the adverse impact of mining ?
Impact on health
Loss of land of local people
Both A and B
Only A
Equilibrium of the food chain is not necessary for the sustenance of the environment
Partially true
Partially false
Nuclear reaction chamber in which nuclear fission reaction is allowed to occur at a controlled rate by controlling the speed and number of neutrons is called
Nuclear reactor
Nuclear fission
Nuclear fusion
Nuclear power
Which of the following is the cause of which a fertile piece of land gets converted into a desert?
Continuous climate change
Soil pollution
Loss of genetic diversity
Soil salinity
In which of the following places there are water dispute?
Middle East, Eastern Europe , and South East Asia
Africa and East China
South Africa and Australia
Which of the following is the cause of drought?
Failure of monsoon
Non- availability of ground water
Both A and B
None of the above
When water moves downwards through moist soil under the force of gravity till it reaches a deep saturated zone of soil is called as?
Underground water
Gravitational water
Atmospheric water
Dam Water
The constituents of producer gas are
25 percent water vapour and 75 percent methane
42 percent methane 8 percent propane, rest carbon dioxide
55 percent methane, 45 percent carbon dioxide
45 percent methane, 20 percent carbon dioxide, 35 percent propane
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