Leprosy and skin bacterial infection

A detailed illustration of various skin infections including leprosy, melioidosis, and pyogenic granuloma on a human anatomy background, bright colors, educational style

Leprosy and Skin Infections Quiz

Test your knowledge on leprosy and skin bacterial infections with this engaging quiz! Designed for healthcare professionals and students alike, this quiz covers crucial topics related to skin conditions, their diagnosis, and treatment options.

Key Features:

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Focus on clinical presentations and management
  • Expand your understanding of complex dermatological issues
60 Questions15 MinutesCreated by HealingSkin42
A padi farmer has an abscess with discharging sinus on the knee for 6 months and wound culture grew Burkholderia pseudomelia. The following statements are correct, EXCEPT •
He had Melioidosis which can be treated with antibiotics
His brother also has an ulcer and he is likely to have been infected by his brother
The doctor treating him used Ashdown Transport media when sending the specimen to the laboratory
He needs further test to look for infection of internal organs.
Prolonged treatment form up to 6 months may be necessary.
Pyogenic granuloma often occurs as a painless red nodule on the finger. Which one of the followings statements is TRUE?
A number of species of organism has been found on culture
When it occurred during pregnancy (Granuloma partum), there is a risk of abortion.
It is treated with electrosurgery
The most appropriate antibiotic for its treatment is Gentamycin
If untreated, it may spread to other part of body by contact.
A young lady sees you for tender, erythematous, nodular lesion on both lower leg of 3 months duration. Her husband is treated for Pulmonary Tuberculosis. A skin biopsy was done, shows lobular panniculitis. Which one of the following statements is TRUE? •
She has Eryhthema induratum because Acid Fast Bacillus (AFB) is found on Zeihl-Nelson stain.
She has Eryhtema nodosum because her husband has Tuberculosis.
She has Erythema Induratum because her Montoux test is strongly reactive
Her chest X-ray will show evidence of Tuberculosis
She has Erythema induratum because her skin cleared with treatment with oral Prednisolone and Potassiun iodide
A 40 year old man had a cut on his knee after a fall about 20 years ago and come to you with a complaint that the wound has never healed after consulting many doctors. A skin biopsy was done, shows it was Tuberculosis Verucossa cutis. Which one of the following statements is TRUE?
The histopathologist found Acid Fast Bacillus (AFB) in the tissue section.
Mycobacteriun tuberculosis grew on culture of the tissue
The long history with fall, suggested that he can have a post-traumatic keloid.
He needs treatment with Rifampicin, Pyrazamide and Isoniazid
Chest X-ray usually shows evidence of active Tuberculosis
A healthy 20 year old man complains of hard painless growth on the dorsum of the right hand of 6 months duration. The following statements of his clinical problem are correct, EXCEPT:
He works in a farm breeding Siamese Fighting Fish and the one of the differential diagnosis is Fish Tank Granuloma
Diagnosis of Fish Tank Granuloma is confirmed by a positive culture for Mycobacterium marunum.
Co-trimoxazole tablets orally can be an effective treatment.
He may need anti Mycobacterial drugs like Rifampicin to cure the disease
Dissemination of Mycobacterium to internal organs may occur if left untreated for 1 year
A 70 year old man with Chronic Renal Failure under peritoneal dialysis, is being treated for Cellulitis of both forearm and has not improved with 3 weeks of Intravenous Amoxcillin and Cloxacillin. Which one of the following statement is INCORRECT:
Culture of biopsied tissue may reveal Streptococcus or Mycobactium
Mycobacterium abscesses can be the cause
You should order a culture for Mycobacteriun leprae to rule out leprosy
The dialysis apparatus should be checked for Mycobacterium hemophilium
Clarithromycin can be used for empirical treatment.
An elderly woman sees us for an ulcer over the right ankle which has been present for 3 years. Which one of the following statements is TRUE:
Finding varicose veins confirms the diagnosis of Stasis ulcer
Loss of pain sensation to pin prick suggested the cause may due to leprosy
Pseudomonas aueruginosa isolated with culture requires treatment with antibiotics
Pyoderma gangrenosum as the cause is confirmed by histology.
Buruli ulcer caused by Mycobacterium ulceran is common in tropical South East Asia
For the diagnosis of Mycobacteria infection of the skin, ONE of the following statements is TRUE:
Culture of Mycobacterium is the most sensitive method
T-spot and Quenteferon test is best use for excluding mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mountoux test differentiate Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Mycobacterium kansasii infection
Polymerase Chain Reaction test is currently available to identify all species of Mycobacteria.
