Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Wed, 8 Dec 21
[2112.03260] Adrian van Kan, Jannes Jegminat, Jonathan Donges: Estimating nonlinear stability from time series data
[2112.03263] Uday Narayan Ghosh, Laxmikanta Mandi, Prasanta Chatterjee: Effect of dust-ion collision on superthermal plasmas in cylindrical and spherical geometry
[2112.03272] Mengyue Peng, Faxiang Qin: Clarification of Basic Concepts for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Effectiveness
[2112.03274] A.Sh. Georgadze: Fast verification of spent nuclear fuel dry casks using cosmic ray muons: Monte Carlo simulation study
[2112.03316] W. Fox, G. Fiksel, D. B. Schaeffer et al.: A novel kinetic mechanism for the onset of fast magnetic reconnection and plasmoid instabilities in collisionless plasmas
[2112.03323] Xue Dong, Zhiqiang Wang, William H. Renninger: 120-fs single-pulse generation from stretched-pulse fiber Kerr resonators
[2112.03326] Michael Vennettilli, Louis Gonzalez, Nicholas Hilgert et al.: Autologous chemotaxis at high cell density
[2112.03387] Guillaume de Guyon, Karen Mulleners: Estimating the non-dimensional energy of vortex rings by modelling their roll-up
[2112.03403] Samuraí Brito, Rute Oliveira, Raabe Oliveira et al.: A portrait of the collaboration network in quantum information
[2112.03410] Shohei Minato, Tsutomu Kiguchi, Ranajit Ghose: A new model for acoustic-poroelastic coupling of compressional body and Stoneley waves at a fault zone
[2112.03417] Ryo Araki, Wouter J. T. Bos, Susumu Goto: Intrinsic periodicity of turbulence
[2112.03418] Ayse Bat, Emrah Tiras, Vincent Fischer et al.: Low Energy Neutrino Detection with a Portable Water-based Liquid Scintillator Detector
[2112.03434] Vinitha Johny, KV Chinmaya, Muhammed Nihal CV et al.: Towards real-time oxygen sensing: From nanomaterials to plasma
[2112.03441] Sallam Alagawani, Vladislav Vasilyev, Feng Wang: Benchmarking the performance of DFT functionals for absorption and fluorescence spectra of EGFR inhibitor AG-1478 using TD-DFT
[2112.03469] Mohammadreza Momenifar, Enmao Diao, Vahid Tarokh et al.: Emulating Spatio-Temporal Realizations of Three-Dimensional Isotropic Turbulence via Deep Sequence Learning Models
[2112.03489] B. Miao, J.E. Shrock, L. Feder et al.: Multi-GeV electron bunches from an all-optical laser wakefield accelerator
[2112.03491] Jeffmin Lin, Gil Goldshlager, Lin Lin: Explicitly antisymmetrized neural network layers for variational Monte Carlo simulation
[2112.03524] Suyi Zhao, Zilong Zhang, Yuan Gao et al.: Self-healing and transformation characteristics of obstructed Hermite-Gaussian modes composed structured beams
[2112.03563] Yuan Tian, Yanrong Liu, Hao Wang et al.: Electrocatalytic reduction of nitrogen to ammonia in ionic liquids
[2112.03569] Samin Poudel: A Study of Lightning Activity over Different Ecological Zones of Nepal
[2112.03573] M. Giacomin, P. Ricci, A. Coroado et al.: The GBS code for the self-consistent simulation of plasma turbulence and kinetic neutral dynamics in the tokamak boundary
[2112.03579] Paolo Tancioni, Ulisse Gendotti: Gamma dose rate monitoring using a Silicon Photomultiplier-based plastic scintillation detector
[2112.03591] Klaus Reimann, Michael Woerner, Thomas Elsaesser: Two-Dimensional Terahertz Spectroscopy of Condensed-Phase Molecular Systems
[2112.03601] P. Simon, F. Sahraoui: Exact law for compressible pressure-anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence: a link between fluid cascade and instabilities
[2112.03673] Balázs Vető: Galilean invariant retarded electric interaction of moving charges
[2112.03681] Stefano Biasi, Riccardo Franchi, Filippo Mione et al.: An interferometric method to estimate the eigenvalues of a Non-Hermitian two-level optical system
[2112.03698] Ishat Raihan Jamil, Mayeesha Humaira: Modeling and Predicting Blood Flow Characteristics through Double Stenosed Artery from CFD simulation using Deep Learning Models
[2112.03702] DANSS Collaboration: I. Alekseev, V. Belov, V. Brudanin et al.: Observation of the temperature and barometric effects on the cosmic muon flux by the DANSS detector
[2112.03713] Anne Louchet-Chauvet, Thierry Chanelière: Limits to the sensitivity of a rare-earth-enabled cryogenic vibration sensor
[2112.03714] Georgios E. Arnaoutakis, Elena Favilla, Mauro Tonelli et al.: Single crystal monolithic up-converter solar cell device tandems with integrated optics
[2112.03747] Ioannis Katsantonis, Sotiris Droulias, Costas M. Soukoulis et al.: Chirality sensing employing PT-symmetric and general gain-loss optical systems
[2112.03764] Xiaodong Qiu, Haoxu Guo, Lixiang Chen: Quantum teleportation of high-dimensional spatial modes: Towards an image teleporter
[2112.03770] Daniel Uhl, Andreas Wituschek, Ulrich Bangert et al.: Improved stabilization scheme for extreme ultraviolet quantum interference experiments
[2112.03774] I. Hubač, S. Wilson: Non-adiabatic theory of the hydrogen bond. Quantum computation?
[2112.03792] Fabian Meylahn, Benno Willke: Stabilized laser systems at 1550nm wavelength for future gravitational wave detectors
[2112.03817] Deneb Boito, Cem Yolcu, Evren Özarslan: Multidimensional diffusion MRI methods with confined subdomains
[2112.03825] D. Dolinina, A. Yulin: Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the dynamics of three interacting nonlinear optical resonators with gain and loss
[2112.03831] Maria Zankl, Jonathan Eakins, Jose-Maria Gomez Ros et al.: EURADOS Intercomparison on the Usage of the ICRP/ICRU Adult Reference Computational Phantoms
[2112.03843] Florian Vixège, Alain Berod, Pierre-Yves Courand et al.: Full-volume three-component intraventricular vector flow mapping by triplane Doppler echo
[2112.03846] Jose M. Gomez-Ros, Montserrat Moraleda, Pedro Arce et al.: Monte Carlo calculation of the organ equivalent dose and effective dose due to immersion in a 16N beta source in air using the ICRP Ref...
[2112.03854] J Eakins, C Huet, H Brkić et al.: Monte Carlo calculation of organ and effective dose rates from ground contaminated by Am 241: Results of an international intercomparison exercise
[2112.03870] Marijke De Saint-Hubert, Katarzyna Tyminska, Liliana Stolarczyk et al.: Fetus dose calculation during proton therapy of pregnant phantoms using MCNPX and MCNP6.2 codes
[2112.03880] M. De Saint-Hubert, J. Farah, M. Klodowska et al.: The influence of nuclear models and Monte Carlo radiation transport codes on stray neutron dose estimations in proton therapy
[2112.03895] Oleg S. Ugolnikov: Altitude and Particle Size Measurements of Noctilucent Clouds by RGB Photometry: Radiative Transfer and Correlation Analysis
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Wed, 8 Dec 21","img":""}