Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 29 Apr 22
[2204.13107] Peter Moeck: Objective crystallographic symmetry classifications of a noisy crystal pattern with strong Fedorov type pseudosymmetries and its optimal image-quality enhancement
[2204.13116] Daniel Shaffer, Jian Wang, Luiz H. Santos: Unconventional Self-Similar Hofstadter Superconductivity from Repulsive Interactions
[2204.13138] Thomas Paul Weiss, Ignacio Minguez-Bacho, Elena Zuccalà et al.: Post-deposition annealing and interfacial ALD buffer layers of Sb$_2$Se$_3$/CdS stacks for reduced interface recombination and ...
[2204.13152] Xuanyuan Jiang, Andrew Brooks, Shuanglong Liu et al.: Magnetic molecule tunnel heterojunctions
[2204.13159] Zhen Zhang, Renata M. Wentzcovitch: Anharmonic thermodynamic properties and phase boundary across the post-perovskite transition in MgSiO$_3$
[2204.13204] Jonathan Asher Pachter, Ken A. Dill: Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics Beyond the Ideal Heat Bath Approximation
[2204.13236] David H. Hurley, Anter El-Azab, Matthew S. Bryan et al.: Thermal Energy Transport in Oxide Nuclear Fuel
[2204.13240] Matthias Scheffler, Martin Aeschlimann, Martin Albrecht et al.: FAIR data enabling new horizons for materials research
[2204.13264] Wenjie Sun, Yueying Li, Ruxin Liu et al.: Evidence for quasi-two-dimensional superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates
[2204.13274] Simin Nie, Tatsuki Hashimoto, Fritz B. Prinz: Magnetic Weyl semimetal in K$_{2}$Mn$_3$(AsO$_{4}$)$_3$ with the minimum number of Weyl points
[2204.13276] Yu He, Shiqi Xia, Dimitris G. Angelakis et al.: Persistent homology analysis of a generalized Aubry-André-Harper model
[2204.13283] Mingda Guo, Ran Cheng: Field-Assisted Sub-Terahertz Spin Pumping and Auto-Oscillation in NiO
[2204.13300] Mingyuan He, Chenwei Lv, Qi Zhou: Universal relations for dilute systems with two-body decays in reduced dimensions
[2204.13302] Alexander Azarov, Vishnukanthan Venkatachalapathy, Platon Karaseov et al.: Interplay of the disorder and strain in gallium oxide
[2204.13312] Zhen Liu, Yongzheng Guo, Zhiyong Chen et al.: Observation of intrinsic crystal phase in bare CrI3 ferromagnetism
[2204.13318] Bo Peng, Zhiyong Chen, Yue Li et al.: Multi-wavelength magnetic coding of helical luminescence in ferromagnetic 2D layered CrI3
[2204.13334] Diana Gomes, Vladimir P. Markevich, Anthony R. Peaker et al.: Dynamics of hydrogen in silicon at finite temperatures from first-principles
[2204.13344] D. Valentinis, G. Baker, D. A. Bonn et al.: Kinetic theory of the non-nocal electrodynamic response in anisotropic metals: skin effect in 2D systems
[2204.13364] Mingzhao Zhuo, Gregory Offer, Monica Marinescu: Phase transition model of high-nickel positive electrodes: Effects of loss of active material and cyclable lithium on capacity fade
[2204.13383] Feng-Zhou Ji, Si-Yuan Bai, Jun-Hong An: Strong coupling of quantum emitters and the exciton-polariton in MoS$_2$ nanodisk
[2204.13387] Santos B. Yuste, Andrés Santos, Mariano López de Haro: Structural and thermodynamic properties of fluids whose molecules interact via one-, two-, and three-step potentials
[2204.13390] Tjeerd R. J. Bollmann, Maciej Jankowski: Kinetics and the crystallographic structure of bismuth during liquefaction and solidification on the insulating substrate
[2204.13391] Rui Liu, Jianxiao Gong, Mingcheng Yang et al.: Local Rotational Jamming and Multi-Scale Hyperuniformities in an Active Spinner System
[2204.13403] Guilhem Madiot, Franck Correia, Sylvain Barbay et al.: Random number generation with a chaotic electromechanical resonator
[2204.13431] Ron Aharon Melcer, Sofia Konyzheva, Moty Heiblum et al.: Direct Determination of the Topological Thermal Conductance via Local Power Measurement
[2204.13434] D.N. Dresviankin, A.V. Rozhkov, A.O. Sboychakov: Graphene on a ferromagnetic substrate: instability of the electronic liquid
[2204.13458] Sushant Kumar, Christian Multunas, Benjamin Defay et al.: Ultralow Electron-Surface Scattering in Nanoscale Metals Leveraging Fermi Surface Anisotropy
[2204.13462] Snehashish Chatterjee, Saurav Giri, Subham Majumdar et al.: Observation of Griffiths-like phase in the quaternary Heusler compound NiFeTiSn
[2204.13473] Nikolai D. Zhigadlo, Roman Puzniak: Spin-glass-like behaviour in SmFeAsO0.8F0.2
[2204.13482] L. Heinze, M. D. Le, O. Janson et al.: Low-energy spin excitations of the frustrated ferromagnetic $J_1$-$J_2$ chain material linarite, PbCuSO$_4$(OH)$_2$, in applied magnetic fields $\mathbf{H...