Zhiel-neelson stain for acid fast Bacillus demonstrates mycobacteris for all cutaneous Tuberculosis skin diseases.
A healthy 9 year old boy has a blood test for his application for a visa. Blood VDRL was reported as positive. The possible causes include the following, EXCEPT:
He may have congenital syphilis
It is unlikely to be caused by sexually transmitted syphilis
A shallow scar on his shin suggest he has Yaws as the cause
He has exchange transfusion for Neonatal jaundice
Pinta cannot be excluded even when physical examination showed no abnormalities
A 4 year old child has an outbreak of pustular psoriasis. In addition to the psoriatic lesion, you found rash in the perianal region. The management of the patients will include the followings, EXCEPT:
No oral antibiotic is necessary because pustular psoriasis is a sterile pustule
Swab for culture of the perianal region to detect Streptococcus.
Short course of oral Methotrexate for 4-6 weeks.
Review the patient to ensure there is no relapse.
2 weeks of daily topical Fusidic acid cream to the perianal region
You are called to the emergency to see a 15 year old boy who is suspected to have suffered a burn injury, but the parents refuse any history of burn. Which one of the following statements is TRUE:
Positive Nikolsky’s sign exclude drug eruption as the cause.
Finding a Gram Positive cocci on Gram stain confirms staphylococcal Scalded skin Syndrome
Long term anti-staphylococcal antibiotics given early, is the most important live saving measure
You will suggest to the referring doctor to ask treat him as a burn patient
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis can’t be the cause since he has not taken any oral medication
A middle-aged woman has 4 weeks history of red subcutaneous nodules on the lower extremities, which is tender. The following statements are true, EXCEPT:
She has Erythema nodosum because you found out that the lesion fades as new ones develop
All tests to exclude Tuberculosis should be done
Prednisolone can be given after even all tests for infection turn out to be negative
Erythema nodosum will heal with scar if it is not treated early enough
Potassium Iodide is one of useful medicine
An 18 year old schoolboy is referred to you for 6 episodes of furunculosis over the last 3 months. The relevant step to take in managing in this patient include the following, EXCEPT:
Culture and sensitivity test to guide you on choice of antibiotic to be used
Investigation to exclude common immunocompromised status
Order a Toluidine blue test
Consider prescribing oral Clindamycin
Perform an Incision and Drainage
This 60 year old woman has been treated for diabetes mellitus for 10 years. She has an abscess on the back of her neck for 2 years and it has not improved after 5 courses of antibiotics. You made a diagnosis of a Carbuncle. ONE most important step you will take is :
Incision and drainage with closure of the wound to prevent scaring.
At least 3 weeks of antibiotics basing on culture and sensitivity.
Male sure her blood sugar is well controlled
Get a surgeon to open up the carbuncle
Instruct the nurse to dress the wound twice a day
A man from Germany has come to Cambodia 4 weeks ago and come to consult you for a red lesion on the abdomen and want to know whether he has Erythema Chronicum migrans. The following points in the history are relevant EXCEPT:
He has been bitten by bed-bugs
The Erythema is increasing in size in a circular manner
He has been tracking in the jungle in Germany before coming to Cambodia
He is allergy to the tetracycline group of drugs
Whether he has systemic symptoms like fever and cough
A 30 year old soldier has lesions on both feet which are wet, partly erosive, with smell. He is otherwise healthy. The differential diagnosis include the following, Except:
Tinea pedis caused by a fungus
Pitted keratolysis caused by kytococcus
Contact dermatitis to the leather boot
Infection by Corynebacterium stationis
Bullous impetigo caused by Staphylococcus
Staphylococus aureus is a common bacteria causing infection on skin. It’s virulence factors include the following EXCEPT: •
Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxi n -1 causes Toxic Shock Syndrome.
Epidermolytic toxin A causes bulla of bullous impetigo
Panton-Valentine Luecocidin (VPL) is more common in Hospital-acquired Methicillin-reisitant Staphylococcus auerus.
VPL causes defect in White blood cell of human
Superantigen is a factor in Atopic dermatitis.
A 50 year old woman was admitted for Cellulitis of the right leg. This is the 4th admission for cellulitis during the last 9 months. You also noticed that she has onychomycosis of the toe nail. The following statements regarding this patient are true, EXCEPT:
Escherecia coli may be the organism causing it.
