Potatoic's Server Mod Quiz Mk 1

An illustration showing a group of diverse online moderators collaboratively managing a chat server, with moderating tools such as ban/kick options displayed on a digital screen.

Potatoic's Server Mod Quiz

Welcome to Potatoic's Server Mod Quiz! This quiz is designed to help you understand the essential responsibilities and guidelines of being a server moderator. Test your knowledge and ensure you're prepared for the challenges that come with the role!

  • 6 engaging questions
  • Multiple choice and open-ended formats
  • Assess your readiness to be a mod
6 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ModeratePenguin123
What should you do before banning someone?
Ask a fellow mod
Ask an admin
Ask the owner
How should you handle disputes if they occur?
Mute them
Kick them
Let them argue their points civilly
Threaten to kick them but actually do not
What should you never do as a mod?
Answer questions
Threaten to kick people
Express profanity
All of the above
Are racial slurs acceptable profanity?
If you see anything NSFW, you should: (select all)
Delete it
Ignore it
Ban/kick who posted it
Contact the owner
Why should you be mod?
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