[2204.13517] Nikhil Danny Babu, Girish S. Setlur: Unconventional bosonization of chiral quantum wires coupled through a point-contact
[2204.13528] Zhedong Zhang, Shixuan Zhao, Dangyuan Lei: Quantum Fluctuations and Coherence of a Molecular Polariton Condensate
[2204.13529] Hua-Bi Zeng, Chuan-Yin Xia, Adolfo del Campo: Universal breakdown of Kibble-Zurek scaling in fast quenches across a phase transition
[2204.13533] Sergey K. Nemirovskii: Comment on "On the relations between large-scale models of superfluid helium-4" [Phys. Fluids 33, 127124 (2021]"
[2204.13551] Shuo Zhang, Panjun Feng, Dapeng Liu et al.: Binary transition metal nitride $M$N$_4$ ($M$ = V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) with a graphene-like structure and strong magnetic properties
[2204.13558] Jian-Hao Zhang, Yang Qi, Zheng-Cheng Gu: Construction and classification of crystalline topological superconductor and insulators in three-dimensional interacting fermion systems
[2204.13562] Aaram J. Kim, Jiajun Li, Martin Eckstein et al.: Pseudo-Particle Vertex Solver for Quantum Impurity Models
[2204.13576] Maxwell J D Ramstead, Dalton A R Sakthivadivel: Some Minimal Notes on Notation and Minima: A Comment on "How Particular is the Physics of the Free Energy Principle?" by Aguilera, Millidge, T...
[2204.13579] R. Chapai, A. Rydh, M. P. Smylie et al.: Superconducting properties of the spin Hall candidate Ta3Sb with eightfold degeneracy
[2204.13580] Vitaly Gorelov, Lucia Reining, Martin Feneberg et al.: Delocalization of dark and bright excitons in flat-band materials and the optical properties of V2O5
[2204.13588] Dai Nakashima, Ryusuke Ikeda: Vortex Lattice Melting Line in Superconductors with Paramagnetic Pair-Breaking
[2204.13598] Yang Tian, Hedong Hou, Yaoyuan Wang et al.: A unified theory of information transfer and causal relation
[2204.13600] Jean-Christophe Pain: On analytical formulas for the Virial coefficients
[2204.13612] Xuan Zou, Shuo Liu, Wenan Guo: Surface critical properties of the three-dimensional clock model
[2204.13615] Mohammad Charara, James McInerney, Kai Sun et al.: Omnimodal topological polarization of bilayer networks: theoretical characterization in the Maxwell limit and experiments on a 3D-printed prototype
[2204.13616] Ankit Roy, Prashant Singh, Ganesh Balasubramanian et al.: Vacancy formation energies and migration barriers in multi-principal element alloys
[2204.13623] Mohammad Atif Javed, Jakob Schwibbert, Roman-Pascal Riwar: Fractional Josephson effect versus fractional charge in superconducting-normal metal hybrid circuits
[2204.13633] Christina Koliofoti, Roman-Pascal Riwar: Majorana fermions revealing the true nature of quantum phase slip junctions
[2204.13639] Martin H. Müser: Improved cutoff functions for short-range potentials and the Wolf summation
[2204.13685] Shuxiang Zhou, Chao Jiang, Enda Xiao et al.: Improving empirical interatomic potentials for predicting thermophysical properties by using an irreducible derivatives approach: The case of thor...
[2204.13687] Shuxiang Zhou, Hao Ma, Enda Xiao et al.: Capturing the ground state of uranium dioxide from first principles: crystal distortion, magnetic structure, and phonons
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 29 Apr 22","img":""}
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