Treatment for her Onychomycosis with anti-fungal treatment need to be given immediately.
Long term antibiotics for up to a year may be given
Lymphactic obstruction may result in progressive, swelling of the leg
She will require all investigations to exclude immunocompromised status
The difference between Cellulitis and Erysepilas is ONE of the followings
There is lympphactic involvement in erysepilas
Erysepilothrix rhuesopathia is the organism in Erysepilas
The bacteria can be found in fluid of erysepilas lesion but cellulitis has no bacteria.
Histology is diagnostic for cellulitis but erysepilas shows nonspecific features
Cellulitis may be complicated by poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis but not erysepilas
Necrotising Fasciitis is considered one of the dermatological emergencies. The following statements are correct EXCEPT:
Streptococcus and Staphylococcus may be the cause and in this case, intensive antibiotics treatment will be sufficient
In cases of polymicrobial origin, surgery is needed in addition to antibiotics
Vibro hemolyticus acquired from water may be a cause
The disease can progress rapidly and result in death
When the neck is affected (Ludwig’s angina) , tooth infection may be the source of bacteria
A 6 year old boy consulted for multiple rounds, erythematous and erosive plaques with Yellow crust. We found most of the lesions are around the nose and the mouth. On the body, we saw purulent blisters. The kid is otherwise healthy. Blood test shows leucocytosis and high ERS. Parents reported that 4 others classmate has the same skin lesion. What is your most likely diagnosis?
Drug eruption
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Allergic contact dermatitis
Pustular psoriasis
Impetigo contagiosa
A 6 year old boy consulted for multiple rounds, erythematous and erosive plaques with Yellow crust. We found most of the lesions are around the nose and the mouth. On the body, we saw purulent blisters. The kid is otherwise healthy. Blood test shows leucocytosis and high ERS. Parents reported that 4 others classmate has the same skin lesion,What complication you usually would be met? Tick the WRONG answer
Healing with deep scar and keloid
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
Acute Glomerulonephritis
A 6 year old boy consulted for multiple rounds, erythematous and erosive plaques with Yellow crust. We found most of the lesions are around the nose and the mouth. On the body, we saw purulent blisters. The kid is otherwise healthy. Blood test shows leucocytosis and high ERS. Parents reported that 4 others classmate has the same skin lesion, What is the most useful laboratory examination you will do in 3 weeks?
ASLO serology
A 6 year old boy consulted for multiple rounds, erythematous and erosive plaques with Yellow crust. We found most of the lesions are around the nose and the mouth. On the body, we saw purulent blisters. The kid is otherwise healthy. Blood test shows leucocytosis and high ERS. Parents reported that 4 others classmate has the same skin lesion, What would you advise his parents? Tick the WRONG answer:
Your son should stay away from school
Wash your hands frequently
Your son could not eat meat
Wash or wipe down toys with detergent and warm water
Don’t share flannels, sheets or towels
A 6 year old boy consulted for multiple rounds, erythematous and erosive plaques with Yellow crust. We found most of the lesions are around the nose and the mouth. On the body, we saw purulent blisters. The kid is otherwise healthy. Blood test shows leucocytosis and high ERS. Parents reported that 4 others classmate has the same skin lesion, What antibiotic you would prescribe?
The complications of untreated chlamydial cervicitis include (which answer is incorrect?):
Ectopic pregnancy
Reactive arthritis
Trichomonas vaginalis infection (which answer is correct?):
Is more frequently symptomatic in men than in women
Is usually confirmed by culture on Sabaurod-agar
Can cause fever and malaise
Requires treatment with intramuscular penicillin
Causes often a purulent discharge with fishy odour
A biological false positive VDRL can occur in (which answer is correct?):
Pemphigus vulgaris
Infectious hepatitis
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
The principles of treatment of STDs include the following, (which answer is incorrect?):
Accurate diagnosis with laboratory confirmation
Hospital admission on cases of uncertain diagnosis
Treatment of sexual partner(s)
Giving adequate dosage of antibiotics
Giving adequate duration of treatmenent
The following are recommended routine tests for people working as prostitutes (which answer is incorrect?):
Serological testing for syphilis
Serological testing for HIV
Serological testing for hepatitis
Culture for Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Culture for Mycoplasma
The following statements are related to genital herpes, which one is correct?
