Knowledge Transfer Prospects, Clients & Non-Client Business Process

Email address
Select all the records types that a User can create
Prospect - Legal Entity
Client - Individual
Non-Client - Individual
Client - Legal Entity
What step is suggested that Users take before creating a new Prospect or Non-Client?
Using the search bar, search to see if a Prospect, Client or Non-Client with the same name already exists
No extra step is necessary
If you are not on the Wealth Team for a Prospect, Client or Non-Client, you will not be able to see the details of the record unless you are above a Wealth Team member on the SF role hierarchy.
All of the fields become locked down on the Non-Client when it comes from source.
Only certain data will be brought over from ADSR and SPCG to the new instance for Clients, Prospects and Non-Clients.
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