New music: first impressions

How do you like the music?
I love it, it fits the game well!
Its okay
Not that good/ Annoying (I muted it)
It's Terrible/ Remove it asap
I cant hear the music at all!
Does the music give you any new noticable lag (during gameplay)?
No, it seems the same as before
Yes, a lot
Some lag
How can we improve the music? (Pick all that apply)
It's already almost perfect!
Make it more quiet, loud music is annoying
Make it more epic/loud, eg. Dubstep style
Make the music more simple, like calm classical music
Make music for each biome
Remove music, its not needed
Does the site seem to load faster than usual today?
Yes, it's a bit faster
NO, its the same as before
Have you played the sandbox server?
Yes, its super fun, release it officially, asap! :)
Yes, it's okay
It's boring (Tweak it to make it harder to level up?)
{"name":"New music: first impressions", "url":"","txt":"How do you like the music?, Does the music give you any new noticable lag (during gameplay)?, How can we improve the music? (Pick all that apply)","img":""}
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