A chronic bacterial infection
A chronic viral infection
A transient infection caused by a protozoal organism
A transient viral infection
A fungal infection
One of the following statements is true for Genital herpes
Genital herpes is a chronic infection of HPV
Genital herpes is curable
Genital herpes is the major clinical presentation of HSV-1 infection, but it may also result from HSV-2
Genital herpes is the major clinical presentation of HSV-2 infection, but it may also result from HSV-1
Genital herpes is usually transmitted from mother to child via placenta.
The female patient comes to the STD clinic. She complains about painful genital ulcer, itching, dysuria, vaginal and urethral discharge, and tender inguinal lymphadenopathy. History taking, those lesions are started by erythematous, group of vesicles, pustules on labia minora and became ulcer. What is the most likely diagnosis:
Bacterial vaginosis
Primary syphilis
Genital herpes
Candidiasis vaginitis
The following STD may lead to heart disease or insanity. Which one is the best answer?
Herpes simplex virus
Human papilloma virus
The response to treatment of syphilis can be assessed by:
Clinical symptoms
TP PA titer
RPR titer
FTA-ABS test
Polymerase chain reaction
Drug of choice in secondary syphilis is :
Benzathine benzylpenicillin
Crystalline penicillin
Procaine penicillin
The clinical signs in secondary syphilis is:
Gummata of bone
Condyloma accuminata
Painless, hard chancre
Palmoplantar keratoderma
Genital or oral mucous patch
The patient comes to the STD clinic, was diagnosed as secondary syphilis and treated by 2.4 MUI benzathine benzylpenicillin for 2 months before coming to STD clinic. The laboratory investigation reveals TPPA(+), RPR(+) at 1/16. What is the appropriate treatment for this patient?
Benzathine benzylpenicillin 2.4MUI
Doxycycline 100mg two times per day for 14 days
Follow up until 6 months and re-assessment
Ceftriaxone 1g/day for 2 weeks
Culture for treponama pallidum and susceptibility
Treatment of choice for syphilis during pregnancy is
Penicillin G
Penicillin V
Female patient came to Dermatology department for her skin problems. Physical examination showed erythematous to coppercolored round papules, well demarcated with an annular scale, on palm and sole. She said no pain, no itch. What is your diagnosis?
Allergic contact dermatitis
Pityriasis rubra pilaris
Disseminated gonoccocal infection
Secondary syphilis
What is the organism which caused Lymphogranuloma Venereum?
Treponema palliduma
Haemophilus ducreyi
Chlamydia trachomatis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis
What is the best treatment for Lymphogranuloma Venereum?
Ciprofloxacin 500mg, 1 tablet twice daily for 3 days and Doxycycline 100mg 1 tablet twice daily for 14 days
Doxycycline 100 mg, 1tablet twice daily for 14 days,
Azithromycin 1g once, as single dose
Cefixime, 400 mg as a single dose
Benzathine penicillin, 2.4 million IU IM as a single dose
The following statements are concerning HPV-infection, which one is incorrect?
Symptoms of Genital warts are sometime disappeared by good immune responses
Genital warts can transmit one way only
Genital warts could lead to SCC
Treatment of genital warts is only to clear symptom
Most of genital warts are asymptomatic
Which one of the follow diseases is rarely associated with HIV-infection?
Systemic Candidiasis
B- Cell lymphomas
Kaposi sarcoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Herpes zoster
Which one is the most common pathogen found in urethritis?
Chlamydia trachomatis
Ureaplasma urealyticum
Streptococcus pyogenous
Mycoplasma hominis
Treponema palliduma
A 30 year-old man with 59kg consulted for painful lesions on the right side of his back. He reported about losing weight of 6 kg for 6 months and about fevers 38.6 ̊C and malaise since 4 days, before the skin lesions. He took Paracetamol since the first day, but it could release fever and pain for a short time only. Redness skin lesions instead appeared on the back. Examination we found erythematous plaques, band like with clusters vesicles, partly bullae and erosion on right upper back and on the right chest. His skin otherwise looks dry.What is your likely diagnosis? Choses your best answer?
Herpes simplex
Pemphigus vulgaris
Drug eruption
A 30 year-old man with 59kg consulted for painful lesions on the right side of his back. He reported about losing weight of 6 kg for 6 months and about fevers 38.6 ̊C and malaise since 4 days, before the skin lesions. He took Paracetamol since the first day, but it could release fever and pain for a short time only. Redness skin lesions instead appeared on the back. Examination we found erythematous plaques, band like with clusters vesicles, partly bullae and erosion on right upper back and on the right chest. His skin otherwise looks dry. With your diagnosis, you would like to do further physical examination on the patient, which one is the most useful
Check genital area if he has also blister
Check conjunctiva if the patient has erosion
Check oral mucosae for oral thrust
Check the scalp if the patient has also blister
Check the peri-umbilical area if the patient has erosion
A 30 year-old man with 59kg consulted for painful lesions on the right side of his back. He reported about losing weight of 6 kg for 6 months and about fevers 38.6 ̊C and malaise since 4 days, before the skin lesions. He took Paracetamol since the first day, but it could release fever and pain for a short time only. Redness skin lesions instead appeared on the back. Examination we found erythematous plaques, band like with clusters vesicles, partly bullae and erosion on right upper back and on the right chest. His skin otherwise looks dry. What would be the most useful test you would do?
Total IgE
Skin prick test
Skin patch test
HIV test
Liver function test
A 30 year-old man with 59kg consulted for painful lesions on the right side of his back. He reported about losing weight of 6 kg for 6 months and about fevers 38.6 ̊C and malaise since 4 days, before the skin lesions. He took Paracetamol since the first day, but it could release fever and pain for a short time only. Redness skin lesions instead appeared on the back. Examination we found erythematous plaques, band like with clusters vesicles, partly bullae and erosion on right upper back and on the right chest. His skin otherwise looks dry. What is your most concern?
Damage to liver-function
Damage to kidney-function
Prolong pain or paresthesia of the skin lesion
Recurrent of skin lesions
Other people (contacted people) may get the same disease
A 30 year-old man with 59kg consulted for painful lesions on the right side of his back. He reported about losing weight of 6 kg for 6 months and about fevers 38.6 ̊C and malaise since 4 days, before the skin lesions. He took Paracetamol since the first day, but it could release fever and pain for a short time only. Redness skin lesions instead appeared on the back. Examination we found erythematous plaques, band like with clusters vesicles, partly bullae and erosion on right upper back and on the right chest. His skin otherwise looks dry. What is your treatment?
Oral steroid 1mg/kgBW with antihistamine
Topical steroid (clobetasole) apply BID and Oral antihistamine
Oral steroid 1mg/kgBW and paracetamol
Topical steroid (clobetasole) and oral antibiotic (cloxacilline 500mg TID)
Oral Aciclovir 800mg every 4 hours, paracetamol 500mg every 6 hours and Cloxacilline 500mg TID
Leprosy is a disease caused by (tick correct answer)
a virus
A protozoon
A bacteria
A fungus
A parasite
Leprosy is transmitted most likely by (tick correct answer)
Respiratory secretions
Uro-genital secretions
By trans-placentar infection
Incubation period for leprosy is (tick correct answer)
3 to 5 days
3 to 5 months
3 to 5 years
7 to 10 years
More than 10 years
In leprosy, cellular immunity is 0 and stable in (tick correct answer)
A diagnosis of leprosy is based on (tick correct answer)
A hypopigmented scaly macule
A hypopigmented anesthetic plaque
A pustular plaque
A group of vesicles
A hyperpigmented nodule
The germs causing leprosy divide every (tick correct answer)
24 minutes
24 hours
7 days
14 days
21 days
Treatment duration in PB leprosy is (tick correct answer)
3 months
6 months
9 months
12 months
24 months
Type II reaction (ENL, erythema nodosum leprosum) is immunologically a (tick correct answer)
Type I reaction
Type II reaction
Type III reaction
Type IV reaction
Type V reaction
In leprosy, a plaque with well demarcated border is characteristic for (tick correct answer)
MDT for MB leprosy according to WHO protocol consists of (tick correct answer)
Rifampicine / dapsone / ofloxacine
Rifampicine / dapsone / minocycline
Clofazimine/ dapsone / ofloxacine
Clofazimine/ dapsone / rifampicine
Clofazimine/ rifampicine / ofloxacine
{"name":"Leprosy and skin bacterial infection", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on leprosy and skin bacterial infections with this engaging quiz! Designed for healthcare professionals and students alike, this quiz covers crucial topics related to skin conditions, their diagnosis, and treatment options.Key Features:Multiple choice questionsFocus on clinical presentations and managementExpand your understanding of complex dermatological issues","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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